DATE: Monday, March 5, 2001
TIME: 5:00 pm
PLACE: City Hall, Room 416
1. Call to Order and Roll Call: Commissioner
Howard-Johnson called The meeting to order at 5:30 pm. Commissioner’s
Present: Allison, Arreguìn-Ferñandez(Tardy), Bonilla,
Howard-Johnson, Lantz, Lockett, Martin, Matranga, Smith, Valdez, Vedad Absent:
Commissioners Fosselman, Geodzhayev, Meksavan, Villaluna Staff Present:
Ron S. McCan, Colleen Montoya
2. Motion to approve agenda: There
was a motion to table items 7C, 7E, 7G, 7H and 7I. Motion approved.
3. Approval of the Minutes of February
20th: Minutes Approved.
4. Staff Report:
Colleen reminded Commissioners about the attendance
policy. She also informed the Commissioners about the CCYFC/WSYSN Conference
at which Commissioner Allison will be the youth keynote speaker. Colleen
will follow up with more information for those interested in attending.
Colleen also asked if any Commissioners would be interested in attending
the Marin County Youth Commission’s retreat during their lunch to talk about
our Commission. Commissioners Howard-Johnson and Matranga both expressed
Ron issued the new calendar for March and
asked Commissioners to note the dates/times of their Committees. He also
reminded Commissioners that their first drafts for the newsletter were due
this coming Thursday the 8th. He also passed around a sign up
sheet for the Coleman Advocates event on Thursday the 15th, and
asked people to sign up if they are interested in attending.
5. Officer Report :
Commissioner Howard-Johnson, Chair
- Commissioner Howard-Johnson reported on the YIP retreat that he and Commissioner
Fosselman attended. He also commended Commissioners Villaluna and Geodzhayev
for their Youth Radio interview.
Commissioner Villaluna, Operations Officer
- Commissioner Villaluna was absent from this meeting.
Commissioner Valdez, Government Affairs
Officer - Commissioner Valdez reminded everyone that it is important
for everyone to meet with their supervisors, and to invite others to join
if you don’t want to go alone. He also noted that if you are meeting with
a Supervisor other than your own, it might be a good idea to invite that
Supervisor’s appointee.
Commissioner Allison, Community Affairs
Officer - Commissioner Allison asked if anyone was interested in tabling
at the "Keepin’ it Real" Conference on 3/24 from 9-4pm.Commissioner
Allison will follow up with more information.
Commissioner Fosselman, Media & Public
Relations Officer - Commissioner Fosselman was absent from this meeting.
6. Committee Report:
Education Committee - Commissioner
Lantz reported that the Education Committee will be watching the video from
their town hall meeting to get additional notes. He also announced that
there will be a joint meeting between the Board of Education and the Board
of Supervisors on March 14th at 3:00pm.
Culture & Urban Environment - Commissioner
Allison reported that they will be contacting Supervisor Newsom to find
out more information on the youth drug epidemic.
Public Health Committee - Commissioner
Matranga reported that the Public Health Committee is working on their report.
Housing Committee - Commissioner Geodzhayev
reported that the Housing Committee will be sending out a survey to youth
agencies to forward to their youth about homeless issues. The information
collected will be used for their report.
Executive Committee - Commissioner
Howard-Johnson reported that the Executive Committee has moved their regular
meetings to the first and third Wednesdays of the month, from 7 to 8 p.m.
7. Commission Business:
A. Discussion and possible action re:
NTanya Lee, Youth making a change, on Speak up
for Kids Day. NTanya was unable
to attend, However, Colleen announced that NTanya
wanted to know if any Commissioners were
interested in supporting this event, as well as
co-sponsoring a training for youth. NTanya
will follow up with Commissioners who are
B. Discussion and possible action re:
Creation of LGBTQ Youth Task Force. There was a brief discussion on
the responsibility of the Commissioners and Staff role in the working
group. A motion was made to create the working group. Motion approved.
Commissioners Allison, Arreguìn-Ferñandez, Lantz and Valdez
are interested in participating in the working group.
C. Discussion and possible action re:
Resolution Supporting the Department of Public Health’s Universal Healthcare
for Children Initiative. Commissioner Bonilla presented the resolution
to the Commission. Resolution passed.
8. Public Comment: There was no public
9. Announcements: There were no announcements
10. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned
at 6:30p.m.