City and County of San Francisco

September 09, 1998

The San Francisco Youth Commission
LGBTQQ Youth Task Force
DATE:     Wednesday, September 9, 1998
TIME:      5:00p.m - 7:00p.m.
PLACE:   401 Van Ness Avenue, Rm. 322

  1. Call to Order and Roll Call
    The meeting was call to order at 5:15 PM. Present: Vitaly, DeVries, Ingraham, Johnson, Kutner, Lamo, Prozan, Robertson (8) Tardy: Otalvarro-Hormilosa (5:35), Ozoa (5:30), Rothman (5:40) Slozberg (5:25), Turner (5:30) (5) Absent: Rogers, Tactay (2).

  2. Comments from the Chair
    Joshua Todd acted as chair for the duration of this meeting. Mr. Todd discussed the materials being used during the meeting. Materials included: agenda, overview of Task Force handout, HRC recommendations regarding the needs of Queer youth, Board of Supervisors contact sheet and committee contact sheet, San Francisco Legislative Process hand out, copy of legislation, as of yet not introduced, regarding definition of Sexual Orientation in the Administrative Code, Office nomination form for Task Force offices, tentative draft of Task Force by laws and a document titled "An Overview of the Laws Governing the Conduct of Public Officials".

    Mr. Todd gave a brief overview of the Task Force history and how this body was brought together. This overview included the public forum of 1996 regarding the needs of LGBTQQ Youth in San Francisco, the legislation forming the Task Force and the goal and duties of the Task Force.

  3. New Business
    1. Introductions: Task Force members talked about their involvement with the process that formed the Task Force and what their goals were for this Task Force.
    2. Election of Officers: Offices for the Task Force shall be Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson with the appointment of a Task Force Secretary. Office nomination forms were handed out and Joshua Todd, staff with the Youth Commission, offered his name for appointment as Secretary. Elections will take place at a Special meeting on Sunday, September 20th, 1998 from 11am- 1pm. Elections will be held at 401 Van Ness Avenue in Room 322. Any Task Force member interested in becoming an officer should fill out an office nomination form and return that form to Joshua Todd no later than Monday, September 15, 1998.’
    3. Task Force By-laws:
      1. Meeting time and frequency- Regular meetings of the Task Force shall be the 4th Tuesday and 2nd Wednesday of every month from 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Meeting time and frequency was decided by consensus.
      2. Attendance- It is important that all members try to attend every meeting. Some members discussed difficulty making every meeting or making every meeting on time. Allowances can be made as a Task Force for those individuals and we will discuss this further at the Special Meeting of September 20th.
      3. Officers- The suggestion was made that Task Force by laws state that all officers be under the age of 25. This will be an item for discussion at the Special Meeting.
      4. Decision Making Process- There was a discussion around whether the Task Force will use Robert’s Rules of Order, in which items need to be voted on and passed by a majority of members, or whether the Task Force would use consensus as a decision making modality. Consensus would protect the rights of the minority since all decisions would have to be approved by all members. This issue will be decided on and written into our by laws.

  4. Announcements:
    Meg Rothman announced a job opening for a co-facilitator of the YWCA queer youth drop-in group, Outlet. Lawrence Ozoa announced the opening of the Dimensions Health Clinic on September 10th, 1998.
    1. Next Meeting’s Agenda: Agenda items for the Special Meeting on September 20th.
      1. Appointment of Secretary
      2. Election of Officers
      3. Adoption of By laws
        1. Regular Meeting Time and Frequency
        2. Regular Meeting Location
        3. Voting Procedures: Robert’s Rules, Consensus, other options
        4. Attendance

  5. Adjournment: The Task Force meeting was adjourned at 7:03 p.m.


Last updated: 9/4/2009 12:25:46 PM