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December 21, 2004



Tuesday, December 21, 2004
4:00 p.m., City Hall, Room 408

Task Force Members

Seat 1

Erica Craven

Seat 8

Garrett Jenkins

Seat 2

Richard Knee

Seat 9

David Parker

Seat 3

Sue Cauthen

Seat 10

Alexandra Nickliss

Seat 4

Rosalina Contreras-Rosado

Seat 11

Marjorie Ann Williams

Seat 5

Heather Sterner



Seat 6

Doug Comstock


Donna Hall

Seat 7

David Pilpel


Note: First name after motion indicates member making motion; second name indicates member seconding motion. All motions passed unanimously except as noted.


The meeting called to order at 4:03 p.m.



Roll call: Present: Knee, Cauthen, Sterner, Comstock, Pilpel, Nickliss, Williams. Absent: Craven, Contreras-Rosado, Jenkins, Parker.



Agenda changes: Item #4, 6, and 7 continued to January 25, 2005.


Approval of minutes of November 23, 2004.

Minutes approved as corrected. (Comstock/Knee) (Absent: Pilpel)



Supervisor of Public Records (City Attorney) report.

Deputy City Attorney Dorji Roberts made the presentation.

Public Comment: Roland Sheppard.



Presentation by a representative from Ethics Commission regarding procedures of Ethics Commission when receiving a referral from the Task Force.

John St. Croix, Ethics Commission, and Richard Mo, Ethics Commission, made the presentation.

Public Comment: Francisco Da Costa.



Report from Complaint Committee meeting of December 14, 2004.

Continued to January 25, 2005. (Cauthen/Knee)

Public Comment: Francisco Da Costa

Member Pilpel absent for this item.



Continued Public Hearing of November 23, 2004, 10/10/04 complaint of Roland Sheppard against the Public Utilities Commission for alleged failure to produce records.

Roland Sheppard in support of his complaint.

Kevin Williams in support of Sheppard’s complaint.

Francisco Da Costa in support of Sheppard’s complaint.

Motion to find that there is no violation and urge that a redacted version of the EEO report be provided by PUC. (Cauthen/Williams)

Failed by the following vote:

Ayes: Sue Cauthen, Heather Sterner, Alexandra Nickliss

Nays: Richard Knee, David Pilpel, Marjorie Ann Williams

Continued to January 25, 2005 for reconsideration of the motion only.



Public Hearing, complaint filed by Luce Forward, Attorneys at Law, on behalf of Joe Cassidy, against Supervisor Maxwell’s Office for alleged failure to produce complete records.

Continued to January 25, 2005. (Cauthen/Knee)

Public comment: Francisco Da Costa

Member Pilpel absent for this item.



Public Hearing, complaint filed by Luce Forward, Attorneys at Law, on behalf of Sean Keighran, against Supervisor Maxwell’s Office for alleged failure to produce complete records.

Continued to January 25, 2005. (Cauthen/Knee)

Public comment: Francisco Da Costa

Member Pilpel absent for this item.


Member Comstock left the meeting at this time.



Report from Compliance & Amendments Committee meeting of December 8, 2004.

Member Knee made the report.



Report from City Attorney regarding request for information on Proposition 59.

Deputy City Attorney Ernest Llorente made the presentation.



Update on City College Board discussion of the Sunshine Ordinance.

Vice Chair Nickliss made the report. Schedule ad hoc committee meeting to discuss the update on City College Board discussion of the Sunshine Ordinance.



Administrator’s Report for December.

No administrator present. Possible issues: new administrator.



Public comment for items not listed on the agenda.

Dr. Ahimsa Sumchai, Hunter’s Point Shipyard

Anonymous complaint letter, refer to Complaint Committee for determination of jurisdiction.



Announcements, questions, and future agenda items from the Task Force.

Over-fulfillment of tape duplication request by the Ethics Department.



The meeting adjourned in memory of Beverly Kees and Allen Bass Eric at 7:53 p.m.

Submitted by Victor Young, Committee Clerk

*This meeting has been audio recorded and is on file in the office of the Sunshine Ordinance Task Force.

Last updated: 8/18/2009 1:57:06 PM