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December 17, 1998

The San Francisco Youth Commission
DATE:     Thursday, December 17, 1998
TIME:      5:08
PLACE:   401 Van Ness Avenue, Rm. 207

  1. Call to Order and Roll Call
  2. The meeting was call to order at 5:08 PM. Commissioners present: Aliga, Anderson, Barraza, Blake, Castillo, Castro, Crane, DeVries, Isner, Joun, (10). Commissioners tardy: Isner (1 excused). Commissioners excused: Mak, Ramlochan, Siu (3). Commissioners Absent: Cottonham, Lugo, Turner (3). Youth Commission staff Susan Kim, Camille Broussard and Joshua Todd present.

  3. Motion to excuse absences for the Meeting of 12.17.98: Commissioners Mak, Ramlochan and Siu excused. Seconded and approved.
  4. Motion to approve agenda: Seconded and approved.

  5. Motion to approve minutes of 12.3.98: Seconded and approved
  6. Staff Report: Camille Broussard reported that we will be moving into City Hall on December 28, our offices will be open for business January 5, 1998. If you have any changes to your business cards Camille needs them by tonight.
  7. Susan Kim reported that an Aide for Senator Feinstein would like to talk to youth tomorrow, December 18 at 11:30am. The meeting will be held at YLI’s offices on Market and Powell.
    Francisco Castillo reported that we are planning our midyear retreat for January 9th, 1999.

  8. Working Group Reports:
  9. Advocacy - Working group will meet once the gun control project needs lobbyists for legislation.
    Community Outreach- Working group will plan the Youth Empowerment Conference.
    Legislative Action- Will present resolutions to the Commission today for approval and will begin working on state gun control legislation in the upcoming months.
    Sexual Assault Task Force- Ms. Broussard reported that the Task Force is working with the For Girls Coalition to help them obtain a TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families) grant. The Task Force will serve as a model for a program that the For Girls coalition will start to outreach to young women in Juvenile Hall. Next meeting is scheduled for January 11th at 25 Van Ness Avenue, Room 330.
    LGBTQQ Task Force- Mr. Todd reported that the Task Force has begun to work on the development of a LGBTQQ youth specific shelter. Supervisor Ammiano introduced the legislation amending the Administrative Code last week and the legislation will be forwarded to the Rules Committee. Next meeting is December 22, 1998.

  10. New Business

    1. Discussion and possible action re: Presentation by Carmen Ramirez regarding "A bridge to understanding our government" event. Ms. Ramirez is the director of the Neighborhood Alliance for Political Awareness which is working to involve "working folks" in San Francisco politics. They are planning an educational event at City Hall which will bring San Franciscans together with heads of all the Departments as well as the Mayor and members of the Board of Supervisors. Ms. Ramirez was requesting that the Youth Commission help involve high school students. Commissioner Isner suggested that the Mayor’s Office of Children, Youth and their Families be contacted and Commissioner Anderson suggested that the Student Advisory Council should be informed so that more high school students can be involved. Motion to support event was made and rescinded for further discussion. Commissioner Aliga motioned to support project, Commissioner Barraza seconded with no objections, motion carries. Commissioner Anderson stated he felt we should have a table at the event, Commissioner Castillo stated we might hold a community meeting at the event as well. Commissioner Barraza motioned that the Youth Commission have a table at the event and serve as liaisons between city officials and young people. Commissioner DeVries seconded, no objections. Motion carries.

    2. Discussion and possible action re: Resolution supporting health clinics in high schools. Commissioner Barraza stated that youth are more likely to go to health clinics if they are in their schools. Clinics offer birth control methods, sexually transmitted infection (STI) testing, HIV testing, metal health services, primary care and support services. Commissioner Joun requested that the resolution be amended to include statistics such as pregnancy and STIs. Commissioner Blake motioned to support the resolution with the stipulation that the Board of Supervisors would be urged to make the requested amendments. Commissioner Crane seconded with no objections, motion carries.

    3. Discussion and possible action re: Gun Control Resolution. Item was opened for discussion. Commissioner Isner motioned to support the resolution with the clerical amendments, Commissioner Joun seconded, with no objections. Motion carries.

    4. Discussion and possible action re: Contingency plan for canceled meetings. Commissioners discussed an upcoming community meeting. Commissioner Joun stated that it was crucial that everyone be there. Commissioner Isner requested that extra time be added to the agenda for Youth Commissioner business and Commissioner Castillo felt that the Youth Commission presentation should be in the beginning. The Community Meeting will be held January 20th at Thurgood Marshall High School, 4:30-6:00 PM. The Community Meeting agenda and structure will be worked on during our midyear retreat, January 9th, 1999 11-4pm.

    5. Discussion and possible action re: Appointing liaisons for the San Francisco Unified School District Student Committee. Motion to table, seconded with no objections.

    6. Discussion re: Involving Commissioners who are not currently involved with a Youth Commission project. Motion to table, seconded with no objections.

  11. Announcements

    -Commissioner Castillo reported that Supervisor Medina will be supporting the Youth Commission’s efforts to find funding for the Mission Recreation Center’s needed repairs.
    -Commissioner Castillo will help to facilitate the Dolores Park community meeting on January 9th from 11-1pm.

  12. Public Comment- There was no public comment.

  13. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 6:51.

Last updated: 9/4/2009 9:37:02 AM