San Francisco Youth Commission
Monday, February 3, 2003
5:00 pm
City Hall, Room 416
There will be public comment on each item.
1. Call to Order and Roll Call
2. Approval of the Agenda [ACTION ITEM]
3. Approval of the Minutes of January 21st [ACTION ITEM]
4. Staff Report [There will be no action taken on this item]
5. Committee Report [There will be no action taken on this item]
6. Officer Report [There will be no action taken on this item]
7. Public Comment on Items not on Agenda
8. Legislation Introduced [There will be no action taken on this item]
There will be no Legislation Introduced at this time
9. Old Business
A. Discussion and possible action re: Youth Commission Budget Advocacy for the 2003/04 Fiscal Year, including how the Commission will involve youth in the budget process
10. New Business
A. Discussion and possible action re: Authorization of Absence for Commissioner Joanna Gin [January 21]
B. Discussion re: Review of and evaluation of the mid-year retreat held January 24-25, 2003
C. Discussion and possible action re: Proposal for a possible joint-committee between the San Francisco Youth Commission and the Student Advisory Council of the San Francisco Unified School District
D. Discussion and possible action re: Referral from the Board of Supervisors - Resolution Urging the Governor of California and the California State Legislature to cut prison spending and redirect that money to fund education
E. Discussion and possible action re: Referral from the Board of Supervisors, File 021951 - Resolution establishing a multi-disciplinary task force on childhood obesity and related diabetes
F. Discussion and possible action re: Youth Commission endorsement of 2003 Cesar E. Chavez Holiday Parade and Festival to be held on Sunday, March 30th
G. Discussion and possible action re: Youth Commission endorsement of Stop the War on Iraq march and rally to be held on Sunday, February 16, 2003
11. Items for next Agenda
12. Announcements [This includes Community Events]
13. Adjournment
Next Meeting Date: Tuesday, February 18, 2003, 5:00 pm, City Hall, Room 416