City and County of San Francisco

January 03, 2000


San Francisco Youth Commission

Housing, Transportation, and Land Use Committee


DATE: Monday, January 3, 2000

TIME: 4:00 pm

PLACE: City Hall, Room 82

  1. Call to Order and Roll Call: The meeting was called to order at 4:10 p.m. Commissioners present: Chaz, Jewnbug. Tardy: Michael. Staff: Jessica Smith
  2. Approval of the Agenda: Agenda was approved.
  3. Approval of the Minutes: Minutes were approved.
  4. Public Comment: There was no public comment.
  5. Staff Report: Jessica reported back on the housing conference she attended at University of San Francisco, and will provide notes to committee members. She also found two possible lobby day dates that other organizations were already planning. The first, March 21, is being planned by Jericho, an interfaith state-wide housing organization, and the second, May 24, is being planned by Housing California as part of a three-day conference.
  6. New Business
    1. Discussion and possible action re: Choosing a focus for the lobby day. Commissioners will focus on legislation relating to families and low-income housing development and preservation, and all committee members will continue researching specific bills before the next committee meeting. Commissioners agreed to hold their lobby day on May 24 in conjunction with Housing California, and to work to coordinate a youth component of that lobby day.
    2. Discussion and possible action re: Review roles and responsibilities of committee members and timeline. By the next housing committee meeting, on Monday, February 7th:
  • Research and select bills for lobby day (by 2/7 by all members)
  • Contact Housing California and coordinate lobby day effort (by 1/10 by Jessica)
  • Contact legislators, including housing committee and Bay Areas representatives (by 2/7 by Chaz)
  • Contact SF housing organizations for collaboration on planning and outreach (by 2/7 by Jewnbug)
  • Create flyer/informational sheet about lobby day (by 2/7 by Michael)
    1. Discussion and possible action re: Setting next meeting's Agenda. At the next meeting, Commissioners will report back and give updates on their tasks. The Committee will then begin planning the outreach and logistics components of the lobby day.
  1. Announcements: Bob Hartnagle from Supervisor Leno's office announced that owner of the potential site for the transitional queer youth housing shelter on Market Street in the Castro has resubmitted his lease to the city at an affordable price, so plans are going forward to secure that site. There will be hearings at the Finance Committee of the Board of Supervisors and at the Health Commission on this proposed shelter sometime in February. Also, applications will be reviewed from service providers who propose plans to provide services at the site. The temporary queer youth shelter in Noe Valley will be before the Finance committee on January 12th at 10 a.m.
  2. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 4:55 p.m.

Last updated: 9/3/2009 9:16:40 AM