City and County of San Francisco

April 10, 2000


San Francisco Youth Commission

Education and the Workforce Committee
Monday, April 10, 2000
4:00-5:30 pm
City Hall, Room 82

There will be public comment on each item.

1. Call to Order and Roll Call

2. Agenda Changes

3. Public Comment (This is chance for people to give their thoughts on youth issues, feed back to the Commission or any other comments. Each member of the public will be allotted the same number of minutes to speak.)

4. Staff Report

5. New Business

A) Discussion and possible action re: Creation of sub-committee on Universal Before and After School Child Care Programs. (40 minutes)
Members will discuss their plan for a universal after care program, the research they have done to support the need for these services, and who supports the idea. They will then discuss possible collaboration with the Child Care Planning Advisory Council, the Student Advisory Council, the School Board, community-based organizations, and other key groups to form a sub-committee to develop a proposal for a universal after care program.
B) Discussion and possible action re: Setting next meeting’s Agenda (5 minutes)

6. Announcements

7. Adjournment

Last updated: 9/2/2009 3:59:05 PM