Monday, November5, 2007
5:30 PM
City Hall, Rm. 416
There will be public comment on each item.
1. Call to Order/Roll Call |
2. Approval of the Agenda |
3. Staff Report |
4. Public Comment on Items not on the Agenda |
5. Consent Calendar
All items hereunder constitute a Consent Calendar. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Commissioner so requests. In that event, the item will be removed from the Consent Calendar and considered as a separate item immediately following the vote on the rest of the items.
There are no current items on the consent calendar |
6. Legislation Introduced
- Update: Resolution urging the United States Congress to overturn the section of the Higher Education Act of 1998 that denies or delays access to financial aid based upon convictions for drug-related offenses (Carvalho)
7. Old Business
- Update/Action: YouthVote Coordinator Hiring and Action Plan (Staff)
- Discussion/Possible Action: Statement in support of Supervisor McGoldrick's resolution to create Golf Task Force to evaluate measures to reduce General Fund support for operation and maintenance of golf courses, and explore alternative revenue sources (Tsibulskaya/Staff)
- Discussion/Possible Action: MUNI Transit Effectiveness Project (TEP) (Liz Garcia – Office of the Controller)
Discussion/Possible Action: Legislation referred File # 070134- Ordinance making environmental findings and authorizing the creation of a skate park in the area known as "the horseshoe pits" pursuant to Charter Section 4.113. (Quesada/Carvajal/Do/Staff) |
8. New Business
- Discussion/Possible Action: SF Board of Education Resolution 79-25A1: In opposition to Lennar Corporation's Hunter's Point Naval Shipyard Development and In Support of the Community's Demand for a Temporary Stoppage and an Independent Health and Safety Assessment to Protect our Students and Their Families (James)
- Discussion/Possible Action: SF Board of Education Pending Resolution: Creating a pilot project for the 2006-2007 school year that will require SFUSD middle schools to give students an opportunity to participate in Peer Courts or other available alternatives to suspension and expulsion as the means of addressing all disciplinary offenses, unless suspension and/or expulsion are required by law (Tony Litwak, Peer Court; Frierson)
- Discussion/Possible Action: Student MUNI fast passes with Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) access for Budget Recommendation for Proposition H CAC (Yan)
- Discussion/Possible Endorsement: MLK celebrations - YC/MOMagic MLK event/Glide Memorial Church MLK Rally and March - (Commissioner Shamonda, Franklin, James, and Chris Jackson - SF Labor Council)
- Update: Youth Empowerment Fund Advisory Board (YEFAB) (Gee)
- Update: TYTF: Recommendations and Committee Assignments on YC (Carvalho)
- Update: Ad-Hoc Joint Education Committee (Yan)
- Update: Juvenile Advisory Council (Staff)
9. Next Steps/Items for next Agenda |
10. Announcements |
11. Committee Breakouts |
12. Adjournment–Next Meeting Mon. November 19th, 2007, 5:30 p.m, room 416 |