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April 27, 2004



Tuesday, April 27, 2004
4:00 p.m., City Hall, Room 408


Task Force Members

Seat 1

Nicole Dogwill

Seat 8

Garrett Jenkins

Seat 2

Bruce Brugmann

Seat 9

David Parker

Seat 3

Richard Knee

Seat 10

Alexandra Nickliss

Seat 4

Pawan Mehra

Seat 11

Marjorie Ann Williams

Seat 5

Heather Sterner



Seat 6

Doug Comstock


Donna Hall

Seat 7

Sue Cauthen


Note: First name after motion indicates person introducing motion; second name indicates person seconding motion. Motions adopted unanimously except as noted.

Meeting called to order at 4:00 p.m.

Roll call: Present: Knee, Sterner, Comstock, Brugmann, Jenkins, Parker, Nickliss, Williams. Absent: Dogwill, Cauthen, Mehra

Agenda Changes: Item #2 moved to the end of the agenda.


Approval of minutes of April 14, 2004.

Minutes approved. (Nickliss/Parker) (Absent: Dogwill, Cauthen, Mehra)



Report from Compliance & Amendments Committee meeting of April 14, 2004.


--Draft minutes of April 14, 2004 (information item)

Chair Knee reported on the meeting of April 14, 2004.

Suggested ordinance amendments to be placed on the next meeting agenda.



Administrator’s Report for April.

Administrator Hall submitted written report.



Re-vote on the complaint of Peter Warfield against the Public Library for alleged failure to provide complete requested information regarding the RFID forum in a timely manner.

Member Brugmann agreed to have a revote on this item from the last meeting.

Motion to dismiss the complaint. (Comstock/Sterner) (Ayes: Knee, Sterner, Parker, Nickliss) (Noes: Comstock, Brugmann, Williams) (Absent: Dogwill, Cauthen, Mehra) (Jenkins not able to vote since he was not at the last meeting and did not listen to the tape of the meeting.) The motion failed due to lack of a majority of the members voting in favor of the motion.

Public comment from Peter Warfield in support of his complaint.

Public comment from Luella Harris requesting clarification of the motion.

A letter will be sent to the Public Library stating no formal action was taken on this complaint and urging the Public Library to be as diligent and expeditious as possible in providing information regarding upcoming forums and events.



Vote on the complaint of Peter Warfield against the Library Commission for alleged failure to provide requested information regarding audio and videotapes of a commission meeting in a timely manner.

Motion introduced to dismiss this complaint. (Parker/Sterner) (Ayes: Sterner, Parker) (Noes: Knee, Comstock, Brugmann, Nickliss, Williams) (Absent: Dogwill, Cauthen, Mehra) (Jenkins not able to vote since he was not at the last meeting and did not listen to the tape of the meeting.) The motion failed.

Motion introduced finding the Library Commission in violation of Sunshine Ordinance Sections 67.21 (a) and (b), (process for gaining access to public records); and 67.14 (b), (audio recording of meetings). (Comstock/Brugmann) (Ayes: Knee, Comstock, Brugmann, Nickliss, Williams.) (Noes: Sterner, Parker) (Absent: Dogwill, Cauthen, Mehra) (Jenkins not able to vote since he was not at the last meeting and did not listen to the tape of the meeting.) The motion failed due to lack of a majority of the members voting in favor of the motion.


Public hearing, complaint of Peter Warfield against the Library Commission for alleged failure to provide requested information regarding draft minutes in a timely manner.

Complainant Peter Warfield addressed the Task Force in support of his complaint.

Mike Housh, representing the Library Commission, spoke in opposition to the complaint.

Motion introduced to dismiss this complaint. (Parker/Nickliss) (Ayes: Parker) (Noes: Knee, Sterner, Comstock, Brugmann, Jenkins, Nickliss, Williams) (Absent: Dogwill, Cauthen, Mehra) The motion failed.

Motion adopted approving the following Order of Determination: (Brugmann/Nickliss) (Ayes: Knee, Sterner, Comstock, Brugmann, Jenkins, Nickliss, Williams) (Noes: Parker) (Absent: Dogwill, Cauthen, Mehra).

After consideration of testimony from Complainant Peter Warfield and from Mike Housh, representing the Library Commission, the Sunshine Ordinance Task Force finds the Library Commission was in violation of Sunshine Ordinance Section 67.16 (submittal of draft minutes in a timely manner).



Public comment for items not listed on the agenda.

Peter Warfield addressed the Task Force stating his reasons for appearing before the Task Force and his strong interest in issued regarding the Public Library.



Future agenda items.

Update from the Unified School District regarding the Sunshine Ordinance.

Update from the City College Board regarding the Sunshine Ordinance.

Public comment from David Pilpel regarding City College meeting.



Certificate of commendation to Bruce Brugmann.

Chair Jenkins presented Certificate of Commendation from the Board of Supervisors.


The meeting adjourned at 6:25 p.m.

Donna L. Hall, Administrator

The 4/27/04 meeting of the Sunshine Ordinance Task Force has been audio recorded and is on file in the office of the Sunshine Ordinance Task Force.

Last updated: 8/18/2009 1:57:06 PM