San Francisco
Youth Commission
DATE: Monday, January 22, 2001
TIME: 5:00 p.m.
PLACE: City Hall, Room 421
1. Call to Order and Roll Call: Commissioner
Valdez called The meeting to order at 5:10 p.m. Commissioners Present:
Campeau, Chang, Kwong, Lantz, Valdez, Villaluna Absent: Commissioners
Allison, Arreguin, Jacot-Bell, Fosselman, Geodzhayev, Martin, Mejia, Olawale,
Ramos, Villaluna Staff Present: Nicole Derse, Ron S. McCan,
Colleen Montoya
2. Motion to approve agenda: There
was no motion made due to lack of quorum.
3. Approval of the Minutes of January 7,
2002: There was no motion made due to lack of quorum.
4. Staff Report:
Nicole informed everyone that effective immediately,
She will be staffing all of the Commission’s issue focused Committees, and
that Ron would be talking over more of the Informational Requests from the
public. She also informed the Commission of upcoming outreach opportunities.
Ron passed around the Mid-Year Check-In appointment
sheet and asked Commissioners to sign up for appointments with the staff.
He also announced that he is meeting with the webmaster to re-design the
website, and asked the Commissioners to see him if they had any ideas/suggestions
for the re-design.
5. Officer Report:
Commissioner Valdez - Chair: Commissioner
Valdez reported back on his meeting with the Citizen’s Advisory Committee.
He also announced that the Documentary that he was featured in will be premiered
at the Cowell Theater, Fort Mason.
Commissioner Villaluna - Community Affairs
Officer: Commissioner Villaluna was absent from this meeting
Commissioner Lantz - Operations Officer:
Commissioner Lantz went over the attendance policy and updated Commissioners
on their absences.
Commissioner Allison - Media & Public
Relations Officer: Commissioner Allison was absent from this
Commissioner Arreguìn - Government
Affairs Officer: Commissioner Arreguìn was absent from this meeting
6. Committee Report:
Education Committee: The Education
Committee had no report.
Public Health Committee - The Public
Health Committee has scheduled site visits with both McAteer and Lowell’s
Wellness Centers on Thursday 1/ 24.
Youth Recreation & Services Committee
- The Youth Recreation & Services Committee had no report.
Youth Justice Committee - The Youth
Justice Committee had no report.
Housing Committee - The Housing Committee
had no report.
Public Comment: There was no public
8. Announcements:
9. Legislation Introduced: There
was no legislation introduced due to lack of quorum.
Commissioner Valdez called
for a 10-minute recess at 5:35 p.m. to see if any other Commissioners would
arrive to make quorum. At 5:45 p.m., Commissioner Valdez called the meeting
back to order. Seeing that no other Commissioners arrived during the recess,
Commissioner Valdez adjourned the meeting at 5:45 p.m. due to lack of quorum.
10. Old Business:
11. New Business:
12. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned
at 5:45 p.m.