City and County of San Francisco

December 09, 1998

The San Francisco Youth Commission
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender,
Queer and Questioning Youth Task Force


Wednesday, December 9, 1998
Time: 6:00 p.m. - 8:00p.m.
401 Van Ness Avenue, Rm. 322
1. Call to Order and Roll Call
    The meeting was called to order at 6:10PM. Present: Vitaly, Butler, Chen, DeVries, Lamo, Michaels, Otalvaro-Hormillosa, Ozoa, Robertson, Rothman, Slozberg, Turner (12) Excused: Kutner, Prozan, (2) Absent: Rodgers (1)
2. Approval of Agenda: Seconded and approved
3. Approval of Minutes November 24, 1998: Seconded and approved.
4. Old Business:
    A. Recommendation 101, Amending the Administration Code of San Francisco’s definition of Sexual Orientation. The amendment was delivered to all of the Supervisors last week by the Chair of the Task Force and the Legislative Analysts Office has looked over the legislation and sees no problems with its implementation. Supervisor Ammiano has agreed to sponsor this amendment and Supervisor’s Leno and Katz will cosponsor. This item should appear on the Board of Supervisor’s agenda for either December 14 or December 21.

    B. Recommendation 43, Queer Youth Shelter. Lena Turner, Oren Slozberg and Joshua Todd met with Supervisor Leno regarding the need for a LGBTQQ youth shelter and he was very supportive. Supervisors Ammiano, Katz and Newsom have also expressed their support. There will be a meeting December 16, next Wednesday at 5pm to discuss the shelter concept. Members of the Board of Supervisors, Department of Public Health, Department of Human Services, Mayor’s Office of Children, Youth and Their Families and many community members, Community Based Organizations and shelter providers will be present. The meeting will be held in Room 322 at 401 Van Ness.

5. New Business:
    A. Discussion and possible action re: Working groups. The Task Force members broke up into their working groups and discussed action steps and plans. Mr. Tom Rutherford was present to meet with the Family, Housing and Shelter group.
    B. Discussion and possible action re: Working Group Reports.
      Juvenile Justice- A focus group for LGBTQQ youth who have been in the Youth Guidance Center or have been on probation in San Francisco will be held this Saturday, December 12, at LYRIC from 1-3pm. A focus group inside the Youth Guidance Center will be held in late December.
      Family, Housing and Shelter- Tom Rutherford of the Department of Human Services met with the working group and discussed foster care services for LGBTQQ youth as well as the Department’s services to LGBTQQ youth. A meeting to discuss the Queer Youth Shelter will be held December 16 at 5pm in our regular room. We will be meeting tomorrow morning at Ananda Fuara’s to plan for the meeting.

      Youth and Schools- The working group met with Kevin Gogin, Sexual Minority Youth Liaison for the School District earlier today. The working group will be drafting a letter to the Superintendent to discuss the needs of queer youth. We will also set up focus groups with the Gay and Straight Alliances in the schools. Lena Turner and Joshua Todd will meet with the Queer Youth Leadership Project, which is working on LGBTQQ youth issues in the School District to discuss partnership.

      Health and Mental Health- They will be holding a meeting this Sunday, December 13, at the People’s Café in the Haight from 11-1pm. They are planning on meeting with Dana Van Gorder of DPH and would like to learn more about the HIV Prevention and Planning Council.

      Youth Services- They will be meeting with Joel Robinson of the Recreation and Parks Department to discuss expansion of recreation services to LGBTQQ youth outside of the Castro.

    C. Setting the next meeting’s agenda- Discussion around need for Departments to begin tracking LGBTQQ youth legislation as well as Discussion around legislation requiring anyone receiving city money who works with youth to go through sensitivity training.

6. Announcements

    Next meeting will be a Special Meeting, December 15, from 6-8pm in Room 322, at 401 Van Ness Avenue. MOCYF will present to the Task Force.

    Proyecto ContraSida Por Vida is hiring for an Outreach Worker and a Health Educator position see Gigi if you have questions.

    New Village is hiring if you have questions see Lauren.

    Lawrence is recruiting for his young men’s program at LYRIC, see him if interested.

    Supervisor Ammiano’s office is beginning to work on how the City can best track LGBTQQ youth and if they access services.

    A new shelter for youth under 18 is opening in the East Bay as well as a group home. See Meg Robertson for more details.

7. Public Comment: There was no public comment

8. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m.

Last updated: 3/6/2014 3:26:16 PM