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November 19, 1998

The San Francisco Youth Commission
DATE:        Thursday,  November 19, 1998
TIME:         5:00 - 7:00 p.m.
PLACE:     401 Van Ness Avenue, Rm. 207

1.  Call to Order and Roll Call.

2.  Approval of the Agenda

3.  Approval of the Minutes of November 5th, 1998 Meeting.

4.  Staff Report

5.  Working Group Reports and Business

    A.  Update re:  Youth Commission working groups (Advocacy, Community Input/Outreach and Legislative Action).
    B.  Update re: Sexual Assault Task Force
    C.  Update re: LGBTQQ Youth Task Force
6.  New Business
    A.  Discussion and possible action re: Participation in World AIDS Day.
    B.  Discussion and possible action re:  Organizing a drive for donations to Central America due to the devastation of Hurricane Mitch.
    C.  Discussion and possible action re: Condition of Mission Recreation Center.
    D.  Discussion and possible action re:  Presentation by Jessica Tully with the White House Project on involving youth in promoting female leaders.
    E.  Discussion and possible action re:  Legislation urging that LGBTQQ sensitivity training for youth be a funding priority for the Mayor's Criminal Justice Council.
7.  Announcements
8.  Public Comment

9.  Adjournment

There will be public comment on each item.


Last updated: 9/4/2009 10:42:16 AM