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April 16, 2001 Regular


San Francisco
Youth Commission



      DATE: Monday, April 16, 2001

      TIME: 5:00 pm

      PLACE: City Hall, Room 416

      1. Call to Order and Roll Call: Commissioner Howard-Johnson called The meeting to order at 5:00pm. Commissioner’s Present: Arreguìn-Ferñandez, Bonilla, Geodzhayev, Howard-Johnson, Lantz, Lockett, Matranga, Smith, Vedad Absent: Commissioners Allison, Fosselman, Martin & Valdez Staff Present: Nicole Derse, Ron S. McCan, Colleen Montoya

      2. Motion to approve agenda: Agenda approved.

      3. Approval of the Minutes of April 2nd : Minutes Approved.

      4. Staff Report:

      Colleen welcomed Nicole Derse, the new Youth Empowerment Coordinator for the Commission. She also told the Commissioners who will be attending the Conference in Sacramento on the April 29th that the registration packets have been received. She also announced the "Real Talk" Youth Organizing Conference on May 12th.

      Nicole introduced herself to the Commission and asked to make appointments with each Commissioners.

      5. Officer Report :

      Commissioner Howard-Johnson, Chair - Commissioner Howard-Johnson reported that he will be attending the National Youth Service Day with Ben Matranga on April 24th.

      Commissioner Villaluna, Operations Officer - Commissioner Villaluna noted that Commissioner attendance at meetings has been bad lately. She has tried contacting Commissioners, but is having trouble reaching people. She asked people to see her after the meeting to find out about their absences. She also gave a brief update on the 5th anniversary project.

      Commissioner Valdez, Government Affairs Officer - Commissioner Valdez was absent at this meeting, however, Ron updated the Commission on Supervisor Daly’s adoption of Youth Commission Resolutions.

      Commissioner Allison, Community Affairs Officer - Commissioner Allison was absent from this meeting.

      Commissioner Fosselman, Media & Public Relations Officer - Commissioner Fosselman was absent from this meeting.

      6. Committee Report:

      Education Committee - Commissioner Lantz reported that the Education Committee is still working on their report.

      Culture & Urban Environment - The Culture & Urban Environment Committee had no report.

      Public Health Committee - The Public Health Committee announced their meeting on April 17th and invited all to attend.

      Housing Committee - Commissioner Vedad reported that the Housing Committee is in the process of completing their report.

      Juvenile Justice Committee - Commissioner Smith reported that they will be touring the Community Assessment and Referral Center (CARC) on Friday, May 4th.

      Executive Committee - Commissioner Howard-Johnson reported that their next meeting is on Thursday 4/19.

      7. Old Business:

      A. Discussion and possible action re: Piers 27-21 Project Design. Commissioner Geodzhayev read over the recommendations that were sent to the Port Commission on behalf of the Youth Commission.

      B. Authorizations of Absences for Commissioners Meksavan and Villaluna. Commissioners Meksavan 3/5 absence was approved. Her 4/2 absence was unapproved. Villaluna’s absences were approved.

      8. Public Comment:

        No public Comment.

      9. New Business:

        A. Discussion and possible action re: Presentation by Health Initiatives for Youth (HIFY) on Unity Jam. Jenae from HIFY presented on Unity Jam that will be held on May 16th. She is asking for the Commission to be involved in the planning of the town hall meeting on "Youth in Media." Commissioner Bonilla expressed interest and will look at his schedule and contact Jenae ASAP.

        B. Discussion and possible action re: Presentation by Kaira Espinosa on the Real Leaders Program. Emma from the Real Program announced that they are looking for new program interns.

        C. Discussion and possible action re: Presentation by Kasper Koczab on Insideye’s anonymous communication tools to improve school safety. Kasper presented on information from Insideye. He is interested in obtaining the Youth Commission’s endorsement on their website that will help schools deal with safety issues. Kasper will come back to the Commission and schedule a presentation tour of the website before the Commission comes to a decision.

        D. Discussion and possible action re: Discussion and possible action re: YMAC & Youth Commission Collaboration on YouthVote. Suzanne and Herbert from YMAC presented on this item. They asked the Youth Commission to have a 50/50 partnership in YouthVote, which would include coordinating YouthVote in their schools, organizing a ballot, etc. the Commission voted to join this partnership with YMAC, and agreed to set a meeting with YMAC to discuss this further. Commissioners Bell, Bonilla, Vedad & Villaluna are interested in working on this project.

        E. Discussion and possible action re: Presentation by YMAC on youth involvement in wellness center planing. Herbert from YMAC presented on the wellness center meetings that are being held at the Lincoln High School Wellness center, and encouraged Commissioners to attend.

        F. Discussion and possible action re: Referral from the Board of Supervisors, File 010530.

        This resolution was urging the School District and Library Commission to comply with the Children’s Internet Protection Act. In favor: Arreguìn-Ferñandez, Matranga, Lockett ; Opposed: Bell, Geodzhayev, Lantz; Abstain: Bonilla, Meksavan, Smith, Vedad and Villaluna. The Commission will have No Comment on this item.

        G. Discussion and possible action re: Referral from the Board of Supervisors, File 010592.

        This resolution urging our congressional delegates to put kids first as they allocate budget surpluses. The Commission approved this Referral.

      10. Announcements: There were no announcements

      11. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 7:15p.m.

Last updated: 9/4/2009 9:56:06 AM