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November 19, 1998

The San Francisco Youth Commission
DATE:     Thursday, November 19, 1998
TIME:      5:00
PLACE:   401 Van Ness Avenue, Rm. 207

  1. Call to Order and Roll Call

    The meeting was call to order at 5:01 PM. Commissioners present: Aliga, Anderson, Blake, Castillo, Cottonham, Crane, DeVries, Eliapo, Siu, Turner (11). Commissioners tardy: Mak (1). Commissioners excused: Joun (1). Commissioners absent: Barraza, Castro, Lugo, Ramlochan (4). Youth Commission staff Susan Kim, Camille Broussard and Joshua Todd present. Gloria Young, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors was also present.

  2. Motion to excuse absences and tardiness: Motion to excuse absence of Commissioner Joun for 11.19.98 meeting and tardiness of Commissioner Isner for 11.5.98 meeting. Commissioner Aliga asked why Commissioner Isner was late, he stated due to MUNI. No objections, motion was seconded and approved.
  3. Motion to approve agenda: Seconded and approved.

  4. Motion to approve minutes of 11.5.98: Seconded and approved
  5. Staff Report: Commissioner Castillo reminded everyone that the Moscone/Milk remembrance would be held on November 24th, 1998 at 12:00pm. No further staff report.
  6. Working Group Reports:
  7. Advocacy- No update at this time.

    Community Outreach- At their last meeting they discussed the Youth Empowerment Conference and will present a report to the Commission regarding proposed plans.

    Legislative Action- No report at this time.

    Youth Initiated Projects- No report at this time.

    Sexual Assault Task Force- Ms. Broussard reported that the SATF is working on developing a curriculum to be used in San Francisco schools to educate youth on sexual assault. The Task Force would like to present their curriculum and training to the Commission on December 17th, 1998. Their next meeting will be a training with the Women Against Rape.

    LGBTQQ Task Force- The Task Force is working on developing a Queer youth specific shelter as well as setting up training’s on the different City Departments they will be working with. Next meeting is November 24th, 1998 at City Hall, 6-8pm.

  8. New Business

    1. Discussion and possible action re: Presentation by Bill Barnes of the Mayor’s AIDS Policy Office regarding endorsement of World AIDS Day: This agenda item was held until Mr. Barnes arrived. World AIDS Day theme is "Be a Force for Change" and San Francisco’s focus is taking action to help youth. The White House has reported that half of all new infections are among youth, efforts need to be directed to halt the spread of HIV among young people. Mr. Barnes requested that the Youth Commission vote to support the efforts of the AIDS Policy Office and draft a resolution voicing our support. The Youth Commission would be involved in developing the media kits and the December 1st press conference. Commissioner Castillo motioned to draft a resolution supporting the efforts of the AIDS Policy Office, no objections motion was carried. Ms. Kim reminded everyone that the Commission would not be able to present the resolution on World AIDS Day, December 1st, because the Commission would need to see the resolution before they could approve it. Commissioner Castillo motioned that the Commission support the efforts of the Office and draft a resolution at a later date. This will allow Mr. Barnes to use our name in any media outreach efforts. No objections, motion carried.

    2. Discussion and possible action re: Organizing drive for donations to Central America. Commissioners discussed the possibility of organizing a drive for those affected by Hurricane Mitch. School for the Arts and La Raza currently have drives. Commissioner Isner stated that the issue should be deferred to the Community Input/Outreach Working Group, Commissioners were not in agreement, item was not moved. Commissioner Turner felt that if a drive is organized it should be done throughout San Francisco and not just in schools. Commissioner Siu will bring this idea to the Student Advisory Council and see if they are supportive. Discussion was closed.

    3. Discussion and possible action re: Condition of Mission Recreation Center. Commissioner Castillo informed everyone that he recently visited the Mission Recreation Center and was informed of the poor condition of their facilities. During rainy weather half of the Center is forced to closed due to the poor condition of their roof. Commissioner Castillo drafted a letter to the Mayor calling on him to address this issue and support the Mission Recreation Center. Commissioner Castillo read aloud his letter and motioned that the Commission vote to support the letter and send it to the Mayor. No objections, motion was carried.

    4. Discussion and possible action re: Presentation by Jessica Tully with the White House Project. Ms. Tully informed the Commission that the White House project is working to support the candidacies of women leaders for President of the United States.

    5. Discussion and possible action re: Legislation urging sensitivity training for youth be a funding priority for the Mayor’s Criminal Justice Council. Commissioner Isner stated that this legislation was being amended and that no action could be taken on this item at this time.

  9. Announcements

    -Commissioner Turner spoke at the Mayor’s Office of Community Development public hearing and she spoke with Commissioner Isner at the 50th anniversary celebration of the international human rights declaration.

    -Commissioner Castillo announced that he has been meeting with the neighborhood liaisons and that the Mayor’s Office of Children, Youth and their Families community forums have begun.

    -Commissioner Siu has a dance recital on January 8th and 9th all are welcome, $20 donation.

  10. Public Comment- A community member present commented on how impressed he was by the work of the Youth Commission.

  11. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 6:20.

Last updated: 9/4/2009 9:37:03 AM