City and County of San Francisco

June 09, 1999

San Francisco Youth Commission
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Questioning Youth Task Force

DATE: Tuesday, June 9, 1999
TIME: 6:00 p.m. - 8:00p.m.
PLACE: 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, Rm.278

1. Call to Order and Roll Call: Present: DeVries, Ingraham, Kutner, Otalvaro-Hormillosa, Ozoa, Robertson, Slozberg, Turner (8) Tardy: ( ) Absent: Vitaly, Chen, Lamo, Prozan, Rothman (5)

2. Approval of Agenda: Seconded and approved. (Objections to agenda could be but not limited to: amending the order of items on the agenda, asking to remove an item from the agenda, correct typographical errors, etc.)

3. Approval of Minutes May 12th: Seconded and approved.

4. New Business:

  1. Discussion re: Progress report from members who have not been able to attend meetings. There were no progress reports from any members.
  2. Discussion and possible action re: Updates regarding work plan for the final report to the Board of Supervisors and the sunset of the Task Force. Copies of the format and table of contents for the final report were passed out and members were given a chance to provide feedback. Feedback was incorporated and will go into the final report for presentation to the Board. There was an extended discussion about how to acknowledge community based organizations who have worked to implement recommendations. We decided the standard for who would be recognized within the report would be agencies who have worked with the departments to implement recommendations. Motion to accept this standard was voted on, those in favor: DeVries, Kutner, Robertson, Slozberg, Turner those abstaining: Otalvaro-Hormillosa & Ozoa. A majority of Task Force members voted in favor of this motion and was passed.

The format for the Final Report will be as follows:

    1. Introduction (Set up of document, limitations of Task Force and comment on the need for ongoing work around these issues)
    2. Background and History of the Task Force (limitations, membership, link to Methodology appendix)
    3. Findings
    4. -Permanent Shelter
      -Any recommendations that fall under all city departments

    5. Future of Task Force
    6. Progress Reports by Department (alpha order, with credits to agencies or groups who have worked with this department to implement recommendations).
    7. -Board of Supervisors
      -Dept. of Children, Youth and Their Families
      -Dept. of Human Services
      -Dept. of Public Health
      -Dept. of Recreation and Parks
      -Human Rights Commission
      -Police Department
      -San Francisco Unified School District
      -Youth Commission
      -Youth Guidance Center

      under each department the recommendations that pertain to them will be display in this order: Completed before Task Force, Completed after Task Force, Not yet completed [sub categories in this section will be: In progress, No action taken at this time]

    8. Appendix (the appendix will include):
    9. -Recommendations divided by the working groups
      -Memorandums of Understanding

  1. Discussion and possible action re: Continuation of the Task Force, format of the body and recommendations to the Board of Supervisors regarding continuation. No action was taken on this item.
  2. Discussion and possible action re: Working groups did not meet.
  3. Working group reports: Working groups did not meet, no reports were given.
  4. Discussion and possible action re: Setting next meeting’s agenda.
  5. -Debrief about this year and how to make changes for next year.
    -Future of the Task Force.

    5. Announcements:

    -Lena needs a list of anything you would like to include in the Report.
    -Bryan announced that he did the support group facilitator training through the AIDS Health Project.

    6. Public Comment: There was no public comment

    7. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8:03pm


    Last updated: 3/6/2014 3:25:14 PM