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September 17, 2001


San Francisco
Youth Commission

San Francisco Youth Commission

DATE:                                                                                Monday, September 17, 2001
TIME:                                                                                5:00 pm
PLACE:                                                                      City Hall, Room 416

1. Election of Interim Chair
Commissioner Campeau made a motion, in the interest of time, to vote to elect Commissioner Villaluna as interim chair. Motion approved unanimously.

2. Call to Order and Roll Call: Commissioner Villaluna called the meeting to order at 5:15pm. Commissioner’s Present: Allison, Arreguìn-Ferñandez, Attai, Jacot-Bell, Campeau, Chang, Kwong, Lantz, Martin, Mejia, Olawale, Valdez, Villaluna Absent: Commissioners Fosselman, Geodzhayev, Ramos, Vedad Staff Present: Nicole Derse, Colleen Montoya

3. Motion to approve agenda: Commissioner Villaluna made a motion to move the Announcements to after Old Business. Motion approved unanimously. Commissioner Valdez made a motion to dedicate this meeting to the victims of the September 11 tragedy. Motion approved unanimously. Commissioner Arreguin-Fernandez made a motion to dedicate this meeting to community victims. Motion approved unanimously. Commissioner Lantz made a motion to dedicate this meeting to victims of hate crimes following the tragedy. Motion approved unanimously. Commissioner Lantz made a motion asking the Commissioners to take a minute of silence at 6:00 pm to remember the victims of the tragedy. Motion approved unanimously. A motion was made to approve the amended agenda. Motion approved unanimously.

4. Approval of the Minutes of September 10th: There were no minutes to approve. A motion was made to table the approval of the minutes. Motion approved unanimously.

5. Staff Report:

Colleen updated the Commissioners on the status of Youth Recognition Day. She informed everyone of Ron’s absence and thanked them for their well wishes. She also explained the attendance policy.

Nicole reminded the Commissioners to turn in the necessary forms (Availability, Leadership & Advocacy Series, and Retreat Evaluation). She reminded everyone of the need for Commissioner leadership in Youth VOTE. She also asked for volunteers to present to the SF Boys & Girls Club and Friendship House.

6. Old Business:

A. Approval of the Minutes of August 16th, 17th, 18th: There were no minutes to approve. A motion was made to table the approval of the minutes. Motion approved unanimously.

B. Discussion and possible action re: Referral from the Board of Supervisors, File 011450 Restructuring the Delinquency Prevention Commission. Commissioner Kwong made a motion for the Commission to have no comment on the referral. Commissioner Arreguin-Fernandez seconded the motion. Discussion followed. Commissioner Kwong withdrew the motion. Commissioner Valdez made a motion to urge the Board of Supervisors to strike the underlined portion of lines 17-18, "unless there are no available persons able to carry out the duties in a manner satisfactory to the appointing Supervisor". Commissioner Villaluna seconded the motion. The motion was approved with a vote of 12-0. Commissioner Kwong abstained.

C. Discussion re: Update on the status of Youth Space. There was a motion to table this
item because the speaker was not in attendance. Motion approved unanimously.

7. Announcements {This includes Community Events}: Several Commissioners announced upcoming meetings and events.

8. Public Comment: There was no public comment.

9. New Business:

A. Discussion and possible action re: Youth Commission Statement and Call to Action regarding the events of September 11, 2001. Commissioners Allison and Valdez explained the process the ad hoc group went through to come up with three potential statements from the Youth Commission. They asked for input from all Commissioners, inviting everyone to participate in the ad hoc committee. Commissioner Kwong made a motion to not have a committee working on this statement. Commissioner Kwong withdrew his motion. Commissioner Villaluna made a motion to have two statements, one for youth and for media. Commissioner Villaluna withdrew her motion. Commissioner Valdez made a motion to include some form of Commissioner Olawale’s statement in the Youth Commission statement. Motion approved unanimously. After further discussion, Commissioner Villaluna made a motion to have the Youth Commission issue one statement that would address the media and the youth of San Francisco. Commissioner Chang seconded the motion. The motion was approved 11-2 votes. The Commission decided to form an ad hoc committee to meet and finalize a statement. The Commission decided to approve the statement at a special meeting on Friday, September 21 at 6:00 pm.

B. Discussion and possible action re: Youth VOTE 2001 Workshop Training. Commissioners Arreguin-Fernandez, Lantz, and Valdez and Nicole and Patricia led a training on conducting the Youth VOTE 2001 Workshop in schools. They answered the Commissioners questions regarding Youth VOTE.

C. Discussion re: Update on the status of Youth Space. N’Tanya Lee from Coleman Advocates for Children & Youth updated the Youth Commission on the status of Youth Space. Commissioner Valdez suggested that she be put on the agenda of a future meeting so that she has time to give the Commissioners more information.

D. Discussion and possible action re: Election of Youth Commission Officers. Each
Each candidate gave a two (2) minute speech explaining why they should be elected for their position of choice. Roll Call Vote: [** Denotes Election results] Chairperson: **Arreguin: Kwong, Arreguin, Olawale, Campeau, Lantz, Attai **Valdez: Allison, Martin, Mejia, Bell, Valdez, Villaluna Government Affairs Officer: **Kwong: Kwong, Arreguin, Olawale, Campeau, Lantz, Attai, Allison, Martin, Mejia, Bell, Valdez, Villaluna Media & Public Relations Officer: Bell: Bell, Mejia, Attai **Olawale: Martin, Olawale, Arreguin, Kwong **Allison: Allison, Campeau, Lantz, Valdez Abstain: Villaluna Operations Officer: **Lantz: Kwong, Arreguin, Olawale, Campeau, Lantz, Attai, Allison, Martin, Mejia, Bell, Valdez, Villaluna Community Affairs Officer **Villaluna: Olawale, Campeau, Lantz, Allison, Martin, Mejia, Bell, Valdez, Villaluna Chang: Attai, Kwong, Arreguin

Colleen announced the results. There were only 8 Commissioners present (short of quorum) so the meeting was adjourned. It was decided that there would be a special meeting on Friday, September 21 from 6:00-6:30 pm to address the tie and run-off in the election.

10. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m.
Last updated: 9/4/2009 9:56:03 AM