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September 3, 2008




Wednesday, September 3, 2008

1 p.m., City Hall, Room 408

Committee Members: David Pilpel (Chair), Kristin Chu, Hanley Chan

Call to Order: 1:09 p.m.

Roll Call: Present: Pilpel, Chu, Chan (1:23 p.m.)

Agenda Changes: None

Deputy City Attorney: Ernie Llorente

Clerk Chris Rustom


Confirm Committee Regular Meeting Schedule or Lack Thereof.

Chair Pilpel wanted to know if a meeting had to be held regularly. DCA Ernie Llorente said there was no requirement.

Motion for committee to meet at the Call of the Chair.

Public comment: None

On the motion: Adopted without objection.


Review Committee Jurisdiction, Mission, Work Plan, and Topics of Interest.

Chair Pilpel said compared to other committees, Rules does not have a specific mission statement and work plan but is covered generally by Article VI of the TF's bylaws. The only part that would not apply would be the Complaint Committee's procedures in Sec. 10.

Public comment: None

No action taken.


Review Application of Hearing Procedures to Matters Other Than Complaint Hearings on the Merits.

Chair Pilpel said this is about the procedures on the last page of the agendas and is about applying the hearing procedures to matters other than hearings on the merits.

Member Chu said the committee should suggest but not dictate what other committees should or should not do.

Chair Pilpel wanted to add "With respect to hearings at the Complaint Committee and at the full TF regarding complaints the following procedures shall apply" after the second para in Section 10. He also wanted to move the two paras to Sec 11.

DCA Llorente did not see it as a problem.

Action item for next Rules Committee meeting. And to create marked version.

Public comment: None


Review Task Force Bylaws

Chair Pilpel said this was about bylaws in a broader sense. He said the order of business was incorrect and after discussions with Member Chu it was changed to read:

  • Call to order
  • Roll Call
  • Approval of meeting minutes.
  • Hearings on the jurisdiction and hearing on the merits of complaints
  • Committee Reports
  • Other policy matters
  • Administrator's report
  • Future agenda items

Rename EOT heading.and ask committee chair Allyson Washburn for one-liner mission statement.

Mr Rustom told the chair that Administrator was complying with the attendance requirements.

Public comment: None


Consideration of Amendment to Task Force Bylaws Providing for Task Force Review and Approval of Draft Committee Minutes if 6 Months Elapse and No Subsequent Committee Meeting is Held.

Chair Pilpel said this is about having the TF adopt draft minutes from committees that have not met for a number of weeks.

DCA Llorente said the TF could ask for and adopt minutes at the request of the committee or post it as an agenda item of the TF. He suggested language for Article V, Sec 1. Minutes to read "In the event a committee does not meet for a period of six months after its last meeting the minutes of that meeting shall be called by the full TF for review and possible approval."

Public comment: None


Consideration of Documenting Existing Task Force Policies Not Currently Documented.

Chair Pilpel said the guidelines exist for many TF operations but he was interested in those that are not documented such as the redaction policy and pdf documentation.

Ask Administrator Frank Darby what policies are not documented.

Ask Mr Rustom to speak to COB Angela Calvillo and DCA Cheryl Adams to see how the BOS policy system operates and what is and is not a policy.

Public comment: None


Public comment for items not listed on the agenda.

Public comment: None


Announcements, questions, and future agenda items from Committee members.

Chair Pilpel wanted to call another meeting to finalize today's discussion topics and present it to the TF. Members agreed to a meeting on Wednesday at 3:30 p.m.

Public comment: None

Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 1:54 p.m.

This meeting has been audio recorded and is on file in the Office of the Sunshine Ordinance Task Force.

Last updated: 2/12/2014 2:02:15 PM