The San Francisco
Youth Commission
Monday, April 19, 1999 |
5:00 |
City Hall, Room 416 |
1. Call to Order and Roll Call: Commissioners Present: Anderson, Barraza,
Blake, Castillo, Castro, Crane, DeVries, Isner, Lugo, Siu, Turner (11). Tardy:
Cottonham, Joun (excused), Mak, Ramlochan (4) Absent: Aliga and Eliapo (2)
2. Motion to approve agenda: Motion to amend agenda to place New Business,
item B, first on the agenda seconded and approved.
3. Motion to approve minutes of April 5: Motion to approve minutes seconded
and approved.
4. Staff Report:
-Lobby Day debrief will be Wednesday, April 21st and will be held
at Susan’s house. Meet at the Youth Commission office at 4:30pm.
-Need a group of Commissioners who would like to work on a PSA for the Youth
Empowerment Conference with Youth Radio. (Castillo, Isner, Ramlochan, Barraza,
DeVries, Lugo, Blake.)
-Commissioners that would like to decide the Youth Empowerment Awards should
contact Susan Kim at the Commission office. (Siu, DeVries, Turner, Anderson,
Castillo, Barraza and Blake.)
-Applications will be available tomorrow please start doing recruitment.
-Our conference planners would like YCers to solicit donations for the YEC within
their communities. We need Commissioners to go to stores in their neighborhood.
-We need a Commissioner to table for the IT’S A SHE THING conference, this is
a women’s only conference. April 24th, this Saturday, Commissioner Lugo will
table at the event.
-Commissioner Barraza did a report back to the BOS on the budget hearing last
week and did a great job. GO PATRICIA!!!
-If you have any input regarding the hiring process and candidates that you
would like interviewed please forward that feedback to the Commission staff.
-This Friday Commissioner Castillo will be speaking to the Public Utilities
Commission regarding the Youth Commission projects and how to involve youth
in government.
5. Working Group Reports:
Legislative Action- Lobby Day was a big success. We met with dozens
of legislators and close to 200 youth came to Sacramento to advocate for gun
control and violence prevention. Dolores Huerta from the United Farm Workers,
Senator Vasconcellos, Assemblymember Scott, Assemblymember Aroner as well
as close to a dozen youth speakers spoke at the Rally. Commissioner Lugo talked
about how great the event was. Commissioner Anderson learned that youth can
do a lot if they put there minds to it and the youth can do positive things
and have a lot of power. All of the bills that we are advocating for have
passed out of the public safety committee and into appropriations committee.
AB 202 (one gun per month) has passed out of PS committee and also appropriations
and is currently on the house floor.
Community Outreach and Input- Break out sessions will have a cool activity
to help youth figure out what they want to do and get to know each other.
Commissioner Barraza stated that we need Youth Commissioner to take a strong
role in the conference and take an area to lead. Commissioners who wanted
to work on workshops please see Josh after the meeting to decide who gets
a workshop.
Discussion of the YEC survey followed.
Sexual Assault Task Force- No report.
LGBTQQ Youth Task Force- Commissioner Turner reported that the Task Force
has decided to continue as a body but that make up of the Task Force will
be discussed later on when we report to the board in June. We are also working
on Memorandums of Understanding with different departments. Commissioner Castillo
applauded the work of Commissioner Turner and DeVries and Joshua Todd for
their work.
6. New Business:
A. Discussion and possible action re: Youth Commissioners currently
in violation of the attendance policy (Commissioners Crane and Lugo). Commissioner
Crane stated that she has been sick and that she will be involved with the
Commission and will attend the YEC meeting on Thursday. Commissioner Lugo
stated that she has been busy and did call for the last meeting. Commissioner
Mak moved to approve their absences, seconded and approved. Commissioner Turner
stated that she would like to see an amendment to the by laws that would say
if you are in violation of the attendance policy twice you will be automatically
removed from the Commission.
B. Discussion and possible action re: Resolution supporting child proofing
of alcohol advertisements. Commissioner Isner raised a concern that the
resolution was not made available prior to the meeting. The original resolution
created by YLI was given to Commissioners last week and the resolution drafted
by the Youth Commission is practically identical but was not ready for the
mailing last week. Commissioner Anderson wanted to know what cosponsership
of this event would include. We would be a part of the press conference and
allow YLI to inform the Board of Supervisors that the Youth Commission is
in support of this and use our name during the press conference. Commissioner
Turner motioned to support the resolution, seconded and approved without objection.
