Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Questioning Youth Task Force
DATE: | Wednesday, April 14, 1999 | |
TIME: | 6:00 p.m. - 8:00p.m. | |
PLACE: | 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, Rm.278 |
1. Call to Order and Roll Call:
The meeting was called to order at 6:20 PM. Present: Vitaly, Butler, DeVries, Kutner, Ozoa, Robertson, Rothman, Turner (8) Tardy: Ingraham (1) Absent: Chen, Lamo, Michaels, Otalvaro-Hormillosa, Prozan, Slozberg (6)
2. Approval of Agenda: Motion to approve agenda, seconded and approved. (Objections to agenda could be but not limited to: amending the order of items on the agenda, asking to remove an item from the agenda, correct typographical errors, etc.)
3. Approval of Minutes March 23, 1999: Motion to amend minutes to change day from Wednesday to Tuesday and remove the name Michaels from the present section under Call to order and roll call and include Ozoa, seconded and approved as amended.
4. New Business:
B. Discussion - Re: Continuation or termination of Task Force after June 30th, 1999 At our last meeting there was consensus that the Task Force should continue. Rebecca Prozan advised that if the Task Force continues we should consider having the Task Force only meet quarterly and have a staff person with the Youth Commission/HRC follow up on what comes out of those quarterly meetings.
There was a discussion that this item should be continued until we are closer to writing our report in June. We will not be sure how to structure this Task Force until we know what our work load will look like after this year. Motion to continue the Task Force in some form seconded with no objections, we will recommend to the board to continue to Task Force.
C. Discussion and possible action re: Breaking out into working groups: Working groups met and discussed implementation of recommendations.
D. Working group reports:
-Family, Housing and Shelter: They will be attending the meeting with DHS and Larkin on the 20th of April and will be working with DHS to develop a MOU regarding LGBTQQ youth issues within the Department.
-Health and Mental Health: They have a draft of their letter to the Director of DPH and will be sending it to Dana Van Gorder to check over.
-Juvenile Justice: In process of getting letter out to Juvenile Justice director and is working with the Police Department to get more information regarding their sensitivity to LGBTQQ youth. They had a meeting with DHS regarding recommendation 110 but no actions were taken.
-Youth and Schools: Writing letter to Superintendent Rojas regarding several recommendations and will be scheduling meetings with Board of Education president Juanita Owens and the Queer Youth Leadership Project.
-There will be a meeting on April 20th @ DHS regarding housing services for LGBTQQ youth in the city and specifically on Larkin Street Youth Services.
-We need volunteers to do data entry for the Task Force.
-Dimensions has several health workshops coming up please get youth there.
-OHMY Conference is this Saturday at Urban High School.
-Gina is putting on a poetry show at Java on Ocean 1700 Ocean Ave., May 1rst, Sat. from 6-7pm.
-Youth Empowerment Conference is looking for workshops, volunteers and empowerment award nominations.
-Lena is coordinating a youth contingent for PRIDE and wants to get lots of input from people, also looking for youth speakers for PRIDE, needs to know within a week.
-Steven Cosa was nominated to be the PRIDE grand marshal, vote for him if you like him.
6. Public Comment: There was no public comment
7. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8:05pm