City and County of San Francisco

November 9, 2009


San Francisco Youth Commission

Planning, Land Use and City Services Committee Agenda

Monday, November 9, 2009


City Hall, Room 345

There will be public comment on each item.

1. Call to Order

Chair Hernandez called the meeting to order at 5:10pm.

Commissioners Present: Hernandez, LaCroix, Quesada, Quintero, Marshall-Fricker

Staff Present: Peter Lauterborn, Mario Yedidia

2. Approval of Agenda (Action Item)

The agenda was approved unanimously by acclamation.

3. Approval of Minutes (Action Item)

The minutes of the last committee meeting of September 14 were approved unanimously by acclamation.

4. Public Comment on Items not on the Agenda

There was none.

5. Business

A. Discussion and Possible action: Checking in on Individual Commissioner Issues/Workplans

Hernandez led commissioners in a discussion of the various issues they have expressed interest in working on.

Quintero said she wants the committee to take a tour of one of HOPE SF sites.

Quesada said he was writing a resolution on the issue of the Sharp Park Golf course (which the commission has worked on in years past) and that he would present this resolution at the next full commission meeting.

All commissioners discussed the upcoming MUNI service changes.

B. Discussion and Possible action: Thinking about our upcoming community forum

Hernandez and staff led the committee in a conversation about the Recreation and Parks Department (RPD) and youth. Commissioners discussed: the two meetings where they heard a lot of public comment concerning the changes at the Rec Center in the SOMA, and also the things they like and don’t like about Rec Centers in San Francisco.

Commissioners came to the conclusion that youth input on Park and Rec decisions—especially those that relate to Rec Centers—is really important. At the conclusion of the conversation, commissioners concluded that maybe they would plan a hearing and/or community forum on this issue.

6. Adjournment

Hernandez adjourned the meeting at 6:50.

Supplemental documents for agenda items are available for review at City Hall Room 345. Minutes are also available on the Youth Commission Website at

Last updated: 11/22/2009 5:05:39 PM