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October 15, 1998

San Francisco Youth Commission

Thursday, October 15th , 1998
5:00pm- 7:00pm
401 Van Ness Avenue, Room 207

  1. Call to Order and Roll Call.

  2. Approval of the Agenda

  3. Approval of the Minutes of October 1st, 1998 Meeting.

  4. Working Group Reports and Business
    1. Advocacy Working Group- Update from 10.5.98 meeting.
    2. Legislative Action Working Group- Update from 10.8.98 meeting.
    3. Community Outreach Working Group- Update from 10.6.98 meeting.
    4. Sexual Assault Task Force- Update from 10.8.98 meeting.
    5. LGBTQQ Youth Task Force- No update at this time.

  5. New Business
    1. Discussion and possible action re: Presentation by Amy Kershaw, MOCYF- Starting Points to discuss issues of children 0-5years.
    2. Discussion and possible action re: Presentation by Karen Licavoli, Chair of the Tobacco Free Coalition and Joseph Colmenares of Columbia boys and girls club on TF Coalitions position to require stores have permits to sell tobacco.
    3. Discussion and possible action: Presentation by Kimberly Gallant, Coordinator for the Power Teen Project on program services and goals.
    4. Discussion and possible action re: Youth Suicide Legislation.
    5. Update re: Letter of inquiry re: Youth services in the Tenderloin.
  6. Staff Report
  7. Announcements
  8. Public Comment

  9. Adjournment

    There will be public comment on each item.


Last updated: 9/4/2009 10:42:17 AM