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March 06, 2000


San Francisco
Youth Commission

San Francisco Youth Commission
DATE:          Monday, March 6, 2000
TIME:          5:00 PM
PLACE:          City Hall, Room 416
1. Call to Order and Roll Call: The meeting was called to order at 5:10 p.m. Commissioners Present: Arreguin, Bolden-Kramer, Castillo, Cottonham, Devine, Ervin, Geodzhayev, Lau, Matranga, Pang, Strohlin, Talton-Alunan (12). Absent: Barker, Bonilla, Yee(3). Staff present: Jessica Smith and Mario Balcita.

2. Motion to approve agenda: The agenda was approved.

3. Motion to approve minutes of February 22, 2000: Minutes were approved.

4. Public Comment: None at this time.

5. Staff Report: Staff explained the hiring process for the Director position; two Commissioners will be able to participate in a courtesy interview to meet final candidates before Gloria Young, Clerk of the Board, makes the final decision. Jesse, Francisco, Michel, and Jewnbug expressed interest. Jesse and Michel will participate, Francisco and Jewnbug will serve as alternates if they are not available. Staff passed around a thank you card to Ellison Horne at United Way for videotaping our events. YMAC would like to have a strategy meeting with youth agencies to talk about getting more money for youth in the budget this year. Two proposed dates are 3/27 and 3/28 at 6 p.m. Jessica and Jewnbug were interested and available at that time. Francisco suggested we give them a copy of the Youth Budget Hearing Report. Upward Bound program is looking for speakers. Jesse, Francisco, Jewnbug, and Ben were interested.

6. Executive Committee Report: Jewnbug announced the next Community Meeting, at the OMI-Excelsior Beacon Center at James Denman Middle School, 241 Oneida off San Jose, on Monday, March 20th from 5-7 p.m. She asked Commissioners to pass out flyers in their schools and neighborhoods, tell their friends and others. Jessica announced two items of interest on the Board of Supervisors calendar: File 000336, grant funds to support the Juvenile Justice Action Plan (referred to Juvenile Justice Committee), and File 000338, creation of the SF Junior Tennis League (referred to Culture and Urban Environment Committee). Francisco announced the Census 2000 event this Saturday, March 11, from 2-4 p.m. and requested more support from Commissioners by passing out flyers and attending the event.

7. Committee Report Backs:
          A. Juvenile Justice and Public Safety: Jewnbug reported that the Hear Us, Don’t Fear Us event went well, although greater attendance was desired. The press conference also went well, although no major media outlets attended, so a letter to the editor was sent and the committee is following up with media that have given a more positive response.
          B. Education and the Workforce: Francisco reported that the committee is working on getting universal before and after school child care programs in all elementary schools. They plan to have a meeting with different organizations that work with child care sometime this month and to create a subcommittee with representatives from these agencies to work on this issue.
          C. Public Health, Social Services, and the Environment: Jesse reported that the committee is planing a health fair on Saturday, May 13 from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. They will have a resource fair and speakers on sexually transmitted disease, relationship issues, asthma, and other health concerns.
          D. Housing, Transportation, and Land Use: Chaz reported that the committee has finalized a resolution which will be introduced later tonight to endorse the Housing Lobby Day, set for May 24th.
          E. Culture and Urban Environment: Cathy reported that the committee plans to write a resolution encouraging organizations to offer music programs. Currently they are still looking for a possible site for a skate park but have not found anything yet. Jesse suggested they talk to Supervisor Newsom. They are still working with YMAC on the Youth Space project.

8. New Business:
A. Discussion and possible action re: Presentation by Commercial Free Classrooms on eliminating commercials in school. Andy Hagleshaw from the Center for Commercial Free Public Education explained that there has been a trend of companies trying to bring ads into schools by taking advantage of schools poor financial situation. In the Bay Area there has been resistance to this trend. The Board of Supervisors passed a commercial free schools resolution. However, certain administrators are still trying to bring a Pepsi contract proposal to the School Board. So far, this proposal has not made it out of committee, but the Center is still trying to generate opposition. The Commissioners voted to oppose commercialism in schools, and Rachel will write a resolution expressing this opposition and forward it to the Board of Supervisors.
          B. Discussion and possible action re: Presentation by Christina Goette with the Violence Prevention Network about the work of the VPN. The VPN is a group of community agencies and individuals working to prevent violence. They take a public health approach, which stresses primary prevention and is interdisciplinary. Their priority areas are alcohol, firearms, and witnessing acts of violence. They are developing a city-wide action plan, and plan to have a conference on June 9th. They are also working on a Million Mom March on May 14th to address gun control, and with Supervisor Becerril on regulations for ultra compact firearms. The VPN can help the Commission with data/statistics and connections to others in violence prevention. Jesse invited her to a Public Health Committee meeting.
C. Discussion and possible action re: Presentation by Revitalizing Education and Learning (REAL) on their work in youth empowerment and education. Deborah, staff at REAL, explained that REAL strives to empower youth through education in schools. They improve curriculum so what youth learn is more relevant. They are currently recruiting for their Leadership Program, a paid internship for young people of color 16-22. The program consists of a summer training and teaching once a week for 2 hours in a classroom (teamed up with a staff member and a teacher).
D. Discussion and possible action re: Presentation by Elaine Shen with the Television Race Initiative. Garrick Ramirez explained that TV Race Initiative is a program that works with KQED. They choose programs related to race and collaborate with community organizations to create public forums on race issues. There is a Digital Divide (unequal access to technology) program coming up in late March (airing 3/23 and 3/30, 8 p.m.) and they are planning a youth summit at the Zeum to air to program and talk about these issues. Other involved agencies include Youth Radio, OpNet, and Columbia Park B&G Club.
E. Housing, Transportation and Land Use Committee Resolution regarding the need to create and preserve affordable housing and proposing the Youth Housing Lobby Day. Commissioners read the resolution that Chaz presented. They approved the resolution unanimously.
F. Discussion and possible action re: Convenor check in with committee members. The Public Health and Education Committees checked in to ensure they are completing their tasks.

9. Setting next meeting’s agenda: Jesse and Rolando will contact organizations in the Excelsior to come to the community meeting and talk about their programs. Cathy will do a report-back on the Arts and Music Task Force. Michel will present a proposed commendation for National Youth Service Day on April 14-15. Jesse will present a proposed commendation for Speak Up for Kids Day. Jesse requested a presentation from HOMEY on RAP High School’s funding and status. Rachel will present her proposed commercial-free schools resolution.

10. Announcements:           Jesse would like to check in with Commissioners interested in the Youth Hall of Fame after the meeting. Francisco reminded Commissioners of the Census 2000 We Count event this Saturday 3/11 from 2-4 at the Mission Boys and Girls Club on 21st and Alabama. Jewnbug announced that Bring Our Murals Back is looking for young Mission artists with a message who can get paid to create art (contact Leroy at 920-7125). Teaching Inter-Media and Literacy Skills is recruiting for their program. Urban Slam Jam is looking for models interested in hip-hop, sports, dance. On March 9th 7-9 p.m. the Northern District Police Station is having a Community Meeting at 1125 Fillmore at Turk. There is a Multicultural Family Violence Prevention Conference in Sacramento March 17-18. On April 29th from 4-6 p.m. The Beat Within is holding a Youth Communications Expo at the Youth Guidance Center. The Youth and Education Committee of the Human Rights Commission and the Juvenile Justice Commission are looking for members. Young Mission Magazine is looking for writers (contact HOMEY). Asian Neighborhood Design has jobs for youth.

11. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 6:55 p.m.
Last updated: 9/4/2009 9:59:27 AM