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September 02, 1999

The San Francisco Youth Commission


Thursday, September 2, 1999
TIME:  5:00
PLACE: City Hall, Room 250

1. Call to Order and Roll Call: Commissioners Present: Arreguin, Barker, Barnes, Bolden-Kramer, Bonilla, Castillo, Cottonham, Devine, Durkee, Geodzhayev, Lau, Pang, Strohlin, Talton-Alunan, Yee (15). Tardy: Ervin (1). Staff present: Susan Kim, Mario Balcita, and Jessica Smith.

2. Motion to approve agenda: Motion to approve agenda seconded and approved.

3. Staff Report:
Staff introduced Gloria Young, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors. Ms. Young congratulated and welcomed the new Commissioners, and expressed her excitement regarding working with this year’s Youth Commission. She encouraged Commissioners to contact her if they need any assistance or support.

4. Presentation by Nancy Elsner on Parliamentary Procedure. Ms. Elsner reviewed basic parliamentary procedure and distributed supplementary materials.

5. New Business:

A. Discussion and possible action re: Revising and Approving Youth Commission Bylaws. Commission had previously reviewed current bylaws and staff had distributed proposed revisions based on feedback from last term’s Commission.

Commissioner Barnes distributed proposed amendments to the staff’s revised bylaws. There was a brief discussion on whether to table the discussion on bylaws because Commissioners were concerned that they had not had enough time to review Commissioner Barnes’ amendments. There was a motion by Commissioner Durkee to read over each section, which was seconded and approved.

No changes were proposed for Section I (Name and Authorization). In Section II (Purpose and Duties), Commissioner Barnes moved that the staff revisions be adopted so that the purpose and duties in the bylaws corresponds to those in the charter. He also proposed adding a section stating that the Commission "report to the Board of Supervisors the activities, goals, and accomplishments of the Commission by July 1 of each calendar year." Consensus was reached on both these suggestions.

In Section III (Membership), letter B (Resignation), Commissioner Barnes proposed that letters of resignation from Commissioners go to the Chairperson. Commissioner Durkee disagreed, but Commissioners Strohlin and Devine agreed with the proposal. Commissioner Castillo suggested tabling this section and coming back to it after revising Section IV (Offices). There were no objections to Commissioner Castillo’s motion.

Commissioners took a three minute recess to review Commissioner’s Barnes proposed amendments.

Commissioners reconvened and began discussion on Section III, letter C (Vacancies). Commissioner Barnes proposed that if there are mid-year vacancies, applicants who submitted their application before the previous year’s deadline be given priority for Commission recommendation. Commissioners Barker and Strohlin disagreed, stating that applicants should not be penalized because they may not have known about the Commission earlier. The Commission agreed to change "given priority" to "included".

Commissioners agreed to table discussion of Section IV (Offices), letter A (Titles), until after the discussion of officer duties. In Section IV, letter B (Duties of Officers), number 1 (Chairperson), Commissioner Durkee objected to the Chair being designated the official spokesperson of the Commission, since all Commissioners are official spokespeople. Commissioners Arreguin and Barker agreed, and Commissioner Barker suggested that the point be reworded to state that the Chair fill in when other Commissioners are not available. Commissioner Barnes suggested that the word "official" be stricken from the point, and Commissioners reached consensus on this point.

Next, Commissioner Strohlin proposed that the requirement that the Chair run meetings efficiently, effectively, and fairly, be reduced to being fair, since the other two requirements are too much to require of the Chair. Commissioners agreed to change the line to "be fair." Commissioner Barnes also suggested removing "get Commissioners excited about Youth Commission" from the Chair’s duties, since this is something each Commissioner needs to do for him or herself, and the group agreed. Commissioner Barnes then suggested taking out the "required skills" section of each officer’s duties, since Commissioners should be able to self-evaluate whether they are qualified for a position, and "required skills" might be intimidating. Commissioner Yee suggested changing "required" to "recommended" and Commissioners agreed.

Commissioner Barker suggested that it would be a leadership development opportunity to have rotating facilitation at some meetings, and objected to the requirement that the Chair facilitate all meetings. Commissioner Strohlin suggested that the word "all" be removed from "facilitate all Commission and Executive Committee meetings," and the group reached consensus on this point. Finally, Commissioner Barker objected to Commissioner Barnes’ proposed addition to the bylaws stating that the Chair "review and approve agendas for Commission meetings;" she felt "approve" was too strong and too much power given to the Chair, so the group agreed to take out "approve" and just leave "review."

Next, Commissioners discussed Section IV (Officers), letter B (Duties), number 2 (Vice-Chair). Commissioners began discussion of whether to have one or two Vice-Chairs. Commissioner Arreguin felt it is unnecessary to have two Vice-Chairs. Commissioner Barnes disagreed, stating that having two Vice-Chairs provides more opportunity for leadership development and a less hierarchical power structure. Commissioner Devine thought it was important to have one Vice-Chair for clear accountability. Commissioner Yee then proposed having no Vice-Chair, just Chair and four officers.

Commissioner Pang made a motion to postpone elections to the Monday, September 20th meeting. Commissioner Barker initially objected, stating that elections should be held on Monday, October 4th to comply with the current bylaws which state that elections should be held at the second meeting, because October 4th is the second regular meeting. However, Commissioner Castillo explained that the bylaws do not specify whether elections be held at a regular or special meeting, so Commissioner Barker withdrew her objection and the motion passed unanimously.

Commissioner Barnes motioned that a committee of self-selected Commissioners be created to review the rest of the bylaws before the next meeting and make recommendations. Commissioner Yee seconded the motion, and Commissioners Barker, Arreguin, and Durkee objected. Commissioner Durkee felt that these are the group’s bylaws and the group needed to discuss them together. Commissioner Barker asked who would want to be on the committee. Commissioners Castillo, Lau, Pang, Bonilla, Durkee, Arreguin, Barnes, and Strohlin volunteered. The motion to create a committee passed unanimously.

Commissioner Barnes motioned to table remaining agenda items until the next meeting, as it was already 7:15pm. Commissioner Devine requested that Commissioners think about possible Youth Vote questions before the next meeting. The motion to table agenda items until the next meeting passed unanimously.

7. Announcements: The agenda for the next Commission meeting on Tuesday, September 7th was distributed, and there were no further announcements

8. Public Comment: No public comment.

9. Adjournment: Meeting was adjourned at 7:20 pm.

Last updated: 9/4/2009 9:37:02 AM