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March 20, 2000

San Francisco Youth Commission


Monday, March 20, 2000


James Denman Middle School Parent Room

241 Oneida Avenue (near San Jose), San Francisco

There will be public comment on each item.

  1. Call to Order and Roll Call (a check-in) 15 min

  2. Discussion and possible action re: Agenda Changes (including cancellations and moving items around or continuing items for another time) 1 min
  1. Discussion and possible action re: Approval of the Minutes of March 6, 2000 meeting 1 min

  2. Executive Committee Report (Discussion about the goals and history of the Commission) 5 min

  3. Committee Report Backs (Each committee will explain what project they are working on. After each report back, people will have a chance to give input or suggestions.) 15 min
    1. Discussion re: Education and the Workforce
    2. Discussion re: Juvenile Justice and Public Safety
    3. Discussion re: Public Health, Social Services & the Environment
    4. Discussion re: Housing, Transportation & Land Use
    5. Discussion re: Culture & Urban Environment

  1. Public Comment (This is chance for people to give their thoughts on youth issues or any other comments. Each member of the public will be allotted the same number of minutes to speak.) 20 min

  2. Staff Report 5 min

  3. New Business

A. Discussion and possible action re: Presentations by Excelsior neighborhood community programs. Excelsior youth programs will be given a chance to talk about their programs.

8 min

B. Discussion and possible action re: Report back on Arts and Music Task Force (Talton-Alunan)

5 min

C. Discussion and possible action re: Commendation for National Youth Service Day (Lau)

5 min

D. Discussion and possible action re: Commendation for Speak Up for Kids Day (Arreguin)

5 min

E. Discussion and possible action re: Presentation and request for support from Real Alternatives Program High School (Julia Sabori)

10 min

F. Discussion and possible action re: Resolution about commercial free schools (Bolden-Kramer)

10 min

G. Discussion and possible action re: Youth Making a Change program/recruitment. YMAC will present information on their program, Youth Vote and search for new members (Greg Tanaka)

5 min

H. Discussion and possible action re: Youth Commission Attendance Record. Commissioners will review attendance policy and discuss members' attendance record.

10 min

  1. Discussion and possible action re: Setting next meeting's agenda 5 min

  2. Announcements

  3. Adjournment

Last updated: 3/6/2014 1:36:02 PM