San Francisco
Youth Commission
DATE: Monday, September
11, 2000
TIME: 5:30 pm
PLACE: City Hall, Room 416
1. Call to Order and
Roll Call: The meeting was called to order at 5:35 pm by Commissioner Arreguin-Fernandez.
Commissioner’s Present: Allison, Arreguin-Fernandez, Bonilla, Fosselman,
Geodzhaev, Howard-Johnson, Lantz, Lockett, Martin, Matranga, Meksavan, Valdez,
Vedad, Villaluna.
Absent: Commissioner
Smith. Staff Present: NTanya Lee, Ron McCan, Colleen Montoya
2. Motion to approve
agenda: Item 5E (Discussion and possible action re: selection of
Youth Commission Committees) was tabled until 10/2. Agenda Approved.
3. Staff Report:
Colleen welcomed The Commission
to the first meeting. She then reminded the Commissioners about the upcoming
officer elections on 9/18 and urged all Commissioners to run for office. She
then went over some basic meeting procedures. She then asked the Commissioners
who had met with their appointing officers, and urged the Commissioners to
do so if they have not. She also informed all of the Mayor’s appointee’s that
the staff will be coordinating a meeting for them with Mayor Brown.
NTanya spoke about a tentative
mini retreat on 10/7 and 10/8 and asked who may be available to attend. Commissioners
said they would check their schedules and get back with answers. NTanya then
spoke on the many outreach opportunities available to the Commission including
Youth Voices Speak Out Against Homelessness, as well as outlining some ways
that Commissioners can get involved with election related activities.
Ron passed out a draft
of the contact list and Commissioner Availability forms and asked everyone
to correct their information and return it to him at the end of the meeting.
He also asked everyone to write down the best way to contact them (via phone,
e-mail or U.S. mail). He also reminded everyone of their mailboxes in the
office, and urged Commissioners to check them regularly.
4. New Business:
A. Discussion and possible
action re: Election of Interim Chair.
Commissioner Arreguin
opened the floor to nominations for interim chair. Commissioner Arreguin-Fernandez
nominated Commissioner Bonilla, Commissioner Geodzhaev nominated Commissioner
Arreguin-Fernandez (DECLINED NOMINATION), Commissioner Geodzhaev Nominated
Commissioner Howard-Johnson.
Commissioner Bonilla:
Allison, Arreguin-Fernandez, Bonilla, Fosselman, Martin, Matranga, Meksavan,
Valdez, Vedad, Villaluna
Commissioner Howard-Johnson:
Geodzhaev, Howard-Johnson, Lantz
Commissioner Bonilla will
serve as interim chair until the full youth commission meeting on 9/18, where
officer elections will be held.
B. Discussion re: Presentation
by John Avalos on Coleman Advocates.
John gave a presentation
on Coleman and talked briefly about how the Youth Commission came out of a
struggle of young people not having a voice in City Hall. He spoke about Coleman
Advocates, an advocacy organization in the Excelsior District that has been
advocating for Children, Youth and Families for the last 20 years, and how
the Youth Commission came out of efforts from Coleman.
C. Discussion re: Presentation
by YMAC (Youth Making a Change) on Youth Vote 2000
Herbert urged the Commission
to keep up the relationship with YMAC by using YMAC and Coleman as a resource
in the community and vice versa. YMAC would like the Commission to participate
with Youth Vote by attending meetings, making up questions for the Youth Vote
survey, attend the press conference, and by being student coordinators for
Youth Vote in their schools. There was a unanimous vote by the Commission
to support Youth Vote. The Commission will appoint a delegate at a later date.
D. Discussion and possible
action re: Presentation on the Girl’s Health Conference to be held on October
17, 2000.
Baylee DeCastro from Senator
Jackie Spears office gave a presentation on the Girl’s Health Conference to
be held on 10/17 from 9:30 -5:00 pm at the Bill Graham Civic Auditorium. The
goal of the conference s to empower teenage girls to take a proactive approach
to their health. Baylee urged the Commission to participate in the event,
either as volunteers or participants at the conference.
5. Public Comment:
No public comment.
6. Announcements:
Commissioner Lantz announced
that Presidio Middle School is hosting a resource fair Thursday 9/14 and Friday
7. Adjournment: The
meeting was adjourned at 7:05 pm