City and County of San Francisco

January 26, 1999

San Francisco Youth Commission
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Questioning Youth Task Force

DATE: Tuesday, January 26, 1999
TIME:  6:00 p.m. - 8:00p.m.
PLACE: 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, Rm.278

  1. Call to Order and Roll Call
    The meeting was called to order at 6:02 PM. Present: Vitaly, Butler, Chen, DeVries, Kutner, Lamo, Otalvaro-Hormillosa, Ozoa, Robertson, Rothman, Slozberg, Turner (12) Absent: Michaels, Prozan, Rodgers (3)

  2. Approval of Agenda: Motion to approve agenda, seconded with no objections. (Objections to an agenda could be but not limited to: amending the order of items on the agenda, asking to remove an item from the agenda, correct typographical errors, etc.)

  3. Approval of Minutes January 13, 1999. Motion to approve minutes, seconded and approved. (Objections to minutes could be, but not limited to, typographical errors, minutes do not accurately reflect the content of the meeting they are for, some pertinent facts are missing...)

  4. New Business:

    1. Discussion and possible action re: Amending Task Force by laws, attendance policy. Last meeting members discussed the possibility of amending attendance policy to "Any member whom the Task Force certifies to have missed 5 or more meetings excused or unexcused". Members recommended that we more strictly enforce our current attendance policy instead of creating a new amendment. Motion to amend bylaws to read " Any member whom the Task Force certifies to have missed three regularly scheduled meetings of the Task Force in any six month period, with consideration of the Task Force members, shall be deemed to have resigned from the Task Force." Seconded with no objections. Motion to amend Section V, subsection C: 1 "A quorum is defined as fifty percent plus one of the full Task Force." Seconded with no objections.

    2. Discussion and possible action re: Structure, process and procedures for Task Force meetings. Motion to move this item to special meeting February 7.

    3. Discussion and possible action re: Breaking out into working groups. Working groups met and discussed implementation of recommendations.

    4. Working group reports.

      -Family, Housing and Shelter: They requested that members of Health and Mental Health ask Dana Van Gorder for more information regarding inspection of hotel housing for LGBTQQ youth. DHS has approved funding for a emergency shelter for LGBTQQ youth at Eureka Valley Recreation Center. We are currently waiting to hear from Rec and Park regarding approval of the EVRC as the shelter site. Members of the working group will be meeting with Bill Bettencourt of DHS and Debbie Alvarez of MOCYF.

      -Health and Mental Health: They decided that we should include recommendations 78 and 68 to proposed draft sensitivity training legislation. They also wanted the City Attorney to review whether language re: grounds for loss of funding could read must instead of "may, but is not required to, consider such material breach as grounds for terminating the contract" Dimensions needs a secure outreach budget and the working group felt that the Board or Mayor should look to provide 10,000 for outreach for Dimensions health clinic. They will be meeting with Dana Van Gorder regarding other issues soon. Recommendation 67 was forwarded to Youth and Schools working group and Recommendation 72 was forwarded to Youth Services.

      -Juvenile Justice: Working group meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 2, 6:30pm at Legal Services for Children.

      -Youth and Schools: Will be holding a focus group at LYRIC re: LGBTQQ youth’s treatment in schools, they are also preparing a letter for Superintendent Rojas and will speak with Queer sensitive teachers and follow up on incident tracking forms.

      -Youth Services: Will be contacting Youth Commission and MOCYF regarding needs assessment and Director of Rec and Park regarding expanded LGBTQQ services outside of the Castro.

    5. Discussion and possible action re: Setting next meeting’s agenda. The next Task Force meeting will be February 7, 1999 at New Village, 1426 Fillmore Street, Suite 210. The meeting’s agenda will focus on strategic planning for the remainder of our term. For the second Wednesday in February 10th, legislation regarding not forcing GID/GIDC diagnosis on people as well as legislation re: sensitivity training and needs assessments. For consideration of the Task Force enforcement of attendance policy concerning Sky Rodgers and Rebecca Prozan.

  5. Announcements

    -San Francisco Promise has money to develop new programs or to fund current programs which help to keep youth safe and help them to grow. RFPs were made available.

    -DHS approved funds for the emergency shelter for LGBTQQ at EVRC. We are just waiting for site approval from Rec and Park.

    -This Sunday is the Queer Youth Training Collaborative’s fund-raiser.

    -Young, Loud and Proud steering committee’s first meetings is this Sunday open to youth 25 and under.

    -March 22nd will be Queer Youth Lobby Day in Sacramento, contact Oren 703.6150X 15.

    -Proyecto Contra Sida Por Vida is still hiring for health educators get the word out.

  6. Public Comment: There was no public comment

  7. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 7:52pm

Last updated: 3/6/2014 3:15:43 PM