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March 15, 1999

The San Francisco Youth Commission

Monday, March 15, 1999
5:00 p.m.
City Hall, Room 416

  1. Call to Order and Roll Call
  2. The meeting was called to order at 5:15 PM. Commissioners present: Barraza, Blake, Castillo, Isner, Siu, (5). Commissioners excused: Quorum was not present no commissioners could be excused. Commissioners Tardy: Anderson, Cottonham, Joun (excused previously), Turner (4) Absent: Aliga, Castro, Crane, DeVries, Eliapo, Lugo, Mak, Ramlochan (8). Youth Commission staff Susan Kim, Camille Broussard and Joshua Todd present.

  3. Motion to approve agenda: Quorum was not present agenda could not be approved.
  4. Motion to approve minutes of March 1: Quorum was not present minutes could not be approved.
  5. Announcements
  6. - A staff member from the REAL program (Revitalizing Education And Learning) spoke about REAL’s mission to help reengage youth in education and help to make the learning environment in schools more interesting to youth and more conducive to learning. Application materials were handed out in case any Commissioners wanted to train to become a REAL teacher. If you are interested in this program call Marysol De La Torre or Ilalo Kalika @ 415.982.0615.

    -Camille announced that she will be leaving the Youth Commission for a new position with the Department of Children, Youth and their Families. Camille’s last day will be Wednesday, March 23rd.

    -Susan announced that Youth Initiated Project grant applications are now available. Applications for the current grant cycle will be due April 21st.

    -Francisco announced that he will not be able to attend the next Youth Commission meeting on April 5th due to his trip to Africa, Jamal will facilitate the meeting in his absence.

  7. Staff Report: Held until quorum was present.
  8. No reports at this time.

  9. Working Group Reports: Held until quorum was present.
  10. Legislative Action- Outreach packet for the Peace and Safety Youth Advocacy Day is complete and will be mailed out in the next few days. Logistics planning for the event is happening now and our next meeting will be Wednesday March 24 from 4:30-6:00pm at City Hall. Dennis Isner and Pam Pham from the Trauma Foundation gave an interview on KFOG radio Monday, March 15th regarding the advocacy day. The interview will be airing the weekend of March 19th and will air on KFOG, KSAN and KMBR.

    Community Outreach and Input- Patricia Barraza discussed plans for the Youth Empowerment Conference. There will be warm up sessions which will include ice breakers and discussion to help pump people up and get them interested in workshop topics.

    Workshops will be held twice, once in the morning and once in the afternoon. There will be between 15-20 workshops, some will be entertaining and others will be around specific topics. The workshops around specific topics will be used to get people interested in the topic so they will want to take action and then can be directed to Young Active Citizens which will provide support for their efforts. The conference will close out the day with an Awards Ceremony for outstanding young people and we will come back to end the conference with a dance.

    Commissioners gave feedback about what they thought would make the conference a success.

    -Commissioner Siu wanted programs and projects to come out of the conference.

    -Commissioner Blake wanted the Resource Fair to hook youth up to jobs and services. She also thought that paperwork should be done during workshops, easier that way.

    -Commissioner Anderson wanted to develop the goals of the YC through the YEC.

    -Commissioner Turner thought attendees should fill out survey’s so we know how to improve. Those surveys could be their ticket to get lunch, so they are more likely to fill them out.

    -Commissioner Isner thought a total evaluation of the conference was necessary plus mini evaluations for each workshop, resource fair, warm up sessions, opening session, etc...., transportation is a big concern and he felt MUNI buses would be helpful again this year. A wall of feelings where people can express how they feel during the day and give people a chance to write what they thought of the conference.

    -Commissioner Castillo thought the expression wall was a good idea and that it should be made of cloth so it can be a permanent artifact for the Commission.


    -Free Stuff, CD’s, posters, giant tickets

    -low rider demos, Mountain Dew truck, freestyle (?)

    -Media list, we need a strategic plan for outreach

    -Commissioners should each bring 2 people to the next conference meeting so we can get other young people involved. Everyone needs to do something.


    -Community meetings, unique approach to getting people involved.

    -Public Service announcements will help to get people involved.

    -We should rely totally on the Mayor’s Office for all of the YEC media outreach.

    -Commissioner Joun wanted to know how the YC staff will spread out their time for the conference. How will other YC projects be affected by staffing needs for YEC? (Lobby Day will be over, SATF will be staffed by Commission on the status of women, LGBTQQ is fairly autonomous but Lena will take over some of Josh’s duties.)

    -Lena offered to help with media outreach, she will show Jamal what to do.


    Workshops (James, Jamal, Alice and Patty)

    Resource Fair (Linda Blake)

    Logistics (James)

    Sexual Assault Task Force- Commission on the Status of Women will be taking over many of the duties the Camille formerly held. The young women are still planning on attending the CCYFC conference and have begun doing their workshops.

    LGBTQQ Youth Task Force- The sensitivity training legislation the Task Force has been working on will be carried to the Board on March 22 by President Ammiano. The legislation falls under the 30 day rule and once 30 days is over will be heard at the Housing and Social Policy committee. The Family, Housing and Shelter working group of the Task Force had a meeting with Department of Human Services and are working on the issue of LGBTQQ foster care youth.

    1. New Business: Held until quorum was present.
      1. Discussion and possible action re: Youth Commissioners currently in violation of the attendance policy (Linda Crane) . No action could be taken since quorum was not present.

      2. Discussion re: What Youth Commissioners want to do with their Commission term, what is your agenda for the rest of the year. No action was taken on this item.

      3. Discussion re: Youth Empowerment Conference update and dialogue with Commissioners who are not working on conference planning. Discussion was covered under working group reports.

      4. Discussion re: Youth Budget Hearing report. Commissioners will hear a report regarding the Youth Budget Hearing and what feedback we received. We had over 100 people attend the budget hearing and over 50 people testify. Susan is in the process of creating a document which will be sent out to the Board of Supervisor’s and Directors of each of the Departments.

      5. Discussion and possible action re: Setting next meeting’s agenda. The following items were requested to be put on the next meetings agenda.

-Commissioners in violation of the attendance policy Castro, Crane, Lugo, Mak and Ramlochan.

-Report from the Violence and Education (HRC youth and education subcommittee) committee.

-Report from Commissioner Turner re: Queer Youth Lobby Day.

  1. Public Comment- There was no public comment.
  2. Adjournment: Motion to adjourn, seconded with no objections. Meeting adjourned at 6:40 PM.

Last updated: 3/6/2014 2:12:16 PM