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May 15, 2000


San Francisco
Youth Commission

San Francisco Youth Commission
DATE:          Monday, May 15, 2000
TIME:          5:00 PM
PLACE:          Presidio Middle School Auditorium
1. Call to Order and Roll Call: The meeting was called to order at 5:15 p.m. Commissioners Present: Arreguin, Castillo, Cottonham, Devine, Geodzhayev, Matranga, Pang, Strohlin (8). Absent: Bolden-Kramer, Bonilla, Lau, Talton-Alunan, Yee (5).Tardy: Ervin (1) Staff: Jessica Smith, Mario Balcita, Colleen Montoya

2. Motion to approve agenda: Items 8A tabled (Commercial Free Schools), 8C tabled (Skateboard Protective Gear) & 8D tabled (Discussion with Tom Martin). Agenda was approved

3. Motion to approve minutes: Minutes of 5/1/00 meeting were approved.

4. Public Comment: There was no public comment.

5. Staff Report: The Neighborhood Budget Hearing Schedule was distributed. Commissioners Arreguin, Matranga, Castillo, and Strohlin volunteered to do interviews for new Youth Commissioners, and also volunteered to help coordinate an end-of-the-year event. Commissioner Strohlin expressed interested in leading a lobbying workshop at the SLUG/LEJ Food Security Conference at the end of July. Commissioners Matranga, Castillo, and Devine were interested in getting more information about a Bell Campaign anti-violence youth board.

6. Executive Committee Report: Commissioner Strohlin announced that Health Initiatives For Youth has released their new adolescent provider’s guide. She is still working on an outreach checklist to be used next term. She plans to do an interview with San Francisco State University. She will be doing outreach at Aptos Middle School and the Tenderloin After School Program, and tabling at the OMI Beacon Community Festival. Commissioner Arreguin is looking into getting a fee waiver to air Commission meetings on Citywatch. Commissioner Castillo explained that the Executive Committee will be working on a step-by-step plan to get legislation from the Board and respond promptly, and will also begin thinking about the 1999-2000 Annual Report. He recommended that all Commissioners set up an end of the year meeting with their appointing officer. He reported back on the Mayor’s 2000 Committee meeting: It was difficult for youth to participate, and he and Commissioner Strohlin were the only youth there out of 100 people. Perhaps we should bring this to the Mayor’s attention.

7. Committee Report Backs:
          A. Juvenile Justice and Public Safety: Commissioner Strohlin reported that the committee is stil working on the Prop 21 Hearing tentatively set for June 29th. Their are brainstorming the format in collaboration with the ACLU and 3rd Eye Movement. Their will be meeting with Captain Newlin, head of the Police Juvenile Division, and they recently met with Terence Hallinan, District Attorney, and Walter Aldridge, D.A. at Juvenile Hall. They are also brainstorming the establishment of a youth juvenile justice hotline in collaboration with Youthline, the Center for Young Women’s Development, the ACLU, and LYRIC. They hope to have a task force to do trainings with youth and adults in YGC and schools.
B. Housing, Transportation, and Land Use: The Lobby Day is on Wednesday, May 24th and the committee is asking everyone to do outreach. Commissioners who need letters or phone calls to teachers to help excuse them from school should talk to Jessica Smith.

          C. Culture and Urban Environment: Commissioner Matranga announced that the city wide skate park will begin construction in the middle of May.

8. Old Business:
          B. Discussion and possible action re: Resolution Supporting HOMEY and RAP. Commissioner Strohlin’s name was added as co-sponsor. The resolution was unanimously passed.

9. New Business:
A. Discussion and possible action re: Presentation by Peer Resources Program. Peer Resources programs are in some middle and high schools in the SFUSD, including Presidio Middle School. At Presidio, they offer a Conflict Management Program, which helps peers solve each other’s conflicts without disciplinary action. They have an extensive training program for the Conflict Managers. They also offer Peer Tutoring and Project Leader Training.

10. Discussion and possible action re: Setting next meeting agenda. Commissioner Arreguin will present a proposal to establish a mentoring program in Noe Valley. Commissioner Strohlin will present a letter of support for the MYEEP Program, in collaboration with the Education Committee. The Youth Credit Union will do a presentation. The San Francisco Police Department is being asked to do a presentation on Gang Prevention Programs, and the Tenderloin Police Station is being asked to do a presentation on their boxing program.

11. Announcements. Saturday May 20th from 11-4 the Excelsior/OMI Beacon is having a Community Festival. Thursday June 1st from 11-1 Coleman Advocates is sponsoring a Baby Brigade at City Hall to push for more child care. ACLU Youth Advisory Council is sponsoring a summer trip for high school students to learn more about Corporate America and its effect on individual rights. Tuesday May 16th the Cell Space is holding a Summer Arts Workshop Series from 5-8 p.m. Friday May 19th at the Columbia Park Boys and Girls Club there will be an event called Revolution celebrating Youth Activism. The San Francisco Running Crew, part of Brava Theater, is offering a chance for youth to learn technical theater skills. The Youth Leadership Institute is sponsoring the Keeping it Reel Festival, a media festival with youth performers. The San Francisco Conservation Corps Youth In Action Program is hiring middle school students for the summer. Saturday May 20th Ben Franklin Middle School is holding a community resource fair in its auditorium from 10-2. Literacy for Environmental Justice is presenting life-size asthma inhaler sculptures to the Mayor on Wednesday, May 17th at 4:00 at City Hall to draw attention to youth asthma in the Bayview. Tuesday, May 16th at Harvey Milk Academy a free social theater class will be offered by Saun-Toy Trotter of the Youth Leadership Institute.

12. Meeting Adjourned at 6:35 p.m.
Last updated: 9/4/2009 9:56:45 AM