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May 07, 2001


San Francisco
Youth Commission


DATE:                                                                                Monday, May 7, 2001
TIME:                                                                                5:00 pm
PLACE:                                                                      City Hall, Room 416

1. Call to Order and Roll Call: Commissioner Howard-Johnson called The meeting to order at 5:00pm. Commissioner’s Present: Arreguìn-Ferñandez, Bonilla, Geodzhayev, Howard-Johnson, Lantz(TARDY), Lockett(TARDY), Matranga, Smith, Vedad Absent: Commissioners Bell & Martin Staff Present: Nicole Derse, Ron S. McCan, Colleen Montoya

2. Motion to approve agenda: Agenda approved.

3. Approval of the Minutes of April 16th : Minutes Approved.

4. Staff Report:

Colleen informed the Commission that the final Meeting of this term will be held on June 4th. She relayed the invitation to Great America from the Oakland Youth Commission. She will get more information on the dates and times and let interested Commissioners know. She also asked Commissioners to begin thinking of what they wanted to do as an "end of the year" event.

Nicole passed around a sign up sheet for school presentations, and asked Commissioners to sign up for dates they would be do presentations. She also passed out Registration forms for the "Real Talk" Conference on Saturday May 12th at Horace Mann Middle School.

5. Officer Report :

Commissioner Howard-Johnson, Chair - Commissioner Howard-Johnson reported that he attending the National Youth Service Day with Ben Matranga and Rolando Bonilla on April 21. He also announced that he will begin his internship in the Youth Commission Office tommorow, and will be working on school presentations.

Commissioner Villaluna, Operations Officer - Commissioner Villaluna She also gave a brief update on the 5th anniversary project.

Commissioner Valdez, Government Affairs Officer - Commissioner Valdez presented the Resolution tracking board, and reviewed the status of all of the resolutions the Commission has worked on this year

Commissioner Allison, Community Affairs Officer - Commissioner Allison reported that she was talking with HIFY on the Youth town hall meeting at Unity Jam.

Commissioner Fosselman, Media & Public Relations Officer - Commissioner Fosselman reported on the status of the website.

6. Committee Report:

Education Committee - Commissioner Lantz reported that the Education Committee will be presenting their report at the Board of Education’s Budget hearing on 5/19.

Culture & Urban Environment - The Culture & Urban Environment Committee had no report.

Public Health Committee - The Public Health Committee is working on their report.

Housing Committee - Commissioner Vedad reported that the Housing Committee is in the process of completing their report.

Juvenile Justice Committee - Commissioner Smith reported that they missed their tour of the Community Assessment and Referral Center (CARC) on Friday, May 4th. they wikk be rescheduling. Date to be announced.

Executive Committee - Commissioner Howard-Johnson reported that their next meeting is on Sunday 5/20.

7. Old Business:

A. Discussion and possible action re: MEDA’s 24th & Mission Bart Plaza Design. Francisco Castillo presented the draft designs based on the suggestions the community suggestions, and asked for additional ideas or comments.

B. Authorizations of Absences for Commissioners Allison, Fosselman, Martin & Valdez. Commissioner Allison (4/16) Excused, Commissioner Fosselman (4/16) Excused, Commissioner Martin was absent from this meeting, so her absence could not be voted on, Commissioner Valdez (4/16) Excused.

8. Public Comment:

There was public comment from a gentleman of the PTA. He talked about the state of Pedestrian safety around schools.

9. New Business:

A. Report re: California Child, Youth & Families Coalition/Western States Youth Service Network Annual Spring Conference Held April 29-May 1, 2001. Commissioners Meksavan & Vedad spoke about the conference and the goals of the organization. Commissioner Allison reported on her Keynote speech and her experience. Commissioner Villaluna reported on the trip to the state capitol and their meetings with staff members from Senator Alpert, Assemblywoman Migden, and Assemblyman Kevin Shelley.

B. Report re: Mayoral Appointee Meetings with Mayor Brown held Tuesday May 1st & May 7th, 2001. Commissioners Fosselman, Howard-Johnson, Lantz, Meksavan and Smith updated the Mayor on the various projects that the Commission has worked on during this term. Mayor Brown also gave some helpful suggestions on how to work with the city.

C. Discussion and possible action re: Referral from the Board of Supervisors, File 010688.
The Commission voted in support of this Referral.

D. Discussion and possible action re: Referral from the Board of Supervisors, File 010718.
The Commission voted in support of this Referral.

E. Discussion and possible action re: Reflection of the Youth Commission 2000-2001 term. The Commissioners participated in an activity in which they reviewed the 2000-2001 term. They read the letters they wrote to themselves at the beginning of the term, and wrote about the things they’ve heard about the Youth Commission this year, what they are proud of, hopes for the next year and advice to the next Commission.

10. Announcements: There were no announcements

11. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 7:45p.m.
Last updated: 9/4/2009 9:56:06 AM