City and County of San Francisco

September 22, 1998

The San Francisco Youth Commission
LGBTQQ Youth Task Force
DATE:     Tuesday, September 22, 1998
TIME:      6:00 p.m. - 8:00p.m.
PLACE:   401 Van Ness Avenue, Rm. 322

  1. Call to Order and Roll Call

    The meeting was call to order at 6:10 PM. Present: Vitaly, DeVries, Ingraham, Kutner, Ozoa, Robertson, Rothman, Slozberg, Turner (9) Tardy: Chen, Otalvaro-Hormillosa (6:20) (2), Excuse: Lamo (1) Absent: Johnson, Prozan, Rogers Tactay (4). John Kennedy from the City Attorney’s office was also present.

  2. Approval of Agenda: Motion to approve agenda, seconded and approved.
  3. Approval of Minutes for Special Meeting, September 20, 1998: Seconded and approved.
  4. Old Business

    1. Discussion and possible action Election of Officers: Election of Vice Chair was suspended until interested candidates arrived to meeting.
    2. Adoption of By laws: By laws were distributed with the changes approved at the Special Meeting. Contact the Youth Commission office for extra copies (554.6446

  5. New Business

    1. Presentation by HRC re: New Legislation

    2. Larry Brinkin of the Human Rights Commission spoke on the purpose and need for new legislation redefining Sexual Orientation in the Administration Code. Mr. Brinkin stated that the current law was passed in 1972 and at that point there was strong opposition to the change. Many opponents to the law feared protecting the sexual orientations of the "gay community" would also protect, what was then seen as the sexual orientations of, pedophiliacs and those who engage in bestiality. Subsequently the definition of sexual orientation was written as "the choice of human adult sexual partner ..." thus specifying that animals and children were not included. Due to the language two young people that choose each other as partners would not be covered under this law. The proposed change would simple state the definition of sexual orientation as "actual or perceived homosexuality, bisexuality or heterosexuality", thus protecting youth and those who are merely perceived to be gay, bisexual or heterosexual.

      Several questions were raised including if this law protects transgender individuals, Mr. Brinkin stated it does under the gender identity section. Mr. Brinkin stated that changes to include protection against discrimination based on association or retaliation would be useful.

      Motion was made to support the change to the administration code including adding protections for association and retaliation. The motion was seconded with no objections. John Kennedy, Deputy City Attorney was directed to draft legislation containing the changes. Once those changes are made they will be forwarded to the Board of Supervisors.

    3. Discussion and possible action re: Prioritizing of Recommendations.

    4. Meg Rothman stated that she felt we should collect more information regarding how doable the recommendations are before we prioritize them. Oren Slozberg stated that visiting the different City departments might be useful in understanding how the system works. It was decided by consensus that we would go through each section and discuss questions individuals had about specific recommendations. We would discuss where that department is in regards to progress on the different recommendations and how easy it would be to make changes in that system. After that discussion we would go through and choose the clusters from each section we felt were most important and/or workable. The following clusters were chosen.

      Youth and Schools (four clusters)




      Training (10 votes):


      Funding (10 votes):


      Administration (9 votes):


      Information/ Publicity (9 votes):

      11,13,14,19,21,31 + 5,6,17,25

      Family, Housing and Shelter (3 clusters)


      City Programs (11 votes)

      38,40,42,43,45 +54,41,44,55

      **Abuse and Dependency (10 votes)


      Training (9 votes)

      36,46,57,58 +52,.53

      ** new category which includes recommendations from different clusters.


    5. Discussion and possible action re: Adrian Lamo’s absence.

    6. Lena Turner requested that the Task Force excuse Adrian Lamo’s absence. Adrian had to work on a computer emergency at LYRIC and was unable to attend. Motion to excuse was seconded with no objections.

    7. Staff Report: None at this time.

  6. Announcements
    Joshua Todd announced a group starting for queer Latino men ages 18-24, through the STOP AIDS project. Anyone interested should contact Josh. Meg Rothman requested a list of meeting dates for the rest of the year.

  7. Public Comment: There was no public comment.
  8. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 7:03 p.m.


Last updated: 9/4/2009 12:25:45 PM