The San Francisco Youth Commission
MinutesDATE: Thursday, August 20, 1998
TIME: 5:05 p.m.
PLACE: 401 Van Ness Avenue, Rm. 207
- Call to Order and Roll Call
The meeting was call to order at 5:05 PM. Commissioners present: Aliga, Anderson, Barraza, Blake, Castillo, Cottonham, Isner, Lugo, Mak, Sui (10). Commissioners tardy: Castro (5:08), Turner (5:15) (2). Commissioners excused: Crane, De Vries, Joun (3). Commissioners absent: Eliapo, Ramlochan (2).
- Chair Person’s Remarks
Youth Commission Director, Susan Kim, acted as chair for the duration of this meeting.
- Working Group Reports and Business
Susan Kim moved to suspend the rules to allow Mr. Andrews, Special Assistant to the Mayor, to present out of the noticed order of the agenda.
- Presentation by Mr. Joe Andrews, Special Assistant to the Mayor’s Office.
Mr. Andrews is the official liaison to the Youth Commission. Mr. Andrews is also in charge of helping to implement the Mayor’s priorities and plans. He offered his assistance to the Youth Commission as our liaison and emphasized his accessibility to Youth Commissioners.
- Report regarding Youth Driven Project.
Camille Broussard discussed Task Force Recruitment and the objective and goal of the Task Force. Ms. Broussard gave out pamphlets and requested that Commissioners inform young people about the Task Force.
- Update and possible action re: LGBTQQ Youth Task Force appointments.
Joshua Todd updated Commissioners re: Task Force objective and goals and presented 3 applicants for appointment to the Task Force. Mr. Todd asked the Commission to appoint these members and that the final 3 appointments would be made at a future date.
Commissioner Isner moved to table the appointments until all six appointments were available (2nd by Blake), objection by Turner. The motion failed (9-3). Yea: Blake, Isner, Mak (3). Nay: Aliga, Anderson, Barraza, Castillo, Castro, Cottonham, Lugo, Siu, Turner (9).
Commissioner Turner moved to approve applicants as a group. Commissioner Isner objected (2nd by Aliga). Motion passed (10-2). Yea: Aliga, Anderson, Barraza, Blake, Castillo, Castro, Cottonham, Lugo, Siu, Turner (10). Nay: Isner, Mak (2).
There were no further objections to the applicants, 3 applicants approved for members on the LGBTQQ Youth Task Force.
Meg Rothman, Gina De Vries, Patrick "Sky" Rodgers
- New Business
- Discussion and possible action re: Youth Making A Change, Youth Space project. Includes a presentation by program participants.
Belinda and Johnny of YMAC discussed the different committees within the Youth Space Program and requested that the Youth Commission cosponsor a youth space party as well as the Youth Space project.
Commissioner Blake moved that the commission discuss the issue more at length, after the presentation was finished. No objections. Commission discussed and decided to table the endorsement of Youth Space until more information was available and to appoint Commission Aliga and Barraza as the official liaisons to youth space to bring information back to the Commission..
- Discussion and possible action re: America’s Promise: San Francisco’s Promise including a presentation by Tony Thurmond-Krajewski and Kent Khounsombath.
America’s promise is a national movement dedicated to offering youth five basic services: Community Service, Job training skills, safe places, mentoring and healthy start services. San Francisco’s promise is dedicated to involving ten thousand new children. They requested Youth Commission support and involvement.
- Discussion and possible action re: Global Exchange: Getting Real about Criminal Justice trip.
Kim Miyoshi passed out applications so Commissioners could be apart of this trip, exploring issues within the juvenile justice system of Northern California. Participants will go to correctional facilities and se trip to brainstorm solutions to problems they encounter.
- Announcements and Public Comment
Commissioner Castillo reminded all Commissioners about the importance of being early to Youth Commission meetings so that business can begin promptly at 5pm.
- Setting the next agenda
- Date and Time of meetings.
- Youth Empowerment Conference
- Possible LGBTQQ Youth Task Force Appointments