The San Francisco Youth Commission
MinutesDATE: Thursday, September 17, 1998
TIME: 5:00
PLACE: 401 Van Ness Avenue, Rm. 207
- Call to Order and Roll Call
The meeting was call to order at 5:00 PM. Commissioners present: Aliga, Anderson, Barraza, Blake, Castillo, Castro, Cottonham, DeVries, Eliapo, Isner, Joun, Lugo, Siu, Turner (14). Commissioners excused: Crane and Mak (2). Commissioners absent: Ramlochan (1).
- Motion to approve agenda: Seconded and approved.
- Motion to approve minutes of Special Meeting 9.11.98: Seconded and approved
- Chair Person’s Remarks
Commissioner Castillo announced the Democratic mobilization action for the campaigns of Gray Davis, Senator Barbara Boxer and other California Democrats running for office. Those who are interested should contact Camille Broussard at the Youth Commission office.
- Working Group Reports and Business
- Report re: Task Force of the Sexual Assault of Girls and Young Women:
The Task Force’s first meeting was September 10th and 12-13 people attended. The next meeting of the Task Force will be September 24th @ 25 Van Ness Rm 330.
- Update and possible action re: LGBTQQ Youth Task Force appointments.
Joshua Todd presented 3 applicants for appointment to the Task Force. Mr. Todd stated that these were the final appointments to the Task Force by the Commission. Motion to approve all three applicants was not seconded. Motion to approve Commissioner Turner was seconded with no objections and approved. Motion to approve Lawrence Ozoa was seconded with no objections and approved. Motion to approve Billy Chen was seconded with no objections and approved. The three applicants approved for membership on the Task Force are:
Billy Chen, Lawrence Ozoa and Lena Turner
- New Business
- Discussion and possible action re: Focus of the Youth Commission
Facilitated brainstorm activity was conducted around the following question: What are the ways the Youth Commission can make sure the government is addressing youth issues? The items that came from this activity were categorized into the following focus areas in descending order of popularity: Political Action, Community Outreach, Community Input and Youth Advocacy. Commission discussed starting working groups of 3-4 people to look into these focus areas.
- Discussion and possible action re: Community Meetings
The most important question that was posed re: Community meetings was what the purpose and goals were. Goals included 1) get our name out into the community 2) Focus and specific issues, get input and forward to individuals who can take action 3) Focus on specific communities, get input and forward to individuals who can take action. Staff stated that many community meetings have already occurred and that we could look at the input of other meetings instead of asking the same questions again.
Commissioner Anderson moved that we research past community meetings and forward that information along with commission input to the Community Input working group. Seconded with no objections.
- Discussion and possible action re: Youth Empowerment Conference
Due to time constraints discussion was limited and Commissioner Isner motioned to forward item to Community Outreach working group. Seconded with no objections. Forwarded to Community Outreach working group.
- Discussion and possible action re: Day and Time of Meetings
Commissioner Isner motioned to change the time of Commission meetings from 5pm-7pm to 5:30pm-7:30pm. Seconded, Objection by Commissioner Blake, roll call vote taken. Aliga-Y, Anderson- Y, Barraza-Y, Blake-N, Castillo-N, Castro-Y, Cottonham-Y, DeVries-Y, Eliapo-N, Isner-Y, Joun-N, Lugo-N, Siu-N, Turner-Y. (Yea=8 Nay=6) Under Commission By laws all motions must pass by majority of full Commission (9), Motion does not pass.
- Discussion and possible action re: Appointment to America’s Promise Operation Group.
The Youth Commission can appoint one member to the America’s Promise Operating Group, Commissioner Isner and Aliga were interested in appointment. Commissioner Aliga inquired about the role of the Operating Group. Operating Group will help to plan and organize the America’s Promise effort in San Francisco. Commissioner Aliga withdrew his nomination. Commissioner Siu motioned to approve Commissioner Isner for appointment, seconded with no objections. Commissioner Isner was appointed to the Operating Group.
- Announcements and Public Comment
Joshua Todd (staff) asked for everyone to update contact information and stated that an internal contact sheet would be created by the next meeting so Commissioners could contact each other. Mr. Todd also stated that Commissioners should begin to set up appointments with their appointing officers. A letter will be drafted with hints and suggestions for how to structure those meetings.
Susan Kim (Director) handed out Youth Commission calendar of events.
Commissioner Aliga announced a party planning meeting for Youth Space. The meeting will be Tuesday at the International Center at 2601 Mission St. 2nd Floor from 6:30-8:30pm. Contact Commissioner Aliga for more information.
Susan Kim (Director) handed out order forms for business cards. Commissioners were to fill out the form with the information they would like on their business cards.
Commissioner Blake stated that Commissioners should direct their questions to the Chair and allow others to speak their mind before commenting.
Commissioner Turner informed the Commission that she spoke at the Open Park hearing re: Space for LYRIC.
Commissioner Anderson reminded everyone that Victory 98- Democratic action is a great way to get involved.
Commissioner Blake informed everyone that Commissioner Mak was featured in an article in Asian Week.
Susan Kim (Director) announced a hearing on MUNI planned for that Saturday. All those interested should contact her.
- Setting the next agenda
- Tobacco Legislation: Possible action item
- Gay Youth Suicide Working Group: Possible action item
- Working groups
- Public Comment: There was no public comment.
- Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 7:05pm