San Francisco Youth Commission
Planning, Land Use, and City Services Committee
Thursday, January 15, 2009
City Hall, Room 278
There will be public comment on each item.
1. Call to Order
Meeting called to order at 5:46.
Commissioners Present: Marshall-Fricker, Erlikh, Tsibulskaya
Staff Present: Gillian Bogart
2. Approval of Agenda
The agenda was unanimously approved.
3. New Business
A. Discussion re: HOPE SF Project input.
As follow up to the presentation made bye Sasha Hauswald and Kaila Price of the Mayor's office of housing, commissioners discussed ways the Hope SF project would be able to involve more youth in their planning process. Commissioners talked about ways to attract youth, like providing stipends or monetary incentives like gift certificates. Another idea was to have a youth mural design contest or designing committee as part of the community meetings. The conversation will be continued with other commissioners who could not make this meeting.
B. Discussion re: African-American Out-migration/ Family flight.
Staff, Gillian Bogart presented about some of the existing information about the exodus of African Americans from San Francisco, and spoke about its relevance to the commission, since many families are impacted. Already in existence is the African American Out-Migration task force, with a member Amos Brown who might be a good speaker for a hearing. There is also a report done by SF State about the issue and a number of discussions with community groups throughout the city.
4. Unfinished Business
A. Discussion re: report back for Bay Area Youth Environmental Summit Planning Committee (the event formally known as Youth Summit on Global Warming)
Commissioner Erlikh informed the rest of the committee about the meeting with city departments, ESLI, educators, and community-based programs to hold a Summit. Some commissioners will be a part of the planning committee. The proposed date is June 13th.
B. Discussion re: City Budget priorities.
The commissioners stated that their priorities were access to care, highlighting the need for universal health care, and that there would be a growing number of people who will depend upon the San Francisco Health Plan, and transportation costs, stating that they should not increase.
5. Announcements (This includes Community Events)
6. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 6:26pm.