Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Questioning Youth Task Force
Tuesday, March 23, 1999
6:00pm- 8:00pm
1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, City Hall, Room 278
- Call to Order and Roll Call.
- Approval of the Agenda
- Approval of Minutes from March 10, 1999
- New Business:
- Discussion re: Progress report from members who have not been able to attend meetings.
- Discussion and possible action re: Termination or continuation of Task Force after June 30, 1999.
- Discussion and possible action re: Working groups. Break out into working groups and discuss implementation of recommendations.
- Working Group reports: Working groups will report back to Task Force regarding any decisions or action steps that have been decided during the meeting.
- Discussion and possible action re: Setting next meeting’s agenda.
- Announcements
- Public Comment
- Adjournment
There will be public comment on each item.
Last updated: 9/2/2009 2:46:32 PM