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October 21, 2002


San Francisco
Youth Commission

DATE:          Monday, October 21, 2002
TIME:          5:00 p.m.
PLACE:          City Hall, Room 416

1. Call to Order and Roll Call: Commissioner Allison called the meeting to order at 5:02 p.m. Commissioners Present: Commissioners Allison, Berger, Brown (TARDY), Chan, Chang, Cottrell, Fichelson, Gin, Koeppel, Lantz (TARDY), Mattimore, Mourning, Powell, Ramos (TARDY), Virgen, Villaluna Staff Present: Nicole Derse, Colleen Montoya

2. Motion to approve agenda: There was a motion to approve the agenda. Motion Approved.

3. Approval of the Minutes of October 7, 2002: There was a motion to approve the minutes. Motion Approved.

4. Staff Report: Nicole informed the Commissioners of the forms they needed to return before they would receive their business cards. She also informed Commissioners of the opportunity to serve as a representative on the Safe Haven for Newborns Task Force. Commissioners Koeppel, Virgen, and Bretschneider expressed interest.

5. Committee Report:

Youth Justice Committee - The Youth Justice Committee selected Commissioner Powell as convener, reviewed their goals, and decided to work with the Education Committee to co-sponsor a hearing on police in schools.

Public Health Committee - The Public Health Committee is working on the current issues in the wellness centers.

Youth Recreation & Services Committee - The Youth Recreation & Services is working on handing out applications for the Skateboarding Task Force. They announced an upcoming meeting about skateboarding issues.

Education Committee: The Education Committee will be working on getting police officers out of schools and trying to get more counselors in schools. They also attended a community meeting on Thurgood Marshall on Wednesday, October 16, 2002 in response to the October 11th incident.

Housing Committee - The Housing Committee is working on researching housing issues in San Francisco before choosing their projects. They will also be visiting several youth shelters and transitional housing facilities.

Executive Committee - The Executive Committee is in the process of determining their individual office hours.

6. Officer Report- The Community Affairs Officer reported that the bus stop project had been approved and that she is working on getting Youth Commission materials translated. The Government Affairs Officer told everyone that she will continue to update them on upcoming and pending legislation and that she will be filtering project ideas to committees.
The Operations Officer was absent.

The Media & Public Affairs Officer will be working on the Youth VOTE Press Conference.

The Chair is working on scheduling meetings with members of the Board of Supervisors. She will go by the availability times that Commissioners have indicated to schedule these meetings.

7. Announcements: The Commissioners announced various upcoming events.

8. Public Comment on Items not on Agenda: There was no public comment.

9. Legislation Introduced [There will be no action taken on these items]

There was no legislation introduced.

10. Old Business

A. Discussion and possible action re: Update on Youth VOTE 2002-Youth VOTE is a collaboration between the Youth Commission, Youth Making A Change, and the Student Advisory Council of the San Francisco Unified School District. Staff reported on the Youth VOTE statistics: Over 14,000 students and 23 schools signed up to participate in Youth VOTE. They also informed the Commission about the ballot addendum for Governor, and reminded them about the upcoming Board of Supervisor Candidate Forums and the Youth VOTE Press Conference on October 29, 2002. Commissioner Chang reported on the Board of Education Candidate Forum held on October 17, 2002.

11. New Business

A. Discussion and possible action re: Authorization of Absence for Commissioner Mattimore (October 7th meeting). There was a motion to excuse Commissioner Mattimore’s absence. The motion was not approved.

B. Discussion and possible action re: Presentation by William Fosselman from Infusion One, on the Community Outreach Project & the Youth At Risk Summit. Craig Cohen, Isaac Ruth, and Alicia Rochelle presented on behalf of Infusion One. They asked the Youth Commission to write a letter of support for their Youth At Risk Summit, which will be an opportunity for youth from around the Bay Area to discuss issues. They also asked the Commission to host a panel at the Summit in April. Commissioner Villaluna made a motion to write the letter of support. The motion was approved unanimously. Commissioner Allison said that she would write the letter on behalf of the Commission and invited other Commissioners to contribute.

Infusion One also explained their COP Project, in which youth organizers have a presence in high traveled areas and work with youth to refer them to community agencies and programs. They asked the Commission for a letter of support for this program. Commissioner Koeppel made a motion to write the letter of support. The motion was approved unanimously. Commissioner Koeppel said that she would write the letter on behalf of the Commission and invited other Commissioners to contribute.

