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October 01, 2001


San Francisco
Youth Commission

San Francisco Youth Commission

DATE:                                                                                Monday, October 1, 2001
TIME:                                                                                5:00 pm
PLACE:                                                                      City Hall, Room 416

1. Call to Order and Roll Call: Commissioner Valdez called The meeting to order at 5:20pm. Commissioners Present: Allison, Arreguìn-Ferñandez, Attai, Jacot-Bell, Campeau, Chang, Fosselman, Geodzhayev, Kwong, Lantz, Martin, Olawale, Ramos, Valdez, Villaluna Absent: Commissioners Mejia and Vedad Staff Present: Nicole Derse, Ron S. McCan, Colleen Montoya, Patricia Ancheta (Intern)

2. Motion to approve agenda: There was a motion to table item 8C due to presenter’s absence. Motion Approved. There was a motion to move item 9 Announcements before item 7 Public Comment on items not on the agenda. Motion Approved.

3. Approval of the Minutes September 10th, 17th and 21st: there was a motion to add Commissioner Kwong’s name to the list of those voting to approve item 7E. Motion Approved. Minutes Approved.

4. Staff Report:

Nicole spoke about the upcoming Saturday Leadership Training’s and asked everyone to save Saturday 10/27 for the first training. She also reminded people to check the Wednesday Update, and spoke about upcoming presentations.

Patricia issued flyers for the Student Delegate Candidates Forum and asked everyone to come to the event. She also reminded Commissioners Arreguìn-Ferñandez and Kwong to turn in their Ballot information ASAP

Colleen spoke about the agenda and meeting length and reminded everyone that meetings sometimes do go past 7:00, and that it is important to have everyone at all meetings for the full meeting. In order to do this, we need to move the meeting along by limiting side-talking and repetitious discussion. It’s important to be respectful of eachother’s time.
Ron asked everyone to fill out their Business Card Order Forms and return to him by Friday10/5. He also asked for Commissioner’s Bios and schedules. Those who do not have their bio turned in by 10/5 will not have one on the website.

5. Officer Report:

Commissioner Valdez - Chair: Commissioner Valdez reported that all Committee Conveners turn in notes on the status of their Committee after every Committee meeting, so it will be easier for Conveners to give their reports to the full commission. He also asked Commissioners to help put together a scrapbook for the New York City Firefighters. He will follow up with more information about the scrap book project.

Commissioner Villaluna - Community Affairs Officer: Commissioner Villaluna reported that she is working with Nicole on the Outreach Plan, and that there will be an outreach meeting next Monday. She also announced that the CARC Hearing will be on November 1, 2001 at 10:00am.

Commissioner Lantz - Operations Officer: Commissioner Lantz commended the Commission on the election process. He will go over the attendance policy at the next meeting.

Commissioner Allison - Media & Public Relations Officer: Commissioner Allison Spoke about the Youth Commission statement and press release follow up.

Commissioner Kwong - Government Affairs Officer: Commissioner Kwong announced that the Board of Supervisors moved the Golden Gate Park Road Closures issue to the Neighborhood Services Committee for further discussion.

6. Committee Report:

Education Committee - Discussed the Student Advisory Committee and the status of the budget for their staff. The Committee will meet on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays at 4:30pm.

Public Health Committee - Decided that the focus of this term will be to educate the community on abuse and domestic violence. The Committee will meet on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays at 6pm.

Culture & Urban Environment Committee - Met on Thursday, will select Convener at next meeting. The Committee will meet on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays at 5:30pm.

Juvenile Justice and Housing Committees had no report.

7. Public Comment:

Melanie Miles, David Miles, and Ralph Lane came out to speak in favor of the Golden Gate Park Saturday Road Closure. Tomasita Medal came out to speak against the closure.

Kendall Lincoln spoke about the Tobacco Free Program. They are investigating youth being able to purchase tobacco via the Internet, and would like to come back at the end of their investigation and report their findings.

Grant Millin from SFSU came to inquire about the Youth Commission’s discussion about Juvenile / organized crime. He would like to meet with Commissioners to get more information.

8. New Business:

A. Discussion re: Sunshine Ordinance Training by Jackie Minor, Deputy City Attorney. Jackie went over the Sunshine Ordinance with Commission, and gave the Commission a few suggestions on how it can be in tune with the Sunshine Ordinance

B. Discussion and possible action re: Youth Law Center Report on crowding and disproportionality at San Francisco Juvenile Hall, presentation by James R. Bell. James presented key points from the Executive Summary to the Commission. Commissioner Bell expressed interest in working with James more and will follow up for more information.

C. Discussion re: Presentation by John Avalos, Coleman Advocates for Children & Youth. This item was tabled.

D. Discussion and possible action re: Letter urging SFUSD and Board of Education to provide Student Advisory Council staff Support as promised. There was a motion to approve this item. Motion Approved.

[At this point of the meeting, Commissioners Allison, Arreguìn-Ferñandez, Bell, Geodzhayev, Lantz, Olawale, Ramos, Valdez and Villaluna were present]

E. Discussion and possible action re: Resolution Urging the Police Commission and the SFPD to mandate police crisis intervention training for SFPD Officers. This item was introduced by Commissioner Villaluna. There was a motion to approve this item. Motion Approved.

F. Discussion and possible action re: Resolution commending Jina Tanner for her work with youth in the City & County of San Francisco. Commissioner Allison introduced this item. There was a motion to approve this item. Motion Approved.

9. Announcements:

¨ "Break the Silence - Stop the Violence" Hip Hop spoken word event about Domestic Violence on 10/18 at Bindlestiff Theater.

¨ District 1 Town Hall Meeting on Saturday 10/27 at Richmond Rec. Center

¨ Infusion One Young Men at Risk Summit on 12/1 10am-5pm at Everett Middle School

10. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 7:30p.m.
Last updated: 9/4/2009 9:45:49 AM