San Francisco Youth Commission
Planning, Land Use and City Services Committee
Monday, December 14, 2009
City Hall, Room 345
There will be public comment on each item.
1. Call to Order
Acting Chair LaCroix called the meeting to order at 5:45pm.
Commissioners Present: LaCroix, Marshall-Fricker, Quintero, Quesada.
2. Approval of Agenda (Action Item)
Commissioner Marshall-Fricker moved to approve the agenda, seconded by Quintero. The agenda was approved unanimously by acclamation.
3. Approval of Minutes (Action Item)
Commissioner LaCroix moved to approve the minutes of the Planning, Land Use and City Services Committee meeting of November 9, 2010, seconded by commissioner Marshall-Fricker. The minutes were approved unanimously by acclamation.
4. Public Comment on Items not on the Agenda
There was none.
5. Election of New Chair
This item was tabled.
6. Business
A. Discussion and Possible action: Checking in on Individual Commissioner Projects
• MUNI: Service changes; upcoming hearing
• Redevelopment
• Affordable Housing: BOS File No. 090583
• HOPE SF: site visit on Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Commissioners took no action, but discussed the following two items: the Municipal Transportation Agency’s significant service changes, which went into effect December 5, 2009 and the possibility of organizing a visit to the public housing developments that will be rebuilt through the HOPE SF project. The affordable housing legislation (BOS file no. 090583), as well as the question of redevelopment, were both tabled.
B. Discussion and Possible action: Thinking about our upcoming community forum: What do we really want to work on?
Commissioners took no action but discussed—and here Marshall-Fricker and Quesada were particularly articulate—the possibility of organizing two forums for young people: one focusing on the issue of transportation and the other focusing on issues relating to middle schoolers.
C. Discussion and possible action: Thinking about the YouthVote Results
This item was tabled.
7. Adjournment
Chair LaCroix adjourned the meeting at 7:08pm.
Supplemental documents for agenda items are available for review at City Hall Room 345. Minutes are also available on the Youth Commission Website at