C. Discussion and possible action re: Referral from the Board of Supervisors, File 021458: Ordinance amending San Francisco Police Code Section 1070.16 to allow adults over the age of 18 into after hours premises. There was a motion to support this referral. John Wood, SF Late Night Coalition, explained that the ordinance would allow adults aged 18-20 into venues that met state liquor license requirements. Elmo Weber spoke against the ordinance. DJ Shia, the Youth Action Coordinator for the SF Late Night Coalition, spoke in favor of the ordinance. The motion was approved unanimously.

Commissioner Bretschneider made a motion to add a comment to the referral regarding adequate security at after hours clubs. John Wood explained the current process, which clubs go through in regards to security. Jesse Arreguin told the Commissioners to consider the Entertainment Commission’s role in the issue. Terrence Allen, Chairman for the SF Late Night Coalition, said that there has been increased pressure on club owners to increase security. There was discussion amongst Commissioners. Voting in favor of the motion: Commissioners Allison, Berger, Bretschneider, Brown, Chang, Koeppel, Mattimore, Mourning, Powell, Ramos
Voting against the motion: Commissioners Cottrell, Lantz, Villaluna, Gin, Fichelson, Chan, and Virgen. The motion was approved.

D. Discussion and possible action re: Resolution urging the Board of Supervisors to urge the San Francisco Unified School District to assess what occurred on October 11, 2002 at Thurgood Marshall Academic High School and make a plan of action with the input of Students, Teachers, Parents and Faculty of Thurgood Marshall Academic High School from ever happening again [Commissioner Ramos-Castro]. Commissioner Ramos-Castro made a motion to approve the resolution. Commissioner Berger urged the Commission to address the police brutality issues. Commissioner Mourning said that the resolution should be amended to cover all schools. Commissioner Mattimore made an amendment to include a clause addressing the number of police personnel who responded to the incident. Motion was approved unanimously. John Quinn, SFUSD Office of Equity Assurance, said he was in favor of the resolution, but believed that the Commission should wait and follow the SFUSD’s already existing process. He said that he would be willing to meet with the Youth Commissioners who drafted the resolution. Commissioner Mark Sanchez from the Board of Education commended the Youth Commission for holding this meeting. He said that the Commission should urge the Board of Education to have a hearing on the issue. He also said that the Police Department should hold a public hearing as well. Commissioner Villaluna made a motion to amend the resolution to include a further resolved clause that urged the Board of Supervisors to urge the Board of Education to have a hearing on the incident. Motion was approved unanimously. A motion was made to urge the Board of Supervisors to urge the Police Department to be present at and participate in this hearing. Motion was approved unanimously. Commissioner Lantz made a motion to replace the previous two amendments with a clause urging the City and School District Committee to meet within a few weeks to discuss the issue. Commissioner Lantz withdrew his motion.

At this point, it was 7:00 pm. A motion was made to extend the meeting until completed. Voting in favor of the motion: Commissioners Allison, Berger, Bretschneider, Brown, Chan, Cottrell, Fichelson, Gin, Koeppel, Lantz, Mattimore, Mourning, Ramos, Virgen, Villaluna. Voting against the motion: Commissioners Chang and Powell. Motion was approved.

Commissioner Berger made a motion to amend the resolution to include a further resolved clause that urged the Joint City and School District Committee to meet and discuss the issue. Motion was approved unanimously.

There was a motion to approve the resolution as amended. The motion was approved unanimously.
E. Discussion and possible action re: Resolution urging the San Francisco Board of Supervisors to urge the California State Legislature to restate the original language of the master plan of 1989, that gave guaranteed admission to students in top rank amongst all public high school graduates, into the master plan of 2002 [Commissioner Ramos-Castro]. There was a motion to approve the resolution. Jesse Arreguin spoke in favor of the resolution. There was a motion to amend the resolution to include a further resolved clause that would ask the Mayor to transmit copies of the resolution to the State Legislature, the Governor, and the California Board of Regents for the UC and State University systems. Motion was approved unanimously. There was a motion to approve the resolution as amended. Motion was approved unanimously.

F. Discussion re: Recognition of Domestic Violence Awareness Month. A representative from La Casa de Las Madres presented on the services and programs available to youth victims of domestic and dating violence. Youth Commissioners shared their thoughts on the issue.

12. Items for next Agenda

ü Commissioner Villaluna would like to add the Larkin Street recommendations.

13. Adjournment - The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 pm.

Last updated: 9/4/2009 9:56:03 AM