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August 11, 2000


San Francisco
Youth Commission

San Francisco Youth Commission
2000/2001 Beginning of the Year Retreat
August 11th - 14th, 2000

Day 1 - Friday, August 11, 2000

8:30 - 9am                    Welcome and Breakfast
9am - 9:10                    Review Agenda & Goals
9:10 - 9:15                    Ice Breaker
9:15 - 10am          House Agreements (Ground Rules)
10am - 12:30pm          Diversity Workshop
12:30 - 1:30          LUNCH
1:30 - 2:00                    Team Building
2:00 - 3:00                    Mission / Vision Workshop
3:00 - 3:15                    BREAK
3:15 - 4:45                    Community Workshop
4:45 - 6pm                    Passion Reflection


¨ Respect
¨ Patience
¨ Communication
¨ Eye Contact
¨ Team Work
¨ Be open minded
¨ Honesty & Integrity
¨ Confidentiality
¨ Group Work Styles
¨ Allow the Speaker to Speak
¨ No Mocking
¨ Be Thankful
¨ Use Active Listening Skills
¨ No Cross-Talking
¨ Remember the "WE" Factor - There is no "I" in TEAMWORK
¨ Don’t Use Derogatory Words / Remarks
¨ Speak Loudly and Clearly
¨ Make Sure Everyone Feels Comfortable
¨ Be Inclusive
¨ Respect Opinions / Agree to Disagree
¨ Actively Participate
¨ Use "I" Statements

Workshop # 1 - DIVERSITY WORKS

Facilitators: Ana Baires & Michael Johnson          

Ground Rules:                    Be open-minded
                              Be considerate
                              No put-downs
                              Raise hand to talk

Ana and Michael led a series of exercises in which the group discovered their similarities and differences, and how to gather information using ACTIVE LISTENING skills.

Workshop # 2 - Mission / Vision Workshop

Facilitator: Ron - Youth Commission Staff

This workshop was broken down into three (3) sections: Individual Activity, Pairs Activity and a group brainstorm.

Individual Activity: Commissioners were asked to draw their neighborhood as it is now, then draw their neighborhood if it were ideal for youth with the following considerations:

· What are some of the things you would change about your neighborhood?
· What are the positive aspects of your neighborhood?
· what makes a neighborhood good for young people?

Pairs Activity: Commissioners were then randomly divided into groups of two (2). They shared the pictures with each other, describing what’s there and why.

Group Brainstorm - What Are Your Goals for Youth in San Francisco in 10 Years?

· More money spent on education / tuition aid / college counselors
· More mentoring programs - Big Brother / Big Sister Programs
· Communication and support systems in schools
· recognize positive influences
· Improve parks & recreation centers
· Eligible youth in Health Care for All Program
· Allow people health care via tax money
· Improve SF General Hospital
· Increase the number of registered / active voters at age 18
· Food services
· Free Bus Services

· Media recognition of positive youth influences
· Affordable ticket prices / family days at local sporting events / entertainment centers
· More affordable housing
· More low income housing / effecient use of land
· Living wage
· Rebuild abandoned houses / buildings
· Programs within low income housing communities
· Youth Commission to have a part in the budget process


Last updated: 9/4/2009 9:56:44 AM