San Francisco Youth Commission
Tuesday, January 21, 2003
City Hall, Room 421
There will be public comment on each item.
1. Call to Order and Roll Call
2. Approval of the Agenda [ACTION ITEM]
3. Approval of the Minutes of January 6th [ACTION ITEM]
4. Staff Report [There will be no action taken on this item]
5. Committee Report [There will be no action taken on this item]
6. Officer Report [There will be no action taken on this item]
7. Public Comment on Items not on Agenda
8. Legislation Introduced [There will be no action taken on this item]
There will be no Legislation Introduced at this time
9. Old Business
A. Discussion and possible action re: Youth Commission Budget Advocacy for the 2003/04 Fiscal Year
10. New Business
A. Discussion and possible action re: Authorization of Absences for Commissioner Lupe Virgen [January 6] and Commissioner Justin Fichelson [January 6]
B. Discussion and possible action re: Presentation by Adam Van de Water, Office of Legislative Analyst, on recent census data for the City and County of San Francisco
C. Discussion and possible action re: Amendment to the Youth Commission Bylaws: Section VI-Attendance. Adding a section that will enforce the attendance policy in the case of scheduled trainings and/or retreats [Commissioner Villaluna]
D. Discussion and possible action re: Resolution urging the San Francisco Board of Supervisors to urge the Governor of California and the California State Legislature to cut prison spending and reinvest that money into funding education [Commissioner Cottrell]
E. Discussion and possible action re: Youth Commission's role at the Youth At Risk Summit to be held in April 2003
F. Discussion re: Report back from the Sexual Exploitation of Youth Task Force [Commissioners Villaluna and Gin]
11. Items for next Agenda
12. Announcements [This includes Community Events]
13. Adjournment
Next Meeting Date: Monday, February 3, 2003, 5:00 pm, City Hall, Room 416