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September 26, 2007

San Francisco Youth Commission



Wednesday, September 26th 7:00 p.m.
Youth Commission Central, City Hall Room 345

There will be public comment on each item.

1. Call to Order/Check In

2. Approval of the Agenda/Agenda Changes

3. Public Comment on Items Not on the Agenda

4. Impact of CA State Budget Cuts on Outreach, Enrollment, Retention, and Utilization Project

5. Legislation Updates

6. Committee Updates

  1. Youth Justice
  2. Youth Employment
  3. Health. Housing & Social Services
  4. Recreation, Arts & City Services
  5. Site Visits

7. Budget Advocacy update

8. Citywide Youth Inclusion Plan Update

9. Term Planning

  1. Joint projects between committees
  2. Adult Ally Mixer
  3. TYTF Recommendations

10. Officer Updates –

  1. Chair Update
  2. Vice Chair Update
  3. Roles
  4. YC Youth Advocate Alerts
  5. Mayor's Policy Council
  6. Agenda Process

11. Next Steps/Anything Else

12. Check Out: Next Meeting Date/Time

Last updated: 9/4/2009 11:39:48 AM