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December 03, 1998

The San Francisco Youth Commission
DATE:     Thursday, December 3, 1998
TIME:      5:00
PLACE:   401 Van Ness Avenue, Rm. 207

 1. Call to Order and Roll Call

The meeting was called to order at 5:10 PM. Commissioners present: Aliga, Anderson, Castillo, Crane, DeVries, Eliapo, Isner, Joun, Lugo, Siu, Turner (11). Commissioners tardy: Cottonham (1 excused), Commissioners excused: Mak, Ramlochan (2). Commissioners Absent: Barraza, Blake, Castro (3). Youth Commission staff Susan Kim, Camille Broussard and Joshua Todd present.

2. Motion to excuse absences for the Meeting of 12.3.98: Commissioners Mak and Ramlochan excused. Seconded and approved.

3. Motion to approve agenda: Seconded and approved.

4. Motion to approve minutes of 11.24.98: Seconded and approved

5. Staff Report: Susan Kim- The Youth Commission has been asked by Health Initiatives For Youth, Coleman Youth Advocate and Youth Making A Change to help advocate for health clinics in San Francisco District High Schools.
There will be an open house for the new Director of the Mayor’s Office of Children, Youth and Their Families, Youth Commissioners are invited.

The Delinquency Prevention Commission will hold a 30 year anniversary banquet December 7th and the Youth Commission has been invited.

The Youth Commission can be involved with an event recognizing child care coordinators in San Francisco. Commissioners who would like to help plan the event see Susan.

Camille Broussard- Business cards will need to be changed in preparation for our move into City Hall. All changes need to be given to Camille no later then December 17th.

Francisco Castillo- Benjamin Franklin Middle School/Western Addition Beacon Center will host a community meeting Saturday, December 5th.

6. Working Group Reports:

    A. Legislative Action- Commissioner Anderson reported that the Leg. Group met last Wednesday, November 25th to discuss possible action regarding projects the Youth Commission could work on. We will discuss one of these projects, Gun Control, during New Business.

    B. Youth Initiated Projects- Commissioner Joun reported that YIP held a training December 2nd regarding how to read funding applications. YIP is expecting 75-80 applications this cycle, all applications are due December 7th. YIP is currently searching for additional funds so they can expand their funding pool.

    C. Sexual Assault Task Force- Ms. Broussard reported that the SATF keeps growing and currently has 8-12 members. The young women have completed the first part of their three part training. The next training phase will be done with the District Attorney’s Office.

    D. LGBTQQ Task Force- Mr. Todd reported that the Family, Housing and Shelter working group of the Task Force has prioritized the need for a shelter specifically for LGBTQQ youth as their number 1 goal. Chair, Lena Turner and other members of the Task Force met with Supervisor Leno last week to discuss the Task Force and the queer youth shelter. The Task Force will also be bringing the legislation changing the sexual orientation definition of the Administrative Code of San Francisco to the Board soon (this is the legislation that the Youth Commission voted to support several weeks ago).

7. New Business
    A. Discussion and possible action re: Amending the San Francisco Youth Commissioner’s By-laws. To prepare for the upcoming move back into City Hall, Youth Commission Staff have been informed by Rachel O’Hara, of the City Administrator’s Office, that it will be necessary that we change our meeting dates. The proposed change would make our meetings the First and Third Monday of every month from 5-7pm in Room 416 at City Hall, 1 Dr. B. Goodlett Place. Unfortunately there was not space available to accommodate our 17 member Commission, during our regular time. Commissioners brought up concerns that this change will adversely affect the Youth Commission due to the large number of City holidays that fall on Mondays. Commissioner Isner requested that Youth Commission staff develop a contingency plan for all upcoming holidays, to be presented at the next meeting. Commissioners stated that we should plan on holding community meetings at alternate sites for the times when our meetings will be canceled. No further discussion, Commissioner Isner motioned to amend by laws, seconded by Commissioner Joun, no objections, motion carried.

    B. Discussion and possible action re: School based health clinics. Ms. Kim opened discussion regarding our involvement in this project since very few Commissioners expressed interest in participating. Commissioner Turner inquired whether this project focused on referring students to outside clinics or solely on establishing clinics within high schools? Commissioner Aliga, who is currently working on this issue with Coleman Youth Advocates, responded that their effort focuses on establishing clinics in District High Schools. Motion was entertained by the Chair to allow those Commissioners who are currently working on this project to act as Youth Commission liaisons, seconded with no objections. Motion was entertained by the Chair to urge the Student Advisory Committee to address this issue. Commissioner Siu empowered to inform the SAC of the Youth Commission’s desire that they address this issue.

    C. Discussion and possible action re: Gun Control Mr. Todd presented the results of his research into California gun control laws. Currently, in California, guns are the number one killer of young people. San Francisco has very progressive gun control laws and Mr. Todd felt that if the Youth Commission chooses to address this issue they should focus on a state level. Commissioner Anderson reported that the Executive Committee recommends that the Youth Commission address this issue and that the most effective ways to do this would be to: 1.) Prepare a proposition for the upcoming June 99 local election which would reinstate a tax on all businesses that sell, lease or otherwise transfer firearms, ammunition or related merchandise. 2.) Have the City Attorney’s office draft an Ordinance banning San Francisco from investing any money in Firearm manufactures or distributors. 3.) Work with Supervisor Yaki and Supervisor Leno and support their proposed legislation which would require more strict background check for employees of stores that sell guns and ammunition and legislation banning the sale of firearm ammunition on week prior to January 1 and July 4. 4.) Have the City Attorney’s office draft a resolution urging the San Francisco Board of Supervisors to draft a resolution urging the State Congress to pass stricter gun control legislation. On a state level the Executive Committee proposed that the Youth Commission plan a State wide youth lobby day in Sacramento which would support stronger State gun control laws. Commissioners Anderson, Cottonham, DeVries, Isner and Siu will serve on a working group to further discuss our efforts.

    D. Discussion and possible action re: Youth Empowerment Conference. Ms. Broussard presented the purpose and goal of the 1997 Youth Empowerment Conference as well as the proposed purpose and goal for a 1999 Youth Empowerment Conference. Discussion was opened regarding whether the Youth Commission should sponsor a Youth Empowerment Conference for 1999. Commissioners felt this would be a good project to work on and there was consensus that we would should undertake a conference in May of 1999. Motion to sponsor the 1999 Youth Empowerment Conference was made by Commissioner Isner, Seconded by Commissioner Siu with no objections. Motion carried.

    E. Discussion and possible action re: Setting next meeting’s agenda:
    -Commissioner Turner requested that there be a discussion regarding how all Commissioners will become involved in a Youth Commission project and also what projects Youth Commissioners would like to work on if they are not interested in any of our current projects.
    -Commissioner Isner requested that community meeting sites be an action item on the next agenda for the upcoming meetings which will be interrupted due to our move into City Hall.

8. Announcements
    -Commissioner Aliga announce a Youth Making A Change party which will be held Saturday December 12. -Commissioner Castillo announced that Commissioner DeVries was featured in a Rolling Stone documentary about youth that was aired on MTV.
9. Public Comment
-A member of the public requested information regarding Youth Initiated Projects. Commissioner Joun explained the process for applying for YIP money and gave out YIP applications.

-A member of the public inquired how organizations or individuals can become involved in the Youth Empowerment Conference.

10. Adjournment: Commissioner Isner motioned to adjourn the meeting, Commissioner Joun seconded with no objections. Meeting was adjourned at 6:40 PM.

Last updated: 9/4/2009 9:37:02 AM