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February 05, 2001


San Francisco
Youth Commission



      DATE: Monday, February 5, 2001

      TIME: 5:00 pm

      PLACE: City Hall, Room 416

      1. Call to Order and Roll Call: Commissioner Howard-Johnson called The meeting to order at 5:05 pm. Commissioner’s Present: Allison, Arreguìn-Ferñandez, Bonilla, Geodzhayev, Howard-Johnson, Lantz, Lockett, Matranga, Meksavan, Valdez, Vedad, Villaluna. Absent: Commissioner Fosselman, Martin and Smith Staff Present: Ron S. McCan, Colleen Montoya

      2. Motion to approve agenda: There was a motion to move Items 8 and 8 before Item 4, Item 7b before item 7A. Motion Approved

      3. Approval of the Minutes of January 16th: Minutes Approved.

      4. Staff Report:

      Colleen passed out an information sheet about the Mayor’s Department of Neighborhood Services and encouraged the commissioners to go to Neighborhood Services with any questions they may have. She also issued a contact information sheet and asked Commissioners to fill in the information that they would like staff to give to people requesting their contact information.

      Ron issued a Calendar for the month of February, and asked Commissioners to note the dates and times of their committee meetings

      5. Officer Report :

      Commissioner Howard-Johnson, Chair - Commissioner Howard-Johnson has been working with the Education Committee on their town hall meeting.

      Commissioner Villaluna, Operations Officer - Commissioner Villaluna spoke about her work on the YouthSpace project and asked if any Commissioners interested in working with her to contact her. She also reminded Commissioners about the attendance policy.

      Commissioner Valdez, Government Affairs Officer - Commissioner Valdez passed around thank you letters to the Supervisors and asked Commissioners to sign them. He also encouraged everyone to meet with his or her Supervisors.

      Commissioner Allison, Community Affairs Officer - Commissioner Allison Thanked everyone who did School outreach for the town hall meetings. She is still working with Lena on the outreach materials.

      Commissioner Fosselman, Media & Public Relations Officer - Commissioner Fosselman was absent from this meeting.

      6. Committee Report:

      Education Committee - Commissioner Lantz reported that there were at least 100 people in attendance at their town hall meeting. Among those in attendance was Supervisor Maxwell and members of the Board of Education. The town hall meeting made the front page of the San Francisco Examiner on Sunday 2/4.

      Culture & Urban Environment - Commissioner Meksavan announced that the Culture & Urban Environment town hall meeting will be held on Wednesday 2/7 at 5:30 in room 421.

      Juvenile Justice Committee - Commissioner Villaluna announced that the Juvenile Justice Committee is working on issues at Youth Guidance Center. They also have a meeting with Supervisor Sandoval on Wednesday.

      Public Health Committee - Commissioner Matranga reported that their town hall meeting was held at the Excelsior Youth Center on 1/25. There was a great discussion about the wellness centers, pedestrian safety as well as many other topics. Supervisor Sandoval was in attendance.

      Housing Committee - Commissioners Vedad and Arreguìn-Ferñandez reported on their town hall meeting held in the Legislative Chamber on 1.30. There were many Supervisors in attendance. The Committee is working on gathering more information for their report.

      Executive Committee - Next meeting will be held Thursday 2/8.

      7. Commission Business:

        A. Discussion and possible action re: Presentation by Cedric Yap, Deputy Director, Department of Children, Youth and Their Families. Cedric Yap, Elizabeth Gettleman and Christina Goette presented on the DCYF Children’s Services Plan for 2000-2002. Cedric gave brief highlights of each section of the report and encouraged the Commission to contact him with any further questions.

        B. Discussion and possible action re Presentation by Russian Civic Educators, International Diplomacy Council, on civic education for youth in Russia. Teachers from various Middle and High Schools in Russia were visiting the United States to learn about Civic Education. Prior to the start of the Commission meeting, they participated in a small group discussion with Commissioners Geodzhayev, Allison, Valdez and Howard-Johnson. They Presented the Commission with a calendar from Russia as a token of their appreciation.

        C. Discussion and possible action re: Presentation by Supervisor Gavin Newsom, Board of Supervisors. Supervisor Newsom spoke about the rising numbers of youth getting involved with Drugs, and would like to open a dialogue with the Commission about possible solutions to raise awareness. There was a motion to move to Committee for further discussion. Motion was approved. Supervisor Newsom also noted that he would support the Commission in its efforts for compensation.

        D. Discussion and possible action re: Presentation by Supervisor Aaron Peskin, Board of

        Supervisors. Supervisor Chris Daly spoke before Supervisor Peskin arrived and spoke about the Civic Participation Task Force. Supervisor Peskin then arrived and asked the Commissioners to look in on items in the Mayor’s budget that talk about Children and Youth and go to the Finance Committee with recommendations. He would also like the Youth Commission to weigh in on Development Projects, Budgets and Resolutions. He is open to any and all suggestions from the Commission.

        E. Discussion and possible action re: Presentation by Mutima Imani, Simplexity. Mutima congratulated the Commission on all of its hard work over the past weeks and reminded the Commissioners to be self-reflective and to speak up and speak out about the issues at hand.

        F. Discussion and possible action re: Khen Mai Aung, Asian Law Caucus, on Language Access Issues at Youth Guidance Center. Khen Mai presented facts about the insufficient translation at YGC.

        G. Discussion and possible action re: Referral from the Board of Supervisors, file 010169.

        There was a motion to support this item. Motion Approved.

        H. Discussion and possible action re: Referral from the Board of Supervisors, file 010165.

        There was a motion to support this item. Motion Approved.

        I. Discussion and possible action re: Referral from the Board of Supervisors, file 010172.

        There was a motion to support this item. Motion Approved.

        J. Discussion and possible action re: Youth Commission’s Speak Your Mind Series

        K. Discussion and possible action re: Compensation/Reimbursements of Commission Expenses. There was a motion to create an ad-hoc Committee to work on this issue. Motion Approved.

        L. Discussion and possible action re: Youth Commission 5th Anniversary Celebration. Commissioner Villaluna suggested that we hold the event on April 20th. There will be a further discussion to discuss the details of this event.

        M. Discussion and possible action re: Creation of LGBTQ Youth Task Force. This item was tabled until the next meeting.

      8. Public Comment: Jean Chen - Website Coordinator from Youth Radio asked if the Commission was interested in being involved with Youth Radio’s Webpage. She asked Commissioners to look at Youth Radio’s webpage (

      9. Announcements: There were no announcements

      10. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 7:15 pm

Last updated: 9/4/2009 9:56:45 AM