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March 23, 2004




Tuesday, March 23, 2004
4:00 p.m., City Hall, Room 408


Task Force Members

Seat 1

Nicole Dogwill

Seat 8

Garrett Jenkins

Seat 2

Bruce Brugmann

Seat 9

David Parker

Seat 3

Richard Knee

Seat 10

Alexandra Nickliss

Seat 4

Pawan Mehra

Seat 11

Marjorie Ann Williams

Seat 5

Heather Sterner



Seat 6

Doug Comstock


Donna Hall

Seat 7

Sue Cauthen


Note: First name after motion indicates initiator of motion; second name indicates seconder of motion. All motions unanimous except as noted.

Meeting called to order at 4:05 p.m.

Roll Call: Present: Dogwill, Knee, Sterner, Comstock (entered meeting at Item #4), Cauthen, Jenkins, Parker, Williams: Absent: Brugmann, Mehra, Nickliss

Agenda changes: Item #2 removed.


Approval of minutes of February 24, 2004.

Minutes approved. (Sterner/Knee) Absent: Brugmann, Mehra, Nickliss, Comstock)



Public hearing, continued from 2-24-04, complaint of Steve Cockrell against the Park, Recreation & Open Space Advisory Committee (PROSAC) for alleged failure to provide records in response to a public record request.

Item removed at request of complainant.



Citizen concern regarding Sunshine Ordinance Task Force procedures.

Community person expressed concern regarding not being able to secure records. The Task Force referred the person to two websites, and


Member Comstock entered the meeting at this time.



Proposed amendments to the Sunshine Ordinance.

Public comment from Peter Warfield regarding Section 67.22 ©; documents available at public meetings; cost of video tapes.

Public comment from David Pilpel regarding a number of items submitted to the Task Force, submitted at the meeting.

Public comment from Joan Girardot regarding public comment; tape recording of meetings; redacting of addresses; preparation of master list of documents.

Task Force discussed written comments submitted from David Pilpel; 67.22, 67.25, 67.22 © 67.23; Immediate Disclosure requirements; 67.9, 67.14, 67.15 (b), 67.16 (b), 67.23, 67.15, 67.14, master list of documents; RFP notification process; 67.6 (h), 67.15 (f) 67.35, 67.4 (a) (1), 67.24, 67.15 (c), 67.32 (b)



Administrator’s Report for March.

Report submitted.



Public comment for items not listed on the agenda.

Peter Warfield addressed the Task Force requesting his four submitted complaints against the Public Library be heard before the April 27 Task Force meeting



Future agenda items. None

The meeting adjourned at 7:35 p.m.

Donna L. Hall, Administrator

The 3/23/04 Sunshine Ordinance Task Force meeting has been audio recorded and is on file in the office of the Sunshine Ordinance Task Force.

Last updated: 8/18/2009 1:57:06 PM