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February 03, 2003

San Francisco Youth Commission


DATE: Monday, February 3, 2003

TIME: 5:00 p.m.

PLACE: City Hall, Room 421

1. Call to Order and Roll Call: Commissioner Allison called the meeting to order at 5:07 p.m. Commissioners Present: Commissioners Allison, Berger, Bretschneider, Brown, Chan, Chang (TARDY), Cottrell, Fichelson. Gin, Koeppel, Lantz, Mattimore , Mourning, Powell, Ramos, Virgen, Villaluna Staff Present: Nicole Derse, Ron S. McCan

2. Motion to approve agenda: There was a motion to remove new business items F and G from the Agenda. Motion Approved. There was a motion to approve the agenda. The Motion was Approved Unanimously.

3. Approval of the Minutes of January 21, 2003: There was a motion to add Commissioners Cottrell, Fichelson, Lantz and Virgen to the list of Commissioners present at the 1/21 meeting. Motion Approved. There was a motion to approve the minutes. The Motion was Approved Unanimously.

4. Staff Report:

5. Committee Report:

Youth Justice Committee - The Youth Justice Committee held a joint meeting with the Education Committee and discussed possible joint committee with the SAC. They also discussed possible actions regarding the Thurgood Marshall Incident. They will also be working on a project with the Young Worker's Project.

Public Health Committee - The Public Health Committee had no report.

Youth Recreation & Services Committee - The Youth Recreation & Services Committee met and discussed ideas how their Committee can best affect the budget. They also brainstormed ways of surveying youth about recreation centers.

Education Committee: The Education Committee held a joint meeting with the Youth Justice Committee and discussed possible joint committee with the SAC. They also discussed possible actions regarding the Thurgood Marshall Incident.

Housing Committee - The Housing Committee is working on researching ideas they brainstormed at the mid-year retreat.

Executive Committee - The Executive Committee met last week and discussed the retreat follow up and the Northern California Region Youth Commission summit.

6. Officer Report-

Chair - Commissioner Allison gave a speech about YouthVote to a group of Medical Students. She also spoke with the Mayor's Office of Neighborhood Services regarding the Youth Commission's involvement in planning the next Youth Economic Summit. She will follow up with more information.

Operations Officer - Commissioner Lantz reported that the social event for February will be the Chinese New Year Parade on Saturday 2/15.

Government Affairs Officer - Commissioner Gin reported that she is working on the Young Worker's Project hearing. She will follow up with more information. She also visited the Supervisors Offices to rally support for Supervisor Sandoval's Resolution (originally authored by Commissioner Cottrell).

Community Affairs Officer - Commissioner Villaluna reported that she is still meeting with the Sexual Exploitation of Youth Task Force, which ends in March. She reminded those interested in Street Outreach that the Chinese New Year Parade is a great opportunity for outreach. She is also beginning to work on designing a 5-year Youth Commission outreach plan. Commissioner Villaluna also announced that the Bus Stop posters are finished, and that we will be signing the contract by the end of the week.

Media & Public Relations Officer - Commissioner Fichelson reported that he will be working on the Youth Commission Press Packets over the next few weeks. He also is working with the Examiner on getting a monthly Youth Commission article in the paper. He is also working with Commissioner Villaluna to do more school outreach.

7. Announcements: The Commissioners announced various upcoming events.

8. Public Comment on Items not on Agenda:

Josh Harret from School of the Arts High School spoke about the Public Revolution club at SOTA. For more information, e-mail him at

Jessy Tolkan from United Leaders - a non-profit/partisan organization designed to empower young people to choose careers in politics. They have an 8-week program in Boston and Washington D.C., which includes food, lodging, and a $2, 000.00 stipend. For more information, call (510) 289-7752 or visit their website at

9. Legislation Introduced [There will be no action taken on these items]

There was no legislation introduced.

10. Old Business

A. Discussion and possible action re: Youth Commission Budget Advocacy for the 2003/04 Fiscal Year. Nicole announced the upcoming Budget meetings:

Tuesday 2/4 - 6:00pm: San Franciscans for Public Education - 455 Golden Gate

Tuesday 2/4 - 6:00pm: Rec. & Park Community Meeting - Moscone Rec. Center

Wednesday 2/5 - 3pm: Health Commission Meeting - DPH Budget - City Hall Room 250

Wednesday 2/5 -5:30p: DCYF CAC Meeting - City Hall Room 201

Wednesday 2/19-5:30p: DCYF Budget Meeting - City Hall Room 20

Thursday 2/20 - 9:00am: DHS Budget Hearing - 170 Otis Street

Commissioners Bretschneider Brown, Gin, Koeppel, Lantz, Mourning, Ramos, Virgen, and Villaluna re interested in meeting regarding Speak Up For Kids Day. They will see Ron after the meeting to set up a time.

11. New Business

A. Discussion and possible action re: Authorization of Absence for Commissioner Joanna Gin [January 21]. There was a motion to excuse Commissioner Gin's absence. Motion Approved.

B. Discussion re: Review of and evaluation of the mid-year retreat held January 24-25, 2003. Commissioner Allison passed out evaluations for the retreat and gave Commissioners time to complete them. The Commission then had a discussion on projects they would like to take up for based on their brainstorms at the retreat.

C. Discussion and possible action re: Proposal for a possible joint-committee between the San Francisco Youth Commission and the Student Advisory Council of the San Francisco Unified School District. There was a motion to approve the proposal for this committee. In favor: Commissioners Allison, Berger, Bretschneider, Brown, Chang, Cottrell, Gin, Koeppel, Lantz, Mattimore, Mourning, Powell, Ramos, Virgen Opposed: Commissioners Chan, Fichelson and Villaluna The Motion was Approved.

D. Discussion and possible action re: Referral from the Board of Supervisors - Resolution Urging the Governor of California and the California State Legislature to cut prison spending and redirect that money to fund education. There was a motion to support this referral from the Board of Supervisors and send the following statement:

The San Francisco Youth Commission fully supports the Board of Supervisors in passing this Resolution, and commends Commissioner Jesse Cottrell for introducing this legislation

The Motion was Approved Unanimously.

E. Discussion and possible action re: Referral from the Board of Supervisors, File 021951 - Resolution establishing a multi-disciplinary task force on childhood obesity and related diabetes. There was a motion to approve this referral with the following statement:

We believe that this task force should also include a member of the Student Advisory Council, the student body created to advise the San Francisco Unified School District and its Board of Education. This would increase the membership to 22 people.

We also suggest amending lines 23-25 to read "And one appointee by each member of the Board of Supervisors, to be a parent, a young person age 23 or under, child advocate, health professional, or nutrition expert concerned and knowledgeable about this issue.

To have substantial youth input on a Task Force, you cannot have only one youth voice. Therefore, the San Francisco Youth Commission recommends having more than one young person on the Task Force.

The Motion was Approved Unanimously.

12. Items for next Agenda

  • District Attorney Candidate Forum
  • Resolution regarding SRO's from the Education Committee and the Youth Justice Committee

13. Adjournment - The meeting was adjourned at 7:35pm

Last updated: 9/4/2009 9:37:02 AM