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October 15, 2001


San Francisco
Youth Commission


      San Francisco Youth Commission


      DATE: Monday, October 15, 2001

      TIME: 5:00 pm

      PLACE: City Hall, Room 416

      1. Call to Order and Roll Call: Commissioner Valdez called The meeting to order at 5:05pm. Commissioners Present: Arreguìn-Ferñandez, Jacot-Bell, Campeau, Chang, Fosselman, Kwong, Lantz, Martin, Olawale, Ramos, Valdez, Vedad and Villaluna Absent: Commissioners Allison, Attai, Geodzhayev, Mejia, Staff Present: Nicole Derse, Ron S. McCan, Colleen Montoya, Patricia Ancheta (Intern)

      2. Motion to approve agenda: There was a motion to approve the agenda. Motion Approved.

      3. Approval of the Minutes of October 1, 2001: There was a motion to approve the minutes. Motion Approved.

      4. Staff Report:

      Nicole spoke announced that the State Board of Education has an open seat for a young person who will be a senior in High school next year, and for all interested persons to contact her for more information. She also announced that there will be a Youth Media Council meeting at YMAC on 11/6, a meeting of the Television Race Initiative on 10/20, and a meeting of the DCYF Focus Group on 10/24. She also informed everyone that the Youth Commission’s Leadership Training will be held on Monday 10/29 from 5:00pm to 8:00pm, and will follow on the third Saturday of every month (11/17 and 12/15) from 10:00 am to 2:00pm.

      Patricia announced that the Ballots have been dropped off at the schools, and Youth Vote is officially underway. She informed everyone that there are still opportunities for presentations at schools. She asked everyone to save the date for the Press Conference on 11/ 1 at 10:00 am (location to be announced)

      Colleen reminded everyone of the Children’s Caucus on Saturday 10.27 from 9:30 am to 2: 00 pm. Mayor Brown is scheduled to moderate, as well as Commissioner Valdez, who will be giving a speech at the beginning of the event.

      Ron asked everyone to make sure that they are not storing items in their mailboxes in the office. He informed everyone that there is filing space available for those who need to keep things in the office. He also informed everyone about the office’s communication efforts, and that they sometimes will receiving public comment e-mails.

      5. Officer Report:

      Commissioner Valdez - Chair: Commissioner Valdez reported that the Firefighters Scrapbook was presented to the New York Firefighters on Tuesday 10/9. He also urged the Commissioners to be on time to the full Commission meetings. He also reminded everyone that the full Commission voted to participate in Youth Vote and that everyone needs to be more involved.

      Commissioner Villaluna - Community Affairs Officer: Commissioner Villaluna reported on all the upcoming outreach opportunities. She will be presenting the outreach plan for the year later on in this meeting.

      Commissioner Lantz - Operations Officer: Commissioner Lantz reviewed the attendance policy with the Commission.

      Commissioner Allison - Media & Public Relations Officer: Commissioner Allison was absent from this meeting.

      Commissioner Kwong - Government Affairs Officer: Commissioner Kwong reminded everyone to check in with his or her supervisors.

      6. Committee Report:

      Education Committee - The Education Committee is sending questions to Youth Vote asking students what concerns them the most about public schools. The also announced that the Commission needs a liaison to Board of Education. Interested persons should attend the next Education Committee meeting for more information.

      Public Health Committee - The Public Health Committee will be working on designing a cirriculum for presentations in the spring to teach youth about Domestic Violence and Sexual Education. They are working on getting someone from the Department of Public Health to come to the next meeting.

      Culture & Urban Environment Committee - The Committee has voted to change the name from Culture and Urban Environment Committee to Public Recreation and Resources Committee. They will be putting this as an item for discussion at the next meeting. The Committee met with Paula from the Presidio Trust, and reminded everyone about the public hearing that is being held on 10/16 at the Presidio Officer’s Club at 5: 30 pm. They also announced that Commissioner Chang is the Youth Space representative for the Commission.

      Juvenile Justice Committee - The Juvenile Justice Committee announced that there is a Juvenile Justice Stakeholders Meeting on 10/16 at Youth Guidance Center at 4:30 p.m. Commissioner Jacot-bell is scheduled to attend.

      Housing Committee - The Housing Committee will be meeting on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of every month at 4:30 pm. They will be focusing on Transitional Housing for Youth this term.

      7. Public Comment: There was no public comment on items not on the agenda

      8. Announcements:

      · October Quest for Connections at John O’Connell High School 10/26

      · District 3 Town Hall Meeting 10/20 at Gordon J. Lau Elementary School

      · District 1 Town Hall Meeting 10/20 at 2pm - Richmond Rec

      · Hip-Hop rally against the war 10/27 at 1pm in Dolores Park

      8. Old Business:

        A. Discussion and possible action re: Youth Commission’s resolution (9/10/01) urging the Board of Supervisors to defer on potential road closure in Golden Gate Park. Larry Roberts from the office of Supervisor Gonzalez was present and gave facts about Supervisor Gonzalez’s legislation and answered any questions that the Commissioners had.

        There was then public comment on this item. Speaking for the closure:

        Michael Smith

        John Avalos

        Speaking against the closure:

        Mike Elzie

        Amy Cramer - California Academy of Sciences

        Tomasita Medal - Keep the DeYoung in the Park Coalition

        Commissioner Kwong made a motion to end the discussion on this item with no further action. Colleen noted that this item would not go before the Board of Supervisors until mid November. Commissioner Jacot-Bell then made a motion to table this item until the 11/5 meeting. Commissioner Chang seconded the motion. The motion was passed.

      9. New Business

        A. Discussion and possible action re: Presentation by John Avalos, Coleman Advocates for Children & Youth. John spoke about the relationship that Coleman has with the Youth Commission and our collaboration on events such as speak up for kids day. He also encouraged the Commissioners to attend the Children’s Caucus on 10/27.

        [There was a motion to table items B,D, and E due to time constraints. MOTION APPROVED. There was a motion to extend the meeting until 7:20pm. MOTION APPROVED.]

        C. Discussion and possible action re: Authorization of absences for Commissioners Fosselman, Geodzhayev, Ramos, Vedad (September 17, 2001 Meeting); Authorization of absences for Commissioner Mejia and Vedad (October 1, 2001 Meeting). Commissioner Vedad 9/17 and 10/1 - Unexcused. Commissioner Fosselman 9/17 - Excused. Commissioner Ramos 9/17 - Excused.

        F. Discussion and possible action re: Resolution Commending Deborah Gallegos for her positive work in the movement to restore a piece of San Francisco public art. Commissioner Villaluna introduced this item. There was a motion to approve this resolution. MOTION APPROVED.

      9. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 7:30p.m.

Last updated: 9/4/2009 9:43:49 AM