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November 20, 2000


San Francisco
Youth Commission


DATE: Monday, November 20, 2000

TIME: 5:00 pm

PLACE: City Hall, Room 416

1. Call to Order and Roll Call: The meeting was called to order at 5:06 pm by Commissioner Howard-Johnson. Commissioner’s Present: Allison, Bonilla, Arreguìn-Ferñandez, Fosselman, Geodzhayev, Howard-Johnson, Lantz, Martin, Matranga, Meksavan, Smith, Valdez, Villaluna. Tardy: Commissioner Lockett (5:35pm) Staff Present: NTanya Lee, Ron McCan, Colleen Montoya

2. Motion to approve agenda: Agenda approved.

3. Approval of the Minutes of November 6th : Minutes Approved.

4. Staff Report:

    Colleen announced the resignation of Commissioner Asberry and noted that presently there are two vacant seats on the Commission. She also spoke of the results of the Supervisor elections and those results will not effect the term of the present Commissioners.

    Ron issued a calendar with the scheduled meetings for November and December.

    NTanya reported back on the Leadership & Advocacy Series Session I held on Saturday, November 18th. She noted that the Juvenile Justice and Public Health Committees were not represented at the workshop. Commissioners Lantz and Valdez volunteered to present the findings of the workshop at the two committees. NTanya also asked for input on the Commission’s mid year retreat.

    Commissioner Howard-Johnson went over a handout on Parliamentary Procedure with The Commission.

5. Officer Report:.

Commissioner Villaluna, Operations Officer, reported that she has a connection with the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Parade. If the Commission is interested, she will follow up with more information.

Commissioner Valdez, Government Affairs Officer, reported that there is no new legislation presently. He is working on keeping the relationship between the Board of Supervisors and the Commission open.

Commissioner Allison, Community Affairs Officer, reported on her meeting with Lena Turner, Outreach Coordinator at LYRIC and former Commissioner. She will be working with Lena to develop a more youth-friendly outreach strategy for the Commission.

Commissioner Fosselman, Media & Public Relations Officer, will keep in contact with Colleen regarding upcoming events.

6. Committee Report:

    Juvenile Justice Committee: Former Commissioners Jewnbug and Jasmin De La Rosa will be giving a presentation on the findings of the Juvenile Justice Hearing and on the Juvenile Justice System to the Committee.

    Culture & Urban Environment Committee: covered the Hot Topic and is working on compiling a list of resources for their Committee.

    Education Committee: The Committee had two members of the public come to their meeting. They are assigning tasks for making contacts for the hearings.

6. Commission Business:

    A. Discussion and possible action re: Bylaw Change to the Attendance Policy, Section VI:

Adding an attendance policy for Youth Commission Committee Meetings : There was a

motion to change the language in Section 5 to indicate that Commissioners must

inform the staff as to the general reason for the absence. The vote was unanimous to make

the change. There was a motion to table this full item until the next meeting.

    B. Discussion and possible action re: Bylaw Change to Section IV, C-2: Adding language

prohibiting Commissioners from running for more than one officer position at a time: There

was a motion to approve this item. The motion was unanimously approved. The item was


    C. Discussion and possible action re: Youth Commission Hearing Planning Committee Update: Commissioner Meksavan reported that the committee has decided to hold the hearings during the last week of January and the first week of February. The location of the hearings would be left to the individual committee to decide. The next Planning Committee meeting will be held on Wednesday November 29th at 5:00 pm.

    D. Discussion re: Input on Youth Commission Staff Role: There was a motion to forward this to the Executive Committee and have them design a questionnaire on the role of staff for the Commissioners to fill out. Motion Approved. Item will be placed on the Executive Committee agenda.

    E. Discussion and possible action re: Resolution urging the Mayor to appoint a youth to

the Health Commission: Commissioner Valdez presented this resolution.. The resolution

was passed and signed by the chair.

    F. Discussion and possible action re: Resolution supporting the construction of a park & clubhouse at 23rd and Treat Street : Commissioner Arreguìn-Ferñandez presented this resolution. The resolution was passed and singed by the chair.

    G. Discussion and possible action re: Youth Commission Outreach Plan: Commissioner Allison reported that she has been working with past Community Affairs Officers to develop an outreach plan for this term. The focus for this term will be to develop more Youth Friendly outreach, as well as a school outreach plan.

    H. Discussion re: Energizers and Icebreakers at Youth Commission Meetings: Commissioner Howard-Johnson asked the Commissioners their opinions about energizers and icebreakers at Commission Meetings. Most Commissioners said that they would rather have a break during the meeting instead of an energizer.

    I. Discussion and Possible action re: Youth Commission 5th Anniversary Celebration: Commissioner Villaluna introduced a motion to the Commission about hosting a 5th Anniversary event. The Motion was Approved.

    J. Discussion re: "Youth Commission News" and announcing Community Events: Commissioner Howard-Johnson asked the Commission if they would like a Community Events Board to be created in the office. The purpose of the board would be to post notices about events directly related to the Commission. There was a unanimous vote to approve this item.

    K. Discussion and possible action re: Youth Commission Thanksgiving Holiday Food Drive: Commissioner Geodzhayev announced that the Commission is scheduled to volunteer at the Hamilton Family Food Center on Thursday, November 23rd from 1-4pm. Hamilton Family Food Center is located at 1541 Waller Street.

    L. Vote re: Authorization of Commissioner Vedad’s absence on 11/06/00: Commissioner Vedad reported that she was absent because she needed time to study for a class, and that she called the office a few days prior to the meeting and spoke to Ron. The Commission approved the absence.

7. Public Comment: There was no Public Comment

1. Announcements: There were no announcements

9. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 7:10 pm

Last updated: 9/4/2009 9:56:03 AM