Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Questioning Youth Task Force
DATE: | Wednesday, March 10, 1999 | |
TIME: | 6:00 p.m. - 8:00p.m. | |
PLACE: | 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, Rm.278 |
1. Call to Order and Roll Call:
The meeting was called to order at 6:13 PM. Present: Vitaly, Butler, Chen, DeVries, Kutner, Lamo, Robertson, Slozberg, Turner (9) Tardy: Michaels(1) Absent: Otalvaro-Hormillosa, Ozoa, Prozan, Rothman (4)
2. Approval of Agenda:
Motion to approve agenda, seconded and approved. (Objections to agenda could be but not limited to: amending the order of items on the agenda, asking to remove an item from the agenda, correct typographical errors, etc.)
3. Approval of Minutes February 7 and 10, 1999:
Motion to approve minutes seconded and approved. (Objections to minutes could be, but not limited to, typographical errors, minutes do not accurately reflect the content of the meeting they are for, some pertinent facts are missing...)
4. New Business:
- Discussion and possible action re: Discussion of members who have been absent. Rebecca has been working on a grant for the Eureka Valley Recreation Center’s LGBTQQ youth program through the San Francisco Foundation for 10,000.00. Members should feel free to call Rebecca if there is something that she can advocate for within the Mayor’s office.
- Discussion and possible action re: Draft legislation mandating sensitivity trainings about LGBTQQ youth. John Kennedy, deputy city attorney was on hand to answer any questions members had regarding the draft legislation. John stated that we could not require contract termination due to breach of contract but that we could state that it may be an option. Language was added on page 4, line 16 to reflect that change. The City agency must report all breaches of contract to the HRC, page 4 line 14, not joint committee. We will be approaching Supervisor’s Ammiano, Katz and Leno to sponsor this legislation. Motion to approve draft legislation and forward to the Board, seconded and approved.
- Discussion and possible action re: Recommendation #50, development of a Task Force to discuss LGBTQQ foster care youth. Oren requested that this item be included as follow up to a meeting with the Department of Human Services. DHS committed to working to train foster care families and help to recruit LGBTQQ families so there are enough homes to place LGBTQQ youth in. Vitaly stated that Judge Donna Hitchens may be helpful in working around the issue of foster care youth. Oren stated that he felt that creating a Task Force around foster care youth may not be an efficient use of our time and that a Task Force related to homelessness and access to services may be more useful.
- Discussion and possible action re: Termination or continuation of Task Force after June 30, 1999. Members felt that we should strive to complete as many recommendations as possible but that if we feel there is need we may want to continue the Task Force. A majority of members felt that the Task Force should be continued a second year but there was consensus that the Task Force should change its form or goals. The new Task Force could possibly work towards continuing the work of the current Task Force but not continuing to implement more recommendations. We should approach the Board of Supervisors to discuss if they would be willing to support continuation of such a body.
- Discussion and possible action re: Breaking out into working groups: Working groups met and discussed implementation of recommendations.
- Working group reports:
-Youth Services: Will be meeting with Rec and Park to discuss expanded services for LGBTQQ youth outside of the Castro. They will also be meeting with DCYF and Susan Kim of the Youth Commission to discuss needs assessment for LGBTQQ youth throughout the City.
-Family, Housing and Shelter: Met with DHS regarding emergency shelter services, foster care youth, sexual abuse survivors, sensitivity trainings and a permanent shelter services for LGBTQQ youth. Will meet with DCYF and MOCD re: funding priorities and pushing funding for the permanent LGBTQQ shelter. Next meeting will be Monday, March 15th from 9-10:45am at LYRIC. Health and Mental Health will be taking recommendation 51 from Family, Housing and Shelter.
-Health and Mental Health: Have been following up on their meeting with Dana Van Gorder of DPH and will be meeting as a working group to develop a memorandum of understanding with the Department of Public Health directed to Mitch Katz, Director of DPH. They will be meeting with Barbara Garcia on March 15t h , chair of the Treatment on Demand Committee, to discuss treatment services for LGBTQQ youth. Next meeting will be from 6-8pm, March 17 at Tenderloin AIDS Resource Center.
-Juvenile Justice: Will be drafting a letter to Bob Wertz and will be scheduling a meeting in the future.
-Youth and Schools: Will be conducting a focus group with Gay Straight Alliances (high school student groups) in the City late this month and are drafting a letter to Superintendent Rojas to discuss their recommendations.
- Discussion and possible action re: Setting next meeting’s agenda: The next Task Force meeting will be March 23, 1999 at City Hall. Discussion of members who have missed more than 3 meetings: Rebecca Prozan. Continued discussion regarding continuation of the Task Force. If you would like to add an agenda item to the agenda please contact Josh at 554.6585 by Monday, March 15th.
5. Announcements:
-Community Boards is offering free conflict resolution services to anyone in the City, contact Bryan Kutner 510.444.6969 X10
-Queer Youth Lobby Day is March 22, register online www.incite.org, you need to register to go and if you need transportation contact LYRIC at 703.6150, the event will be from 9am-9pm.
-OHMY Conference will be April 17, call LYRIC ext. 9.
-Chaplaincy for the Homeless is looking for case managers call Meg Robertson 510.548.0551
-Journal article was recently put out regarding queer youth and how to conduct intake assessments and discuss orientation, see Billy Chen for article, 563.4477.
-Job training coordinator, starting part time in May at LYRIC.
-Peace and Safety Youth Advocacy Day will be held on April 12, contact Josh 554.6585.
-March 12, at Civic Auditorium 2-4pm, there will be a transgender issue forum call AIDS office. 554.9000.
-Tenderloin AIDS Resource Center has 2 positions open there, contact Tom at TARC (255-TARC).
-Oren will be on vacation and will miss the next 3 meetings.
6. Public Comment: There was no public comment
7. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 7:45pm