City and County of San Francisco

November 23, 2010

San Francisco Youth Commission
Health and Wellness Committee Minutes
Monday, November 23, 2009
City Hall, Room 345

There will be public comment on each item.

1. Call to Order
Chair Davidson called the meeting to order at 5:05pm.
Commissioners present: Davidson, Liang, Deng, Williams, Chan

2. Approval of Agenda (Action Item)
Commissioner Liang moved to approve the minutes, seconded by Deng. The agenda was approved unanimously by acclamation.

3. Approval of Minutes (Action Item)
Commissioner Davidson moved to approve the minutes, seconded by Chan. The minutes were approved unanimously by acclamation.

4. Public Comment on Items not on Agenda
There was none.

5. Business (All items to follow include Discussion and possible action)

A. Youth Clinics: Do you go to them? Are they accessible? What is reproductive health? —A Focus Group—
Michael Baxter, Primary Care Administrator for Youth Programs, SF Department of Public Health, asked commissioners a series of questions concerning their access to medical and b behavioral health care services.
There was a lively discussion concerning minor consent and confidentiality laws in California.

B. Teen Dating Violence/Gender Violence/etc: A Conversation on our Upcoming Forum
Commissioners had a round-table discussion concerning the dating violence resolution Commissioners Davidson and Liang have been drafting.
They agreed dating violence should be addressed in the SFUSD health education curriculum.
Commissioner Liang suggested that self-defense should become a physical education course available to SFUSD students.

C. Planning Movie Night on Unnatural Causes: Save the Date!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009 was tentatively selected as the night to watch part of the Unnatural Causes video.

6. Adjournment
Chair Davidson adjourned the meeting at 7:04pm.

Supplemental documents for agenda items are available for review at City Hall Room 345. Minutes are also available on the Youth Commission Website at:

Last updated: 5/12/2010 11:26:28 AM