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November 05, 1998

San Francisco Youth Commission
Thursday, November 5th , 1998
5:00pm- 7:00pm
401 Van Ness Avenue, Room 207
    1.  Call to Order and Roll Call.

    2.  Approval of the Agenda

    3.  Approval of the Minutes of October 15th, 1998 Meeting.

    4.  Remarks from the Chair

    5.  Working Group Reports and Business
    A.  Update re:  Youth Commission working groups (Advocacy, Community Input, Community Outreach and Legislative Action).
    B.  Update re: Youth Initiated Projects
    C.  Update re: Sexual Assault Task Force
    D.  Update re: LGBTQQ Youth Task Force

    6.  Old Business
     A.  Discussion and possible action re: Support for legislation requiring tobacco and tobacco paraphernalia vendors to hold a permit for the sale of such products.

    7.  New Business
    A.  Discussion and possible action re: Support for legislation initiated by the LGBTQQ Youth Task Force amending the Administrative Code of San Francisco to include actual and perceived sexual orientation in the nondiscrimination code.
    B.  Discussion and possible action re: Attendance Policy
    C.  Discussion and possible action re: Setting next meeting's agenda

    8.  Announcements and Public Comment

    9.  Adjournment

      There will be public comment on each item.

Last updated: 9/4/2009 10:42:17 AM