Motion to approve of minutes of April 26,2005. (Knee/Parker)
Public Comment: John Darmanin, review minutes
Ayes: Craven, Knee, Cauthen, Sterner, Comstock, Pilpel, Parker, Williams
Election of Officers.
- Chair: Member Comstock (Knee/Sterner)
Public Comment: None
Ayes: Craven, Knee, Cauthen, Sterner, Comstock, Pilpel, Parker, Williams
- Vice Chair: Member Craven (Sterner/Williams)
Public Comment: Lurilla Harris, regarding procedure
Ayes: Craven, Knee, Cauthen, Sterner, Comstock, Pilpel, Parker, Williams
Discussion of Public Noticing and Hearings.
Speaker: Gloria L. Young, Clerk of the Board spoke on the Board of Supervisors public noticing and hearings. Lurilla Harris, options to access noticing. John Darmanin, options to access noticing.
Motion to recuse Member Craven. (Pilpel/Knee)
Public Comment: None
Ayes: Craven, Knee, Cauthen, Sterner, Comstock, Pilpel, Parker, Williams
Motion to refer to Public Education and Information Committee, without objection.
Report from Complaint Committee meeting of May 10, 2005.
Member Cauthen made the report.
Recommendation to approve jurisdiction of complaint filed by John Darmanin against the SF Fire Commission for alleged refused public comment.
Speaker: John Darmanin, in support of jurisdiction
Motion to accept jurisdiction. (Sterner/Pilpel)
Ayes: Craven, Knee, Cauthen, Sterner, Comstock, Pilpel, Parker, Williams
Recommendation to approve jurisdiction of complaint filed by John Darmanin against the SF Fire Commission for alleged seriatim meeting rule by the Chair and two other members of the SF Fire Commission and for the Task Force to review the current practice of terminating discussions of Commission members prior to a vote.
Speaker: John Darmamin, in support of jurisdiction.
Motion to separate request, without objection.
Motion to accept jurisdiction. (Comstock/Knee )
Ayes: Craven, Knee, Cauthen, Sterner, Comstock, Pilpel, Parker, Williams
Motion for Task Force to review the current practice of terminating discussions of Commission Members prior to a vote. (Cauthen/Pilpel)
Ayes: Craven, Knee Cauthen, Sterner, Comstock, Pilpel, Williams
Noes: Parker
Recommendation to approve jurisdiction of complaint filed by John Kelly against the Office of the Treasurer/Tax Collector for alleged wrongfully and unlawfully failing to produce the requested information, records, written communications and memoranda.
Speakers: None
Motion to accept jurisdiction. (Cauthen/Pilpel)
Ayes: Craven, Knee, Cauthen, Sterner, Comstock, Pilpel, Parker, Williams
Public Hearing, complaint filed by John Darmanin against the SF Fire Commission for alleged refused public comment.
Speakers: John Darmanin, Complainant, Deputy Chief Gary Musatani, Fire Department, Commission Goldman, Fire Commission
Motion to defer after hearing Item #7, without objection.
Motion to continue, without objection.
Public Hearing, complaint filed by John Darmanin against the SF Fire Commission for alleged seriatim meeting rule by the Chair and two other members of the SF Fire Commission.
Speakers: John Darmanin, Complainant, Deputy Chief Gary Musatani, Fire Department, Commission Goldman, Fire Commission
Motion to defer after hearing Item #7, without objection.
Motion to continue, without objection.
Public Hearing, complaint filed by John Kelly against the Office of the Treasurer/Tax Collector for alleged wrongfully and unlawfully failing to produce the requested information, records, written communications and memoranda.
Speakers: John Kelly, Complainant, David Augustine, Office of the Treasurer/Tax Collector.
Motion finding the Office of the Treasurer/Tax Collector violated Sections 67.21, by the failure to disclose the Notices of Violation. Further, when the enforcement action and investigation are concluded, meaning there is no concrete and definite prospect of an additional enforcement action, the investigative files should be released. Failure to do so would be in violation of Sections 67.24 (d)(g) & (i). (Craven/Knee)
Ayes: Craven, Knee, Comstock, Pilpel, Parker, Williams
Absent: Cauthen, Sterner
Report from Compliance & Amendments Committee meeting of
May 11, 2005.
Member Knee made the report.
Recommendation the Task Force refer the Order of Determination of Ben Rosenfeld against the Sheriff’s Department to the Ethics Commission.
Discussion of the Order of Determination of Ben Rosenfeld against the Sheriff’s Department to the Ethics Commission.
Motion to refer the Order of Determination of Ben Rosenfeld against the Sheriff’s Department to the Ethics Commission.
Speakers: None
Ayes: Craven, Knee, Comstock, Pilpel, Parker, Williams
Absent: Cauthen, Sterner
Report from Public Education and Information Committee meeting of
May 12, 2005.
Meeting cancelled, no report.
Discussed alternative meeting day and/or time for Public Education and Information Committee.
Report from Ad Hoc Committee (City College) meeting of May 4, 2005.
Member Pilpel made the report.
Speakers: None
Motion to accept recommendation to send letter to Board of Trustees urging to adopt the resolution, without objection.
Continued discussion of member or public making harassing or discriminatory comments at a public meeting.
Item continued to next meeting.
Discussion of the SOTF proposed budget.
Item taken out of order and heard after Item #3.
Speaker: Gloria Young. Clerk of the Board
Discussion to change first sentence of draft memo to Budget Committee.
Administrator’s Report for April.
Adele Destro, Interim Administrator made the report.
Public comment for items not listed on the agenda. Public comment to be held at 5:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as possible.
Speakers: None
Announcements, questions, and future agenda items from the Task Force.
Speaker: Nick Mueller, new SOTF appointee for Seat 10
Follow-up with Jill Lerner, Index of Records Updates