Commissioners Barraza, Castillo and Turner will be able to attend the press
C. Discussion and possible action re: Youth Empowerment Conference survey.
Commissioner DeVries mentioned that under sexual orientation there should
be a straight/ heterosexual category. Commissioner Mak requested that a box
be included on the survey to find out how much young people already knew about
the Commission. Commissioner Turner motioned to approve the survey with changes,
Commissioner Isner objected. Commissioner Isner stated that he felt more discussion
was needed to make sure this document was as good as possible. He had specific
concerns regarding the check off boxes relating to issues that are important
to young people. Objection was withdrawn, motion to approve seconded and approved.
D. Discussion re: Recruitment for Youth Commissioners. Applications
have a better description of what the Youth Commission is and what the time
commitment is. We will then interview candidates and forward recommendations
to the supervisors and the Mayor. Commissioners Barraza, Isner, Lugo and Castillo
would like to return.
E. Discussion re: Report from Commissioner Castillo on the Africa Trade
and Friendship Mission. Commissioner Castillo reported that he and the
San Francisco contingent merged with the Oakland contingent since the Mayor
was unable to attend. The Oakland contingent was led by Senator Lee. Francisco
stated that in Ghana prostitution and child labor are major issues for children
and youth as well as poverty since Ghana is an extremely poor country. They
met with the First Lady of Ghana and discussed trade issues. They then traveled
to Johannesburg, South Africa where they have a national youth commission
and their chair is interested in fashioning their youth commission on our
model. Cape Town, South Africa was their next stop and Commissioner Castillo
stated that Cape town was much less diverse and that they are still struggling
to incorporate all citizens since apartheid ended. Commissioner Turner was
interested in what Castillo’s main purpose was, Commissioner Castillo stated
that he went to help their youth commissions build upon our model and find
issues that we can work on together.
F. Discussion and possible action re: Joint hearing of the Student Advisory
Council and the Youth Commission regarding education. Commissioner Barraza
stated that after the budget hearing many youth were interested in what the
Commission can do around education. The Commission and the Student Advisory
Council could sponsor a hearing to see how young people can advocate for better
schools. Commissioners raised the concern that we may not have enough time
to put towards this before the year ends due to the conference. Commissioner
Castillo offered that this event could kick off the year for next term. Commissioner
Mak asked whether public and private schools would be involved, Commissioner
Barraza was of the feeling the it would focus specifically on public schools.
Joshua Todd stated that if we are going to do this next year we should recruit
a SAC member to be on the Commission next year so we have a continued relationship
with that council. Commissioner Turner stated that she felt that we could
start laying the ground work this year. Commissioner Mak stated that we could
hold an education hearing at the Youth Empowerment Conference.
G. Discussion and possible action re: Support of the California Center
for Civic Participation and Youth Development project whose aim is to increase
SF and Oakland young people’s capacity for participation in California government.
Susan Kim talked with a woman from the California Center and they are
interested in connecting youth from SF and Oakland. Susan thought that Commissions
across the State should be talking together and would like to write a letter
of support for this organization. Commissioner DeVries motioned to support
this organization, seconded by Commissioner Barraza, objected by Commissioner
Isner. Commissioner Barraza stated that she felt it was important for the
youth organizations in Oakland and SF to come together and that we should
pull together an event that would give these organizations a chance to talk.
Commissioner Turner wanted to know why the motion was objected to. Commissioner
Isner stated that he wanted to hear from the organization in person before
he voted to support their efforts. Roll vote was taken, 15 Commissioners in
support, 2 Commissioners absent (Aliga, Eliapo)
H. Discussion and possible action re: Setting the next meeting’s agenda.
-Amendment to the By laws regarding attendance.
-Discussion re: report Teen Courts, Commissioner Mak.
-Commissioner Eliapo will be on the agenda re: attendance policy.
7. Announcements:
-Barraza announced that Raza Studies has been approved for Thurgood Marshall
HS next year.
-Baby Brigade from Coleman Advocates were in City Hall yesterday to advocate
for higher funding for child care.
-Blake, presented at the 10th annual service learning conference.
-Turner met with Ellison Horne re: the solutions project and she will keep
us informed on what the project is doing.
-Castillo is serving on the Western Addition Beacon Executive Committee and
the Advisory Council for the National summit on Africa, both bodies need people
please let Francisco know.
-Susan wanted all the Commissioners to know that Wilson is putting a ballot
initiative out for the 2000 ballot that would put youth in the adult prison
system, longer sentences for youth, expand death penalty for 14 year olds, as
well as wire taping for gang members. There is a strong youth movement across
the state organizing against this. There is a meeting tomorrow morning for the
organizers to fight this ballot initiative.
8. Public Comment:
9. Adjournment: Motion to adjourn 7:03.